Advice from a dream

I dreamt of walking through a mall and down a sidewalk with my ex-husband we were talking and I tried to put my arm around him but he was very aloof to my attempts at affection, much like when we were married. In the windows as we walked I kept seeing what looked like the back side of a fashion show from the 1800's, the backs of very well dressed women with big skirts with cinched up waists and very large fancy featherd hats on coiffed hairdos walking out an elaboretely decorated doorway carrying parasols. I was distracted and when I turned to talk to ex he had turned the attention and affection I was looking to him for to someone else, I was upset because I knew he had passed away and I was trying to connect with him on a meaningful level. I then heard a very deep otherworldly voice saying "you need to forgive him"
Now a little history. My ex was a carreer marine, 22 years. We have 2 grown sons. He passed away from a very aggressive cancer 11 years ago. he died 60 days after diagnosis and had very few symptoms until he collapsed in the doorway of the VA hospital as they had sent him away because they didnt have time for him. He was in desert storm and slept on a tank every day for 13 months next to the turret with the main gun loaded with DU rounds.
I left him because of his complete lack of emotional attatchment to me or the boys, I always felt guilty for that, but I was dying inside and I knew it.
2 years before he died he started a relationship with a woman that was horribly abusive to our sons, she made no qualms about voicing that her daughter was to have a father that she wouldn't have to share with anyone. he allowed this to go on for almost a year and when I finally figured out what was going on I advised him that if she couldnt control herself and treat the boys well he needed to not have the boys around her. He quit coming or calling for them.
When he got sick that was the first time we had heard from him for about 6 months and I was dealing with 2 angry young men by that time,
I had, perhaps naievely, believed that Rick would come to his senses eventually because I was convinced that he loved his sons. There was a lot of angry ugly drama in the last 60 days of his life, it fell between thanksgiving and new years eve, he never left the VA hospital and the woman convinced him that they should be married, now, so she and her daughter could get medical benefits and she thought her daughter would also get SSI survivor benefits. The hospital chaplain refused to perform the ceremony because he thought it was wrong so the found a street preacher and arranged the ceremony for a time when they knew our oldest son would be visiting, they told him about it upon his arrival at the hospital to visit his dying father, Rick asked his son to stand up for him. it tore him up but he couldnt refuse his dads dying request. After he had passed she decided to wait and have his memorial at the end of march, so the boys had no closure at the end of all this. she also managed to disinherit them of anything of his, there wasnt any money but medals, honors and mementos that sons sons of a military man would want.
I have a feeling that this dream came about from me saying the P.O.T.S. frequently, daily and other work I have been doing to figure myself out. I havent had a chance to read a lot of the suggested literature on dysfunctional family, I would like to but between farming and working and daily chores, the eiru eolas exercises and reading on the website is all I can make time for so far. participation on the forum takes a lot of time too. I don't know how Laura does it, it takes me forever to write things out.
I could use some advice on how to forgive and let go of anger at someone who is dead, I've spoke it out loud and felt a change but I am still angry, mostly over what this has done to our sons. they are fine young men, they work and care deeply for their friends and family but they both are living difficult lives. I guess maybe I should be thankful for this lesson for them, I say that because I don't think I would be the thinking intelligent person I am if my life had been easier, but, one always wants their childrens lives to be better...

I really feel compelled to say that it is very discouraging to share on this forum, where we are all vigorously "encouraged" to participate, and I share something deep from within and then there are no comments, like no one actually took the time to read what I shared or no one cared enough to reply. I am feeling ignored when I sought help and maybe thats some part of my programming I need to work through. But if that is the case, there is usually always someone more than willing to point that out as well. Whats up with that?
Hi Laurelayn --

Laurelayn said:
I really feel compelled to say that it is very discouraging to share on this forum, where we are all vigorously "encouraged" to participate, and I share something deep from within and then there are no comments, like no one actually took the time to read what I shared or no one cared enough to reply. I am feeling ignored when I sought help and maybe thats some part of my programming I need to work through. But if that is the case, there is usually always someone more than willing to point that out as well. Whats up with that?

I'm sorry that your post went unanswered -- all I can say is that it happens occasionally, depending on how busy the forum activity is on a particular day, how fast topics roll over, and so on; I'm sure this is not the only example. Yes, perhaps your feelings in part are due to programs -- but at the same time, we don't want anyone to feel ignored and I can understand your feelings when you posted something personal like this.

