aggression, Violence and the overwhelming enemy.


FOTCM Member
Hi everyone.

I just woke up from a nightmare and got immediately to share this because, well first the dream was quite shocking and gruesome. But second, because i feel it had a special significance for me and for all here specially in these times. Because this is one of those dreams that make you realize that you've been having these types of dreams recently and very often. I realized that i've had about three of these attacker-defense dreams lately.

Quick summary of the dream:

i was walking out of some establishment into a covered parking lot. As i was walking towards my car with my three brothers (2 guys and one girl plus me). We see two guys trying to steal the car. We wait it out and using the keys inside my pocket i set off the alarm of the car, at this they get scared and run away. We wait, knowing they know it's us who own of the car seems like a bad idea... so we wait some more for them to be far away enough to turn the alarm off and try to get in the car to drive away. But, we do it too soon.

They hear the alarm stop, turn around and run at us, they come and start attacking us, but this time it's three of them. i tackle one and we're pretty evenly matched. I push and punch, he pushes and punches. One of my brother takes on another one. And they're pretty evenly matched. My sister decides to get in the car and stay in there.

But the third one decide to get inside and attempt to abuse her. She screams and yells (this was the shocking part, the screams were so real) and i have to give instructions to my second brother to go in and protect her. He grabs some tools and stabs the guy. Fight goes on until i wake up.

The message i got from it (i could be wrong):

The message to me came from two places, the first one seems to be about being strategic in what one considers defensive. Sometimes knowing yourself and your enemy means that your weakness are better not matched against their strength. Even though i thought me and my brothers were all ready to take on the enemy because i personally felt ready, did not meant that at all and we were in a pretty bad situation at the end.

the second place could be all this nonsense in the air about Trump and his inauguration. The PTB seem to truly hate it that he's there and perhaps at some level i perceive the violence and the threat in the air. At a personal level i think that the message was related to understanding my weakness and my strengths and in a turbulent situation at a societal level sometimes it's better to avoid confrontation.

Another message that occurred to me was about the overwhelming enemy. In the dream i felt completely prepared to take on the enemy at hand, when they were approaching i felt confident I (big I) could take on the challenge. But quickly i realized that nope, i can't fight three guys who're hell bent on attacking me. Even if i was in the moral right ground within the context.

Which made me wake up with a realization that goes as follows:

"in the face of an obviously overwhelming enemy, if you're unable to avoid combat, ask for help. Work together as network and the load will be less on each thus easier to overcome".

For now i will try to go back to sleep. Thanks for reading, and if you're feeling just as overwhelmed with the current situation in the air i'd invite you to read hereand share.

Thanks everyone.
Wow Alejo, I can see that you had an intense night. We know that it is not a simple night (in a few hours we will see the investiture of Trump) and it is likely that you as many of us had perceived a "strange energy in the air" so to speak. So I think that your dream can be meaningful (specially for you) but in a sense also it could be your subconscious mind materializing some deep fears about what can come soon.

I agree with you, this could be a key time to all here understood that we must work together more than ever as network, and I would dare to add that also it is the time to show the Universe how much we can give to it.

Take care of you and yours, we are with you :hug2:
Thanks for sharing. I've had a few really weird dreams this week (weirder than usual weird dreams). I had one Monday night that was really creepy where a bunch of ugly female humanoid faces were being shown before me.
Hi Alejo,

I'm going to try to break down some of the symbols in the dream and perhaps this may help bring out more meaning.

Maybe we can look at you and your siblings as aspects of yourself, your sister being one aspect that may not be combative at all and may need to be strengthened. Perhaps if this aspect was able to help in the fight, the tide could have been turned? If these 4 aspects were unified and working together, the attack may not have been as overwhelming. Or perhaps if the aspect corresponding to your sister did something like call security or 911, (i.e. call for help, from inside the car or whatever), it may have helped, or deterred the attackers. So this is like the interpretation you mentioned, but just directed as aspects of yourself rather than the network.

In my dreams, I've been interpreting cars/vehicles as volition, will, or ability to change things. So perhaps the attack is something that is trying to impede the above. Perhaps, like you said, this can be applied to the Trump situation, impeding his(or our) ability to change the status quo, or at least make waves. This interpretation of the vehicle symbol may be just for me though, idk.

