

The Force is Strong With This One
Adaptation: the process of adjustment to new conditions exibited by living organisms.

its a hard harsh fate we are facing gotta not be complacent
of defamation nonagression sessions are our blessings
they started this war against peace it will be avenged
some things are needed(adaptation) it must be the creed love it brings
sin sates satan break for this sake teach good in humanity
our greatest gift is embodied in sticky vermillion leaves
saving material the goal is to escape this self made death trap
still stubborn are we too easy to decieve we need to adapt

space is the next adaptation since red white are still racin
truth hurts lets face it terra be pissed soon will come expiration
of catastrophic biblical proportions denotation(literal) death large scale again
when will we learn take a chance advance to let the next age begin
massive distances protectin nationalism(planetism) tourism optimism
is evident in the fall part 2 the ascent wickedness dispenced with(no more scism)
we have the power to save ourselves what we are doin is straight wack
the way to survive is the way of the up high we need to adapt

to contain fate by hate is too high a price to pay negate
if each's suffering would be understood we'd be good no debate
all have life all learn all burn as the wheel turns no easy escape
so why are there conflicts this restricts and twists elucidate
the earth is dying human spirit still thriving in conniving rape(recreate)
eden seedin believe in sievin beef beneath em we need faith (contimplate)
love our potential and hate fell wherewithal lets walk the same path
deny fly and lie mastas cry reprise rely on this we need to adapt

again written before
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