Laurelayn said:
I have a feeling that this dream came about from me saying the P.O.T.S. frequently, daily and other work I have been doing to figure myself out. I havent had a chance to read a lot of the suggested literature on dysfunctional family, I would like to but between farming and working and daily chores, the eiru eolas exercises and reading on the website is all I can make time for so far. participation on the forum takes a lot of time too. I don't know how Laura does it, it takes me forever to write things out.
I could use some advice on how to forgive and let go of anger at someone who is dead, I've spoke it out loud and felt a change but I am still angry, mostly over what this has done to our sons. they are fine young men, they work and care deeply for their friends and family but they both are living difficult lives. I guess maybe I should be thankful for this lesson for them, I say that because I don't think I would be the thinking intelligent person I am if my life had been easier, but, one always wants their childrens lives to be better...

It sounds like your anger is justified, and it must have been hard to watch your sons go through this. You mentioned that you are doing E/E -- that's good, and remember that it has a cumulative effect over time, so you may not have yet received all of the benefits from it that you will eventually experience. If you can find any way at all to read the Big 5 narcissism books, even though it's tough to find the time, I think that will help you a lot -- maybe just take it one chapter at a time, and do the best you can.

Besides this, breaking flower pots is good -- some sort of way to release all that anger in a really cathartic way that doesn't harm anyone else. It might get a release flowing a bit quicker than merely voicing your anger to put some physical energy behind it. Finally, you might consider trying to locate a good therapist -- maybe start by looking for grief counselors who specialize in releasing feelings about the deceased; I am guessing a good one would have experience with anger issues too, since grief and anger often accompany one another. I am not particularly knowledgeable in that area, so others might have something more specific to suggest.

Thanks for sharing, and I hope this helps :)
Hi Laurelayn,

I too am sorry that your post went unanswered for so long and I'm sure this wasn't intentional. I have also had some posts go unanswered and it made me feel ignored or unimportant but that was not the situation. As it turns out it was just my self importance program running and it got my wheels spinning to the point that I felt maybe I didn't belong but I came to find out differently. Some things take time here because I find that many who have great input are busy as heck holding a job, taking care of the family and many other personal issues that they attend to. Sometimes I don't know how they do it to be honest with you. I'm doing my best now to try and learn so I can also be the one to give helpful advice and help others so I can relieve some of the workload from them.

As for relieving your anger I'm afraid I don't really have any good advice for you but some of the suggestions that Shijing has offered sounds like a good start. I do know the EE program will help you release some of it as it has helped others do before so maybe you just need to give it some time. I'm sure others will chime in with helpful advice also.

From reading this I have to say it must have indeed been hard to watch your sons go through this and I feel for you. I'm glad they turned out well and I wish I could tell you how to make their lives easier but like you said, maybe its all lessons and we all have to go through that. My thoughts are with you so hang in there. :flowers:
Hi Laurelayn,

Thank you for sharing your story. I read your entire first post, but didn't feel compelled to reply at first because I was not sure I have anything of value to add. I did see your question about anger, but overall your post did not leave the impression of a question in my mind, if that makes sense. Your post strikes me as one of your pieces of the "other work [you] have been doing to figure [yourself] out" meaning that at its core it was more about sharing than asking. That was my impression.

After reading your second post I decided to reply.

Regarding your dream ...

It seems you are still reaching out to him, looking for the love that you already know is not there for you. The voice that said "you need to forgive him" sounds like one you should listen to, IMHO. Although, I would say that it's probably more likely a subconscious/inner/higher-self voice, than one from another world, in which case it's advice will be pre-packaged for your conscious minds consumption. Meaning that your needing to forgive him is probably the frame in which you view the situation, and is close enough to the truth that your sub-c will use it. It may not be exactly what is going on, but taking the advice will at least lead you closer to where you need to be, IMHO.

That you see a fashion shows from the 1800s in windows is interesting. A fashion show is just that, a show. It is meant to look good and project a certain image, and that's pretty much it. You saw it from behind, which is not normally where you would watch a show from. Maybe you never felt up-front or in the front of the show, as if you want to be there but were always "behind"? And that in your dream you are in the past with him.

You got distracted, and when you noticed your husband again he was seeking love elsewhere. Is this how you see the situation, that you took your "eye off the ball" and when you turned around he was looking the other direction? Do you blame yourself for him not loving you? As in, if only I had given him the attention he wanted that one time, or those few times, he never would've stopped loving me. Just a thought, because you say elsewhere you feel guilty for leaving him.

Regarding leaving your ex ...

