Ahmadinejad good for Jews


FOTCM Member
So are we still sure that enemy of our enemy is our friend? What a tangled web we weave...As Laura says in the beginning of every podcast, there is a website/ideology/niche/ for everyone...


This may sound wild and crazy, but the more we examine Iran's president's actions, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that in today's reality, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - who would have been better left off the stage - is good for the Jews.

Indeed, the ridiculous farce of the Tehran Holocaust-deniers convention stimulated a series of irritable responses around here, as well as fears it will boost global Anti-Semitism, yet the conference was counter productive: Another wave of sympathy to Israel around the world, as well as a vote on whether the conference was a criminal act.

If the initiatives to bring Ahmadinejad to justice at The Hague will get underway, they will enjoy significant global support. Then, perhaps, this odd man will realize he shot himself in the foot, or rather, "set the ball up for a slam dunk" by Israel and the Jewish people.

The Foreign Ministry and institutions such as the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum would be able to wisely use this as effective material for boosting the fight against anti-Semitism, which has been raising its head at several locations around the world.

The deniers' convention, the refusal to halt the nuclear race, and the ruler's overall conduct since he was elected only reinforced the international community's support of Israel and the realization it needs to be assisted.

This was well reflected in Prime Minister Olmert's visit to Europe. We can be pleased about the good natural chemistry between Olmert and Chancellor Merkel, but this relationship only tightened in the face of Ahmadinejad's campaign and extermination threats. And who should be sensitive to this if not Berlin?

Apparently, the harsh Iranian words also contributed to the creation of a common language and the warm reception Olmert received from his Italian counterpart and the Pope.

Thank you, Mahmoud

There's no doubt that "counting the days" to the State of Israel's demise contributes to a boost in the sympathy it enjoys among leaders and nations. Yet the most interesting and important response is the one coming from various circles in the Arab world. This time we're not only seeing certain leaders protesting, but also intellectuals, media figures, and even sections of the public that often give Israel the cold shoulder. Even they feel that Ahmadinejad went a step too far.

Practically, he causes them damage, because such twisted attitude to Israel undermines the chances to advance the affairs of the countries in conflict with us - such threats lead to seclusion and refusal to respond to any gesture due to genuine, justified existential anxiety.

The diplomatic dividend has already been collected, and every declaration such as the last one ("Israel will disappear like the Soviet Union") will only provide excellent tailwind for the continued diplomatic activity around the world. Moreover, if Israel decides to one day "upgrade" its nuclear ambiguity policy, these declarations may provide it with legitimacy for change, which will apparently be seen as a reasonable self-defense move.

However, the Iranian "assistance" does not come only in the diplomatic arena, but also in the intelligence-gathering theater - Only veterans of intelligence organizations realize the great expense of gathering and research efforts invested in order to understand enemy intentions. Usually, these efforts fail.

Yet here, Ahmadinejad's explicit declarations regarding the need for Israel to disappear from the map soon made his intentions unequivocal. The backing of this declaration through the broad, diverse development of nuclear capabilities, just like the complete unwillingness to reach a compromise on this matter, does not leave room for hesitation.

Make no mistake about it: Iran's strategy toward Israel was apparently no different in essence since Khomeini's revolution. It was even hinted at on occasion by previous presidents. Yet nobody declared it out loud like this in such a clear, explicit manner. And so, we got it for free. So thank you, Mahmoud. You made life much easier for Israel.

Brigadier General (Ret.) Yossi Ben Ari served in senior intelligence posts
yeah, this one has been taxing us a bit. Pretty much everything Ahmadinejad says would be reasonable and laudable in any other world: He has called for the "wiping of the Zionist regime from the pages of history", which to any decent human being would be a just act.

He has suggested that, given that the Holocaust has clearly been used and abused by the Zionist regime to persecute and murder Palestinians and Arabs with impunity, that if there are any outstanding questions or doubts about the Holocaust then they should be open to investigation without fear of condemnation or jail time. After all, the truth will stand up for itself, regardless of how deeply we investigate it, just as long as the investigation is fair and objective.

As I said, all of this would be the strategy to follow in any other world. But not this one.

Strategy must be developed as a result of an objective understanding of the forces that are arraigned against one. When someone has achieved pernicious power over others through the false portrayal of themselves as the victim, attacking them directly merely serves to increase their power. Instead we should expose the fact that they are falsely presenting themselves as the victim in order to better persecute others. However, the matter is not so simple, because it can be fairly argued that this is in fact the strategy that Ahmadinejad has attempted to employ.

Somehow however, this attempt appears to have backfired and Ahmadinejad's words have simply resulted in further opportunity for the "Zionist entity" to present itself as the victim. Where did it go wrong?

Two words: The Media.

As Laura has noted in another thread, our problem is the mainstream media. In the wrong hands, (and it most definitely is in the wrong hands) and if its owners so desired, the media could convince the world that someone like Ghandi was a fascist.

