Agents Infiltrate the Net to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


FOTCM Member
This is a topic that is well known to all of us here at CASS and SOTT. Since this sort of activity was launched against us back in 2001 (actually, even earlier, though not via the net!) when I started speaking about, and publishing material about the topics that interest me - essentially, why is our world so screwed up? Of course, as we became aware of the tactic, I wrote about it a great deal under the rubric: COINTELPRO since that seemed to be the program that best described what such agents were doing (Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner specifically, but others who went along for the ride as well).

Now we find that among the Snowden documents being published by Glenn Greenwald, there are several that deal with this topic and it is, indeed, as bad as we have been describing it for years now.

See Glenn's article for links to the actual documents, read and weep.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Interesting. I looked up two things from the document slides that I wasn't familiar with:

Haversack Ruse
Sinai Desert and the 'Haversack Ruse'[edit]
Meinertzhagen was frequently credited with a surprise attack known as the Haversack Ruse in October 1917: during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War, according to his diary, he let a haversack containing false British battle plans fall into Ottoman military hands, thereby bringing about the British victory in the Battle of Beersheba and Gaza.[21] The incident and attack are depicted in the 1987 film The Lighthorsemen. "Near the end of 1917, having participated in no battles, he was ordered back to England for reassignment [and] found office duty as dreary as ever."[22] It was also the inspiration for a scene in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles in which Indy is present when the briefcase with the "plans" is captured.


This might be a reference to Robert B. Cialdini,PhD who has written books on persuasion. For example:
"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion"

Link(Kindle edition):

All this makes one wonder how many of the members that come here, who are clearly 'disrupting' and trying to create dissidence, are actually paid employees from these agencies.
Aragorn said:
All this makes one wonder how many of the members that come here, who are clearly 'disrupting' and trying to create dissidence, are actually paid employees from these agencies.

I'd say this forum could be one of the most difficult platforms to cause a serious disruption (hence the challenge, and higher stakes) But when it comes to countless other places in the web, in other countries/languages, where users are unfamiliar with such methods, this becomes a child play.

I have once seen an anti-fracking FB activist group composed mostly of adult and elderly people who just went bonkers over what clearly seemed to be a chronically bored half-wit. It was depressing. Now, take an intelligent, well-paid and educated agent to do this as a job. Scary.

The above article probably should be a pre-registration must-read on every forum and in every discussion group.


Maybe it could actually be a good "important thread" for a newbie section ?
Thanks for posting. Obviously Greenwald left the Guardian and launched his own platform, The Intercept, with the financial help of Ebay-founder Pierre Omidyar. The other articles there seem to be worth a read as well.

Aragorn said:
All this makes one wonder how many of the members that come here, who are clearly 'disrupting' and trying to create dissidence, are actually paid employees from these agencies.

Had the same thoughts.

ametist said:
I have once seen an anti-fracking FB activist group composed mostly of adult and elderly people who just went bonkers over what clearly seemed to be a chronically bored half-wit. It was depressing. Now, take an intelligent, well-paid and educated agent to do this as a job. Scary.

Interesting. My picture of these agents was always that they would write intelligent things, like "proving" that the topic wasn't relevant, for example, with clear-cut arguments. But it seems to be far more "effective" to emulate a person that sounds like a half-bored wit, as you said, to drive other posters insane.

ametist said:
The above article probably should be a pre-registration must-read on every forum and in every discussion group.


Maybe it could actually be a good "important thread" for a newbie section ?

Very good idea!

Is there anyway that someone can post the text here, or relevant excerpts? My internet connection will not allow me to go to certain sights, and this seems to be one of them.
davey72 said:
Is there anyway that someone can post the text here, or relevant excerpts? My internet connection will not allow me to go to certain sights, and this seems to be one of them.

Do you mean the article Laura linked to? If so, it's now on SOTT.
Laura said:

See Glenn's article for links to the actual documents, read and weep.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Ok, I read this and felt deeply deeply disturbed. So much for democracy. We live in a totalitarian fascist empire, the NWO is here already and any dissent by anybody (or worse, a group of like-minded people) is treated as a criminal act of terrorism. Aren't they following the Protocols just perfectly :mad:

This paragraph here brought the Lisa G thread and all that's happpened into focus for me.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums....
Arwenn said:
This paragraph here brought the Lisa G thread and all that's happpened into focus for me.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums....

Yeah, I thought about that also. If Lisa Guliani wasn't an agent of this type of program, she may as well have been because she sure fit the profile exactly. But then, she just follows a stream of similar types and actions. I think what they all have in common is psychopathology of some sort. That's why they are so similar whether they are paid agents or just maverick looneys. I'm sure we'll eventually get some feedback from Guardian on the situation as well as an assessment. She's nobody's fool and while she may get taken in by emotional hooks (like I do) for awhile, she can't be fooled for long.
The whole 9/11 truth movement is a classic example of this infiltration. Designed to deliberately obfuscate the truth and have everyone going 'round in circles. Anywhere but get close to the truth.

I also totally understand why we as a group need to be extra vigilant with our forum principles and conduct of members. The way they lie and use the media to 'deftly insert opinions into the brains of zombie Western citizens' to quote Joe and edit the meanings (& hence the perceptions) of words (eg cult, terrorist etc) is frightening.The Branch Davidians/Waco holocaust is a grim reminder of just what can happen to a group they wish to make an example of.

Laura said:
Yeah, I thought about that also. If Lisa Guliani wasn't an agent of this type of program, she may as well have been because she sure fit the profile exactly. But then, she just follows a stream of similar types and actions. I think what they all have in common is psychopathology of some sort. That's why they are so similar whether they are paid agents or just maverick looneys. I'm sure we'll eventually get some feedback from Guardian on the situation as well as an assessment. She's nobody's fool and while she may get taken in by emotional hooks (like I do) for awhile, she can't be fooled for long.

It will be interesting to see what happens when Guardian wakes up to her antics. I've enjoyed Guardian's humor many a time, but I don't think I'd ever want to get on the wrong side of her!
As I just posted in a comment to the article on SOTT, this is just a rehash of the old CoIntelPro program. It's also telling that they can't come up with anything new (except to add to their games new research findings about human psychology). But it's good to have documentation of what we've known all along, just like the original CoIntelPro got exposed.
SeekinTruth said:
As I just posted in a comment to the article on SOTT, this is just a rehash of the old CoIntelPro program. It's also telling that they can't come up with anything new (except to add to their games new research findings about human psychology). But it's good to have documentation of what we've known all along, just like the original CoIntelPro got exposed.

Yeah. After being subjected to it rather early on, I sussed it out and started writing about it. A lot of people thought I was paranoid or making too much of things. Well, now we see that I was right. And I'm not pooh-poohing entirely that Lisa may actually be such an agent, I just don't think so. But then, someone else did tell me that they were certain she had plenty of funds when she needed them, and what they had observed about that, so who knows?
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