AFP get extra powers for Olympic torch relay


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
From _

Australian Federal Police will be given tough new powers to deal with any attempts to disrupt the Olympic torch relay in Canberra next week.

Police will be specially authorised to stop and search people along the relay route and ban them from carrying "prohibited items" including "balls, eggs, paint bombs and any similar item that is likely to be used as a projectile".

ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said the AFP had asked for the increased powers.

"The police powers provide, just for this day, enhanced powers of search and they do prohibit the taking into a designated area certain offensive weapons and certain materials," Mr Stanhope told ABC radio.

Prohibited materials included items that "police would have a reasonable belief would be used to disrupt the torch relay" such as fire extinguishers, buckets of water and balloons filled with paint.

Also on the banned list are glass items, smoke bombs, petrol and other dangerous goods, balls and eggs...
This would be comical if it wasn't really happening. Now we can be stopped and searched for balls and eggs... gee what next?

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