The Living Force
I have watched episode on PBS:
America's Investigative Reporting:
"Charity Begins at Home"
11/17/2006: PBS: 10:30 - 11:00PM
I found this episode interesting and it seems that this is one
program of many and it made me start to think about people
who create these programs and laws for USA.
Of the billions of taxpayers dollars spent by our government
and disbursed to various programs, usually program managers
are created to ensure that these programs are in compliance
with the law. But how successful are these programs mangaged
and kept in compliance with the law?
Of the many governmental accronyms created and coined, some
well known ones are for example FBI, CIA, NSA,and so on but
what do you know about JWOD?
JWOD's is a federal program recreated by Congress and this
acronym is called the Javits-Wagner-O'Day program. What the
heck is it?
A google search for 'Oregonian PBS JWOD' reveals several links
but in particular, here is AIR's story and a video:
Billions of dollars are directed to charity programs, and JWOD
was a setup to help "charity" organizations that employ at minimum,
75% of the severely disabled and 'puts them to work' It all sounds
like a good program but how exactly does one define "severely
disabled", or how exactly is the money disbursed once the money
is forked over to the "charity" organization and exactly how does
the receiver of the money keep detailed accounting for verification
and complicance if the government program does not call for it?
Obviously, Without detailed accounting for all involved, how can
the program managers ensure verification and compliance and to
ensure that every taxpayer's dollar is appropriately accounted for?
Many questions indeed.
The largest contractor, the El Paso, National Center for the Employment
of the Disabled (NCED), provided Bob Jone's charity organization with
salary of $0.00 but yet somehow was paying JFT Management Consulting,
a Jones Family Trust, over 4 million dollars for consulting fees, and yet was
able to elude the JWOD program managers.
It was only after the Oregonian did a full page cover story when the
Feds and IRS acted and rushed to shutdown the operation and to secure
all of the evidence. Bob Jones resigned, but has yet to be charged for
his crimes.
But there is another side to this. The one where JWOD is supposed to
help charity organization but then again, why are other qualified charities
shut out from JWOD?
From: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/061109/20061109005813.html?.v=1
abound. Clearly there is an operation that goes clear to the top of the pyramid.
While I applaud the Oregonian for this expose, but since there is no
detailed accounting revealed, where did the money go? I hope the
Oregonian keeps going and follow the money. This is really hot stuff.
And yet, here it is. Those who create such programs do not necessairly
require failsafe detailed accounting requirements so that verification
and compliance are truly guaranteed. The worst part about all of this
is that there is no accountability or responsibility placed on those who
crafted such programs in the first place. Were such responsibility placed
on individuals so as to be fully and privately accountable for all damages
so as to lose everything they personally own, then perhaps they won't be
so quick to craft such programs or if dare to proceed at their own peril?
It will never happen here in 3d.
America's Investigative Reporting:
"Charity Begins at Home"
11/17/2006: PBS: 10:30 - 11:00PM
I found this episode interesting and it seems that this is one
program of many and it made me start to think about people
who create these programs and laws for USA.
Of the billions of taxpayers dollars spent by our government
and disbursed to various programs, usually program managers
are created to ensure that these programs are in compliance
with the law. But how successful are these programs mangaged
and kept in compliance with the law?
Of the many governmental accronyms created and coined, some
well known ones are for example FBI, CIA, NSA,and so on but
what do you know about JWOD?
JWOD's is a federal program recreated by Congress and this
acronym is called the Javits-Wagner-O'Day program. What the
heck is it?
A google search for 'Oregonian PBS JWOD' reveals several links
but in particular, here is AIR's story and a video:
Billions of dollars are directed to charity programs, and JWOD
was a setup to help "charity" organizations that employ at minimum,
75% of the severely disabled and 'puts them to work' It all sounds
like a good program but how exactly does one define "severely
disabled", or how exactly is the money disbursed once the money
is forked over to the "charity" organization and exactly how does
the receiver of the money keep detailed accounting for verification
and complicance if the government program does not call for it?
Obviously, Without detailed accounting for all involved, how can
the program managers ensure verification and compliance and to
ensure that every taxpayer's dollar is appropriately accounted for?
Many questions indeed.
The largest contractor, the El Paso, National Center for the Employment
of the Disabled (NCED), provided Bob Jone's charity organization with
salary of $0.00 but yet somehow was paying JFT Management Consulting,
a Jones Family Trust, over 4 million dollars for consulting fees, and yet was
able to elude the JWOD program managers.
It was only after the Oregonian did a full page cover story when the
Feds and IRS acted and rushed to shutdown the operation and to secure
all of the evidence. Bob Jones resigned, but has yet to be charged for
his crimes.
But there is another side to this. The one where JWOD is supposed to
help charity organization but then again, why are other qualified charities
shut out from JWOD?
From: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/061109/20061109005813.html?.v=1
Gawd. Another republican and bushite program. Geez. So then more questions...
Elsewhere, the reporters found agencies whose employees clearly met the
requirements for participation in the JWOD program, yet had been shut out
of the federal contracts. The Oregonian further revealed that oversight of the
federal program has been handed over to industry trade groups, which receive
a percentage of each contract. In effect, this creates a conflict of interest: the
same groups which are supposed to be the program's watchdogs are profiting
from it.
abound. Clearly there is an operation that goes clear to the top of the pyramid.
While I applaud the Oregonian for this expose, but since there is no
detailed accounting revealed, where did the money go? I hope the
Oregonian keeps going and follow the money. This is really hot stuff.
And yet, here it is. Those who create such programs do not necessairly
require failsafe detailed accounting requirements so that verification
and compliance are truly guaranteed. The worst part about all of this
is that there is no accountability or responsibility placed on those who
crafted such programs in the first place. Were such responsibility placed
on individuals so as to be fully and privately accountable for all damages
so as to lose everything they personally own, then perhaps they won't be
so quick to craft such programs or if dare to proceed at their own peril?
It will never happen here in 3d.