Ahmadinejad on 60min


Padawan Learner

did anyone watch it? Mike Wallace really isnt the greatest interviewer.. but honestly, i think i actually have more respect for Ahmadinejad.. hes seems like a very articulate and nuanced man. and hes not a blue-blood.. son of a blacksmith, man of the people. interesting stuff.
if anything i think his comments on the 'myth' of the holocaust may have been falsely interpreted by western media. i think that by him saying "some have created a myth on the holocaust and hold it even higher than the very belief in religion and prophets." is a veritable assertion in the face of the 'holocaust industry' that grips the world and cannot be questioned. with such a force in place it means the terrorist nation of israel can put their spin on the imperialist actions they foist upon the middle east and remain unscathed by international criticism and law. israel is its own law it seems.
although.. hes a known conservative and murdered and tortured many dissidents during the islamic cultural revolution. maybe hes put it behind him? maybe hes a psychopath? he was known as 'the terminator' during the revolution. i'm not sure what to think of him. does anyone have any thoughts on this?? it would be nice to have dialouge about this. :)

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