You said you left him because of a "complete lack of emotional attachment to me or the boys" but that you feel guilty for that. What do you feel guilty about? This sounds like the center of the issue right here, IMHO. That perhaps you are blaming yourself, and that it is really you, you are angry with. Sounds leaving him was a tough situation to be in, but it also sounds like you made the right choice. As you put it, you were dying inside. Why should you let your life, and potentially those of your children, wither away because your ex was choosing to let his? This is not meant to sound cold, but you can't tether yourself to a sinking ship unless where you want to go is the ocean floor. I think you made the right choice. It sounds like his situation worsened considerably after you left him which is something worth really thinking about. Your connection to him could've been the one thing standing between him and where he wanted to go; self-destruction. But the key is his Free Will, and what he wanted for himself. You have no control over that, as much as you might think you do or did.

So to your question of "how to forgive and let go of anger at someone who is dead" - are you sure that is who you are angry with?

Regarding your post, and not getting feedback right away...

I second what Shijing said. I would add that there were a few things for me that disinclined me to reply initially.

  • It's a lot of work to do, to make a thoughtful reply. Like you, it takes me quite a bit of time to formulate my thoughts and turn them into words.
  • It's a sensitive subject, for me at least. I am/was an angry young man with a military father that was also very emotionally unattached. There are some big differences I see, but also a lot of similarity.
  • The different boards of the forum are for me like different rooms. I was in the 'Dreams' room and so was not anticipating, or looking for, something that is, for me, emotionally charged.

Don't forget you can check the amount of views your post has. Although obviously you were wanting a response, at least it will indicate to you that you are not being ignored. No one is not listening to you, but there are various factors involved in why no one might respond.

Regarding the Big 5...

You really should read the Big 5 as soon as you can. My advice would be to reallocate your website reading time to book reading time, at least for a while and at least in alteration. I have read the Big 5, most of them a couple of times, and can almost guarantee you that you will find them helpful. It is recommended that you read one of them first, although I can't recall off-hand which one.

Thank you again for sharing, it is always helpful to get the experience of others. Hopefully something I have said will be useful to you.

Take care. :)
I really feel compelled to say that it is very discouraging to share on this forum, where we are all vigorously "encouraged" to participate, and I share something deep from within and then there are no comments, like no one actually took the time to read what I shared or no one cared enough to reply. I am feeling ignored when I sought help and maybe thats some part of my programming I need to work through. But if that is the case, there is usually always someone more than willing to point that out as well. Whats up with that?

Hi Laurelayn, I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged/ annoyed. :( I just wrote a quick response. I know the feeling of sharing here then feeling bad cause I don't get many replies. I think it is a program to some extent. its good to remember we are not the center of the universe... etc etc... then maybe the feelings of annoyance at not getting replies will dissipate.

I have not read your first post on this thread (I might get around to it) but I did read this one. On the "main page" for lack of a better description... it says that 150 people viewed this thread. I would bet that at least half read your post completely. I'm not sure why no one responded or commented. A lot of times I will read something someone writes here and find it very interesting to me, but for various reasons not reply. most likely I do not respond because I do not know how to phrase my response. sometimes I also think that giving a response is not the right thing to do in situations where I don't have enough knowledge and also could hurt someone unintentionally. Also A lot of times I feel I don't have time, and I don't want to give a response that I won't be invested in fully. These might be some reasons why you didn't get any responses.

having 100+ people read your post, is sharing and communication. whenever you post, more people here are learning more about your life, and this might allow for more communication in the future. learning how to communicate on this forum can be very frustrating for me. I remember threads I have made that didn't get many replies and then I feel like what I had to say didn't matter to anyone and wasn't important. Even if no one responds though I think I still gain some knowledge. The process of writing down my opinions and feelings does help me examine my thought processes. I have wrote pages about a subject intending to post it here but then I never did so. I think this may still have been beneficial for me.

Also, something to realize is that many posts here in "memories, Dreams, Reflections" do not get many replies or discussions. In some ways dreams are trivial I think. unlike real life experiences, they won't prompt as much discussion. I think if you scroll down far enough, or continue on to pages 2,3,4 etc... you will find some threads in "memories, Dreams, Reflections" will zero replies.

I can't promise you this, but after writing this, I think I will go back and read your dream.
In real life, I've always felt unhappy in the country in which I live (Croatia). I traveled a lot and I moved to just another city. A few months ago I dreamed a dream that we will forever be remembered because of the strong feeling of infinite sadness and endless happiness: I was immensely sad, sadness in the dream was a burden. Suddenly - I fly. I see my childhood village below me. Endlessly I'm happy, I met some people who are flying in the opposite direction. I am immensely happy to talk to these people to go where I will be forever happy, I go to my country-Bolivia!
Hi NalyYounis,

I'd like to invite you to post an intro in the newbies section of the forum. It doesn't have to be long, just a little something about yourself and how you found the forum. :)
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