Adopt a chicken


The Living Force
Adopt a chicken

A funny website with a serious message about trade injustice.

Some facts about free trade:

World trade is worth $10 million a minute. The poorest countries' share of world trade has halved sinced 1980. It now accounts for under half of one percent.

After the last round of World Trade Organisation negotiations, rich countries calculated they would be $141.8 billion a year better off - and Africa $2.6 billion worse off.

The United States is the only country with enough votes to block World Trade Organisation board decisions on its own. The world's poorest countries cannot block a decision even if they all join together.

Rigged trade rules cost poor countries $700 billion every year, according to the United Nations.

In 2003, Ghana proposed to make foreign chickens 20% more expensive, to protect their own trade. A good plan. It would boost rural employment, and reduce import bills. It didn't happen because the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was 'concerned' that this kind of protection would 'damage the competitiveness of the chicken industry'.

Nearly half of the world's people (2.8 billion) live on less than $2 a day.

People in the poorest African countries have seen average incomes fall by a quarter in the last 20 years.

Sign the petition if you want.
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