By the time it reached the ears of the West, Ahmadinejad's quoting of the Ayatollah Khomeni that "the Zionist entity (meaning the Zionist government of Israel) must be wiped from the pages of history" had become "Ahmadinejad says Israel (meaning the Jewish people) must be destroyed"

So Brigadier General (Ret.) Yossi Ben Ari is either ignorant of the reality of the situation or he is being disingenuous when he thanks Ahmadinejad for helping the Zionist cause. He should be thanking the magical media that lives to serve its masters' goal of presenting lies as truth and vice versa.

Is the enemy of our enemy our friend? Not when that "enemy" may actually be a friend of our enemy. I am referring to the position taken by people like Xymphora, who sees the Iranian regime as a secret ally of Israel, going back to the traditional foreign policy of Israel supporting non-Arab muslim regimes on the periphery of the Arab world. And of supporting religious fanaticism in the Muslim world (to oppose what Israel sees as their real threat: secular Arab nationalism). Add to that the view that the election of Ahmadinajad may have been fixed and that he was given support by the Bush neocons by their hard line refusal to negotiate with the moderates who opposed Ahdmadinajad.

For this reason, Xymphora maintains there will be no attack on Iran.

We'll see.
Joe said:
Somehow however, this attempt appears to have backfired and Ahmadinejad's words have simply resulted in further opportunity for the "Zionist entity" to present itself as the victim. Where did it go wrong?

Two words: The Media.
There is no doubt about that. And somehow I fell a little bit confused, because
Ahmadinejad says all the "right" words, touch every "taboo" topics that Zionists so afraid of being put on public, so how come, as a political figure, he can't predict that this will be the response from the world? That his message will be distorted?

On one hand, he looks like a person that plays his role, especially when you see articles like this one. Maybe he gives people who seek the truth the impression that there is hope, while following the same psychopathic agenda. On the other hand, I also get an impression that he is practically teasing the a€œZionist entitya€ (can be very dangerous, cause he can get nukes on his head). And when he says a€œAmerica can't do anything against Irana€ , he actually says that they can bang their heads in the wall, but in the end his message will be delivered into the right ears. Very untypical to everything we saw before, thata€™s why very confusing. Can be a trap and another (but the same) game and can be a door outa€¦
Maybe the rest of the world is panicking because Zionist entity still has teeth and all doesna€™t want to lost their comfy positions or state of reality.

Here another article:

Interview with Ahmadinejad
Iranian president says Holocaust conference peace-related, claims America can't do anything against Iran
Published: 12.18.06, 03:14

Time Magazine recently interviewed, for the second time, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The interview, published Thursday, reveals Iranian claims of supporting, and even promoting, dialogue and peace in the region.

When asked why, instead of hosting the contentious Holocaust conference, he had not held a conference to promote peace, inviting Israelis and Palestinians to dialogue, the Iranian president referred to his conference as peace-related.

"As a matter of fact this conference was in line of peace. Because for the past 60 years, the Palestinian people have been suppressed using the Holocaust as the pretext. If the issue of the Holocaust became clear, the issue would be solved," he declared in the interview.

According to Time, Ahmadinejad claimed that when it becomes clear that the Holocaust does not have any relationship with the Palestinian people, there will be two proposals for the western world.

"The first solution is that in the same way that you mounted this regime in the past, you can remove it yourself. You know well that the Holocaust has nothing to do with the Palestinian people. That was just a pretext...And it was not a good excuse. Just cease to support it. Don't use your people's money to assist this violent regime. This is the best solution," he told the magazine.

"If they do not accept the first solution, then they should allow the nation of Palestine to make their decision about its own fate. Anyone who is a Palestinian citizen, whether they are Christian, Jewish or Muslim, should decide together in a very free referendum. There is no need for war. There is no need for threats or the atomic bomb either," he continued.

Ahmadinejad also claimed that Israel would be forced to accept one of the solutions if the US and British governments stopped supporting and helping them, since "everyone knows that the Zionist regime is a tool in the hands of the United States and British governments."

Iranian president: Era of bombs at an end
When asked about Olmert's recent gaffe regarding Israel's nuclear capabilities and how such capabilities would affect Iran , he responded that "the era for bombs and atoms and weapons has come to an end."

"People should be talked to with reason. Where are the ones who used nuclear bombs in Hiroshima? Their era is over. This literature belonged to 60 years ago. Now it's the time for dialogue, logic as well as law and justice. Our people and our nation have a very clear logic and sense," he added.

Ahmadinejad told Time that he "separates the account of the American people and the American government." He believe US government behavior is damaging and creates hatred against America, causing Americans to pay for something they don't believe in.

When asked by his interviewer directly if he would talk to the US or not, he responded: "We want to resolve the problem. We do not want to waste time. We do not want a political game."

"What we want is for the rights of the Iraqi people to be returned to them. If the government of the United States changes its behavior, the conditions will be changed. Then a dialogue could take place," he added.

When asked how Iran would respond to sanctions against it, pursuant to its nuclear policy, the president emphasized that "friendship with the Iranian people is better than confronting us. Experience has shown that we have the capability to defend ourselves and take advantage of any circumstance."

"The Iranian people are an extremely intelligent people. They know how make the best opportunities from the harshest of threats. And make ill wishers regret themselves."

"We believe that the American government cannot do anything against us," he concluded.

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