This is a topic that is well known to all of us here at CASS and SOTT. Since this sort of activity was launched against us back in 2001 (actually, even earlier, though not via the net!) when I started speaking about, and publishing material about the topics that interest me - essentially, why is our world so screwed up? Of course, as we became aware of the tactic, I wrote about it a great deal under the rubric: COINTELPRO since that seemed to be the program that best described what such agents were doing (Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner specifically, but others who went along for the ride as well).
Now we find that among the Snowden documents being published by Glenn Greenwald, there are several that deal with this topic and it is, indeed, as bad as we have been describing it for years now.
See Glenn's article for links to the actual documents, read and weep.
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Now we find that among the Snowden documents being published by Glenn Greenwald, there are several that deal with this topic and it is, indeed, as bad as we have been describing it for years now.
See Glenn's article for links to the actual documents, read and weep.
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations