The Living Force
I just received this through my work email. Perhaps the training could come in handy if FEMA ever gets around to putting to work all that hollow point ammo they just contracted to buy (along with bulletproof checkpoint booths). There was no mention of training to become an active shooter -- maybe that is handled by a different department -- but if you wanted to then you might be able to learn something about it from these materials.
From: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) []
The protection of the Nation’s critical infrastructure from all-hazards threats is a shared responsibility between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the public and private sector partners who own and operate vital assets and facilities. The DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate’s Office of Infrastructure Protection leads the Department’s efforts to strengthen public and private sector operations by securing critical infrastructure and assisting owners and operators to prepare for threats from all hazards, including events like an active shooter. In light of the shooter event in Aurora, Colorado this email is to serve as a reminder about the information, products and training that is available.
Online Training
DHS developed an online Independent Study Course titled Active Shooter: What You Can Do. This 45-minute course was developed in consultation with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Hospitality, Entertainment, and Tourism Security Council to provide guidance on how to prevent and prepare for a potential active shooter incident.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
• Describe the actions to take when confronted with an active shooter and to assist responding law enforcement officials;
• Recognize potential workplace violence indicators;
• Describe actions to take to prevent and prepare for potential active shooter incidents; and
• Explain how to manage the consequences of an active shooter incident.
• The online training is available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Institute at _
Active Shooter Resources
DHS has also developed a booklet and poster, with assistance from the Fairfax County Police Department of Virginia, the National Retail Federation, and the Retail Industry Leaders Association, to assist facilities owners and operators to prepare for and respond to an active shooter incident.
• Topics covered in the “Active Shooter How to Respond” booklet and poster includes:
• Profile of an active shooter;
• Practices for coping with an active shooter;
• How individuals should respond when an active shooter enters their vicinity;
• How individuals should respond when law enforcement arrives on the scene;
• Responsibilities of human resources departments and facility managers in preparing for and managing an active shooter situation; and
• Tips for recognizing signs of potential workplace violence; and managing the consequences of an active shooter situation.
Additional resource materials include the Active Shooter Booklet, the Active Shooter Poster (English and Spanish), the Active Shooter Pocket Card (English and Spanish), and the Active Shooter/Suicide Bomber Awareness Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program Card can be found at
In September 2011, DHS hosted the Active Shooter Awareness Virtual Roundtable, a Webinar designed to help private and public sector partners understand the importance of developing an emergency response plan and the need to train employees on how to respond if confronted with an active shooter.
An archived version of the Webinar, which includes presentations from a former police officer and a behavioral psychologist, as well as a video produced with assistance from the Federal Protective Service, can be viewed on demand at _
Live Workshops
The Department and its partners host monthly day-long workshop events, including presentations from law enforcement and behavioral subject matter experts, guest speakers, and facilitated discussions. Since the program’s inception in December 2008, nearly 4,000 people have participated in DHS co-sponsored active shooter workshops. Thirty workshops have been scheduled for Fiscal Year 2012 in various cities across the country.
• Performance Venues-Indicators PMs doc 7-20-12 FINAL (2).pdf -- _