After EE, Vivid Dream


Jedi Master
Okay, so I was doing pipe breathing and reciting the prayer of the soul while doing so and it was very relaxing. I felt renewed as I continued doing it and so I did the breathing for about 30 to 35 minutes. I then went to sleep and had a dream or a nightmare depending on how you look at its content (From my perspective it was a nightmare). I woke up with tears in my eyes.

What had happened in my dream was this, I was at my parents house that I grew up in for 21 years of my life and I have recently relocated to Florida. Anyhow, while at my house a horrible uneasy feeling came to me and out of nowhere I realized that there were 10 hitmen coming after me and my family. I grabbed a knife scared for my life and for the lives of my family members, mother, father, brother, and sisters and I more or less killed each one in this dream. After going through 9 battles there was one more and he had a pitch fork. I was outside of my house and I saw my father walking to the front of the house and then I saw the last hitman (with a pitch fork, really strange) and so in a panic I ran after my father trying to save his life. Then things went blank, almost pitch black and then suddenly I regained consciousness in the dream state still with me having killed the last hitman and standing over my father who is laying on his back looking up at me completely unharmed but with the pitch fork laying beside him. I grabbed a hold of him and hugged him with a sense of tremendous relief and then I suddenly woke up. Tears were in my eyes and I can't make sense of any of this.

I am not a violent person by any means. I do not ever recall having a dream where I had to kill people to protect myself and family. This dream really rocked me to my core. I was emotional and pretty much terrified when I woke. Any possible feedback? I really feel lost here.
FrankM4326754 said:
Okay, so I was doing pipe breathing and reciting the prayer of the soul while doing so and it was very relaxing. I felt renewed as I continued doing it and so I did the breathing for about 30 to 35 minutes. I then went to sleep and had a dream or a nightmare depending on how you look at its content (From my perspective it was a nightmare). I woke up with tears in my eyes.

What had happened in my dream was this, I was at my parents house that I grew up in for 21 years of my life and I have recently relocated to Florida. Anyhow, while at my house a horrible uneasy feeling came to me and out of nowhere I realized that there were 10 hitmen coming after me and my family. I grabbed a knife scared for my life and for the lives of my family members, mother, father, brother, and sisters and I more or less killed each one in this dream. After going through 9 battles there was one more and he had a pitch fork. I was outside of my house and I saw my father walking to the front of the house and then I saw the last hitman (with a pitch fork, really strange) and so in a panic I ran after my father trying to save his life. Then things went blank, almost pitch black and then suddenly I regained consciousness in the dream state still with me having killed the last hitman and standing over my father who is laying on his back looking up at me completely unharmed but with the pitch fork laying beside him. I grabbed a hold of him and hugged him with a sense of tremendous relief and then I suddenly woke up. Tears were in my eyes and I can't make sense of any of this.

I am not a violent person by any means. I do not ever recall having a dream where I had to kill people to protect myself and family. This dream really rocked me to my core. I was emotional and pretty much terrified when I woke. Any possible feedback? I really feel lost here.

Hi Frank,
Sounds like you dug a little deeper by doing the breathing extra long, and subsequently had an emotional release more potent than usual. I don't think you need to be alarmed by it. The deeper relaxation likely allowed you to let something go, and you experienced it as a dream.

Some others here who are better at dream analysis may chime in with some thoughts on the dream content. The emotional content may be more of a clue than the literal details.
Hi FrankM4326754

venusian said:
Sounds like you dug a little deeper by doing the breathing extra long, and subsequently had an emotional release more potent than usual. I don't think you need to be alarmed by it. The deeper relaxation likely allowed you to let something go, and you experienced it as a dream.

Agreed, EE allows you to do this. In terms of dream analysis:

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

And, from a Fourth Way perspective,
Approaching Infinity said:
… Basically, in the deepest (i.e. normal) sleep, there are no dreams. Most dreams are left over energy from one or several of the centers, and the dream content reflects this. Vaysse lists three normal kinds of dreams: associative (reactive/mechanical), compensatory (emotional), and symbolic (higher emotional). (Also telepathic, prophetic, etc.)

So … it's important to know if the dream is actually symbolic and not either of the former options. And even then, your higher self will speak in symbols specific for you, ...

To help you in your dream interpretation – of what is subjective, unique to you, and whether you recognize the images or not (and they are in you and pertain to you; they are aspects arising in your-self) - here are some questions to ask your-self. They may help, or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is ‘hitman’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know ‘hitman/men’), what is ‘hitman/men’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘hitman/men’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘hitman/men’ to be like?

What is ‘hitman/men’ like in your dream? What is ‘hitman/men’ doing in your dream?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘hitman/men’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘hitman/men’?

Ask similar questions about ‘my family (mother, father, brother, and sister)’.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

What does the ‘knife’ mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

What is the ‘knife’ like in your dream? How do you feel about it?

Does ‘knife’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Ask similar questions about ‘pitch fork’.

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

The house may symbolize the Self in both its physical and psychological entirety.

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
FrankM4326754 said:
I am not a violent person by any means. I do not ever recall having a dream where I had to kill people to protect myself and family. This dream really rocked me to my core. I was emotional and pretty much terrified when I woke. Any possible feedback? I really feel lost here.

fwiw I think you should not feel guilty or lost.

"When instincts are strong, we intuitively recognize the innate predator by scent, sight, and hearing... we anticipate its presence, hear it approaching, and take steps to turn it away. In the instinct-injured the predator is upon them before they register its presence. We have been taught to be nice, to behave, to be blind, and to be misused.

"The young and the injured are uninitiated. Neither knows much about the dark predator and are, therefore, credulous. But, fortunately, when the predator is on the move, it leaves behind unmistakable tracks in dreams. These tracks eventually lead to its discovery, capture and containment.

"Wild Ways teaches people when not to act 'nice' about protecting their souls. The instinctive nature knows that being 'sweet' in these instances only makes the predator smile. When the soul is being threatened, it is not only acceptable to draw the line and mean it, it is required."
[Pinkola Estes, June 1997; Ballantine Books ISBN: 0345409876]

With that in mind, I think you acted in defence of your soul (symbolically or otherwise). But that's just my take.
Thank you all very much for your feedback and analysis. Trevrizent you have posed many good questions. If I want to get to any core understanding of what it all meant in a literal or figurative sense then I will need to go through those questions. I suppose when I thought of hitman/men they reminded me much of those characterized from the matrix, black suit, black sunglasses, guns, and professionally trained. The knife must have been the object in which I saw a way out without getting any of my family killed because I was the one they are coming for.

There have been times where I feel as if I'm being monitored because I'll re-post articles found on onto my facebook so others can view truth on many topics. Perhaps subconsciously I feel that if authorities here in the U.S. would begin to crack down on those who are more liberal and speaking truth that I will get my family and myself into some heat. Or maybe I'm completely wrong in this and perhaps the dream means something completely different. But the saying goes "Knowledge protects an ignorance endangers". Maybe the knife in this case was knowledge and I, in the act of killing the hitmen, was in essence debunking lies with a blade of truth?

I can not be certain of any of this but it is some thoughts that have come to mind after reading everyones feedback. Thank you all again!
Maybe a knife could be said to "pierce through layers". Laura's writing about Percy symbolism in SHOTW is interesting. Perhaps not very related, it's just on my mind since I've been reading.

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