Would you mind sharing the other dreams with a similar theme? I find that comparing the symbols of different dreams with similar themes may help us clarify the message, since the three may be trying to tell you the same thing but in different ways.

msante said:
I agree with you, this could be a key time to all here understood that we must work together more than ever as network, and I would dare to add that also it is the time to show the Universe how much we can give to it.
Indeed, and perhaps that we are patient with our actions in the few days, rather than "jump into the fight head first"?

Thank you for sharing the dream, I'm also anxious about today.
Hi Guille,

Thanks, your interpretation is actually something I went into after posting. Essentially the dream speaks to the dreamer and from the dreamer. But it also had an application to everyone I feel.

Having said that, the car imagery was more of the reason for the fight. Something of mine that was being taken away but that had no other connotation in the dream. The reason why I "had to defend myself".

My car does represent a certain level of independence in my life, but in the dream there was no sense of it mattering much. In other words the dream wasn't about the car but about aggression, deffensiveness and being overpowered.

In terms of my brothers being themselves or parts of me, I think the emotion was more along the lines of "i shouldn't have assumed they were ready to take on this". Which still applies.

I don't have many details of the other dreams. It hit me this morning when I woke up and realized "oh wow! I've had a few of these this week". The detail they all shared was me being in a defensive position against a violent attack.

Than you all for your feedback..:)
Strangely enough i also had a dream last night involving a car and my sister, the dream was me walking towards what appeared to be my house at the bottom of a hill, I'm walking down and see this car speeding and moving recklessly so i assumed the guy was drunk, i was able to avoid it.

As i run down the hill, realizing that family were there, i see this car crashed on ours, destroying the whole roof, and my sister was about to get into the car, no one was injured, the guy was not in the car when i got there.

Then i stopped and did some moral reasoning in the dream about what is best to do, apparently i knew the guy had no legal documents, somehow, so i went up the hill since i had decided to go after him.

When i reached the house that he went to, there were alot of people, i asked one, oh have you seen a guy wearing jeans and a blue sweater, and then the guy says which one of us? I looked and the almost 50 or so people, were wearing, jeans and a blue sweater.. ....., the drunk guy that just went down this road? I asked. , i stopped asking i decided to look around and the guy approaches me, he says oh i'm sorry it was a mistake,
So i was thinking "oh ok at least it wasn't intentional", "wait what?!!" Thinking im glad no one was injured but still both cars are destroyed and it was almost a tragedy.

So i go after the owner of the car so he can pay for the damages and deal with the guy destroying his and our, so i chase him around in the dream and that is it while one of my brothers kinda distracts me so i stop chasing the guy..
That was the dream.

Thank you for sharing your dreams, Alejo and Felipe. Many people report weird, intense, aggressive dreams just around this time. It doesn't really wonder given the atmosphere of tension going on around the inauguration of Trump. And that may not be the end of it, I think. This may also mean more of the sort of dreams being shared here recently.

Some thoughts to your dreams as follows:

As to Felipe's dream: Maybe it represents an aspect of your psyche gone wild or diverted, or in some way intoxicated, and which is then tried to brought back on track by a more conscious-awareness part (trying to make it pay for the damage it had done).

On a greater level it could also represent, in part, the chaos connected to the PTB trying to disturb the process of Trump getting in power / wielding power. Tycoons like Soros pay groups to bring about chaos - but until now this kind of chaos they envision (something like a Color Revolution or a Coup d'état) didn't take hold.

As to Alejo's dream: The first word which comes to mind about these attacking guys is "intruder". Then vigilance and observance - like taking certain actions at their respective times (turning the alarm on, waiting for the intruders to disappear).

As to your thought that it would have been better to have backed away even when on the right moral ground, especially if the enemy is stronger, following comes to mind: Sometimes you have to give your little finger in order to keep your hand, so to speak. Or to give your purse to a robber in order to keep your life. Or divert the intruder / predator's mind with a 'piece of meat' while backing out through the back door which it doesn't know - thus outsmarting it.

In the end I also think how important it is to keep watching each others' backs (now more than ever) - which for me means networking here and keeping one another in our minds. And that only in our combined efforts we can become a force to be reckoned with, which cannot be hacked - thus outsmarting the enemy on an individual as well as on a collective level.

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