Added 460 Years of the Late Empire Timeline


Jedi Master
If there's a session in the future that may focus on history (obviously there are a lot more pressing concerns on this planet right now), these questions may be relevant to clearing up some of the discussions on the added 460 years time line thread.

Who was the Emperor in Rome (the city) when it was destroyed?

Was the Constantine that founded Nova Roma (Constantinople) an actual historical figure? If he was, was he the same general that was declared Emperor in Britannia after the destruction of Rome and rebuilt the surviving elements of the empire in the east?

Did the disaster of losing Rome essentially vindicate Paul and Mark's warnings, therefore creating a perfect opportunity for Constantine (or someone else) to re-establish the empire in the east as a nominally Christian New Rome?

How many years elapsed between the physical destruction of Rome and the Plague of Justinian?

Where did the Carolingian's get all their texts? Were they transposed and reconstructed from Syrian sources? Did they construct the Vulgate writing language? Was there direct 4D STS help? Are all these added years essentially a Carolingian construction to legitimize their new and Holy Roman empire by creating an unbroken history back to Christ for political and theological purposes of dominating early medieval Europe?

Why is there no record of Rome's complete physical destruction by natural forces? Why doesn't Procopius or any Syrian writer mention it?

Is there one text that we've overlooked that we should study closer for more understanding?
these questions may be relevant to clearing up some of the discussions

I would also like to get the C's take on the accuracy of our History.
And I would like to see you both and others make an attempt to answer these questions here in this thread based on what you learned so far from Laura's books and searchers about these topics in this forum.
If there's a session in the future that may focus on history (obviously there are a lot more pressing concerns on this planet right now), these questions may be relevant to clearing up some of the discussions on the added 460 years time line thread.

Who was the Emperor in Rome (the city) when it was destroyed?

Was the Constantine that founded Nova Roma (Constantinople) an actual historical figure? If he was, was he the same general that was declared Emperor in Britannia after the destruction of Rome and rebuilt the surviving elements of the empire in the east?

Did the disaster of losing Rome essentially vindicate Paul and Mark's warnings, therefore creating a perfect opportunity for Constantine (or someone else) to re-establish the empire in the east as a nominally Christian New Rome?

How many years elapsed between the physical destruction of Rome and the Plague of Justinian?

Where did the Carolingian's get all their texts? Were they transposed and reconstructed from Syrian sources? Did they construct the Vulgate writing language? Was there direct 4D STS help? Are all these added years essentially a Carolingian construction to legitimize their new and Holy Roman empire by creating an unbroken history back to Christ for political and theological purposes of dominating early medieval Europe?

Why is there no record of Rome's complete physical destruction by natural forces? Why doesn't Procopius or any Syrian writer mention it?

Is there one text that we've overlooked that we should study closer for more understanding?
As Gaby said, this topics were already discussed on the forum.
I.e. see:
- Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection
- Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection
- Were 460 years added to the official chronology?
- Julius Caesar and Mithraism
...and so on...
And I would like to see you both and others make an attempt to answer these questions here in this thread based on what you learned so far from Laura's books and searchers about these topics in this forum.
Definitely, I plan on keeping the research going and have tried to approach the subject from many different angles. I've read FPTM to twice and it has by far the most in-depth info available to help unravel the added 460 years. All the threads @Mari suggested I've gone through many times and contributed to.

I'll review all the threads suggested again. But as the subject has been my focus for a few years, the questions I posed are the specific ones that I can't find any substantial clues to follow through on in the existing info. As I mentioned above, I realize this isn't a pressing issue in terms of the current state of things. I only posted it on Questions for the C's because @Deliverance suggested I do so.
As I mentioned above, I realize this isn't a pressing issue in terms of the current state of things. I only posted it on Questions for the C's because @Deliverance suggested I do so.
I think that attempting to answer the questions will structure everyone's thoughts and research on the topic, and then we'll know better how and what to ask. You can use the dedicated threads for discussion and we'll keep an eye.
Exactly my thought. I saw the thread title and thought, “Wait, is this a duplicate? Doesn’t this thread already exist? And why didn’t I get a notification?” I see that this one is formatted as a Question For The Cs, but the topic is already an ongoing one. Thanks @Mari for confirming that I’m not losing my marbles (at least in this instance)!😄
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