Alex Kochkin and Patricia Van Camp


FOTCM Member
Until there is some feedback on this, I'm not going to categorize it in any particular forum. 

I received the following inquiry from a reader:

Ever heard of these guys?

Their website is very vague as to where they come from and who is behind

And here is the material included in the email:


June 6, 2008
State of the Vision
2008 Future-views to 2010 and onwards
Due to various cosmic and mundane conditions, this issue has been delayed
until now.

These will be published at teh PCFN website bulletin section:

Link to Part One:

These are also posted to New Earth Summit forums "Articles Worth
Considering" section:



"State of the Vision  2008 Future-views to 2010 and onwards"

This section has been a place where we summarize the present situation and
outlook as well as touch upon key themes contained within the issue.

PART TWO - Available in approximately one week

"Transformation and Ascension, As Above - As Below"

PART THREE - Available in approximately one week

"Truth or Consequences, Bifurcation and the Future of Humanity"

PART FOUR - Available in approximately two weeks

"Meme Control and Millennia of Interference with Humanity"

PART FIVE - Available in approximately one week

"The Big Picture, A Special Commentary" It provides a unique overview of the
nature of the origins of the dark forces in a way that can be traced to the
events surrounding Earth and humanity to present day.


Additional material will be included in the final compilation issue that
will be ready when Part Five is published and will include Tom Kenyon's
thoughts on the changes to the magnetic field and its implications to

Preface The possibility of a planetary transformation and ascension and the
dramatic spiritual evolution of the human species into higher dimensional
beings has been a profound dream of true Creation. Until recently, this
possibility was rapidly waning. There is now an energetic up-shift
occurring, simply represented by a common expression, "raising all boats".

As long as humanity continues to define itself and identify with the control
matrix and all that entails, there is very little that can be done to alter
the course of events of earthchanges and upheavals in the social and
economic and political systems under which most of humanity has seemingly
been enslaved. These upheavals can be regarded as part of a larger pattern
that is shaking people out of their slumber and loosening the hold on this
planet by the global power elite. A positive net effect of this would result
in more people making choices for a new way of being and acting upon these
intentions. Conversely, there will be those who will naively engage in
attempts to restore something of the old, simply because they do know any

Social-economic and earth environment changes are underway that are beyond
the ability of humanity to apply old approaches to address the consequences.
Before the end of this year, it will be plain to many people all over the
world that there will be no return to what has passed as "normalcy" and that
a new way of functioning is demanded by changing conditions. This new way of
functioning will only be successful if new consciousness is engaged in its

A new situation is quickly developing that involves something more than what
can be conjured up by humans. What is now is the result of the persistent
efforts by true Source to alter the quality and population of the
dimensional layers above human 3-d density. Earth and her passengers are
experiencing a vibrational upshifting that will allow many more people to
access a higher awareness than they have known.

So many who care so deeply are so overwhelmed by the growing suffering and
tribulations of humanity. On the one hand this comes from a deep sense of
caring that is based upon a deep sense of interconnection of all creation.
There is in our global society an advocacy for "compassion". But what is the
nature of such "compassion"? Those who are global leaders present
"compassion" in a context that ties everyone to everyone else's fate and
distorts it into pity by those who think they are suffering least for those
who they think are suffering more.

Such a distortion is easily accomplished by manipulating the positive
quality of caring. The result can be an over identification with the plight
of others and forgetting one's own power as an evolving spiritual being.
This can be like a type of "survivor's guilt" and thus serves the powers
that be in controlling people. This keys in closely with the question of

The question of a bifurcation in consensus reality has come to fore once
again. In applying the as above/as below principle, there have been early
reports and look-aheads that show new self-organizing collectives and
communities of people forming, stimulated by compounding crises. If this
represents the "as below", then perhaps the "as above" counterpart would be
the vibrational separation between those vibrating above and those vibrating
below some relative threshold. From this we coined the term, "vibrationaly
differentiated" and discuss it more in context in the following article on
ascension and transformation.

Such bifurcations have been noted recently by various intuitve/sensitive
commentators. We do not find this unusual in the least as it would be
consistent with the process of Creation engaging in a type of cellular
mitosis in making new creations, new realities. So that the newly birthed
creation can develop is uniqueness without influence from what preceded its
creation, there is a certain detaching from the creation system that
initially birthed it.

The question of attachment is coming up for many of us. As to personal
relationships and all, it is an important challenge to see that we are each
so much more than our personality projections of our higher self collective.
Some relationships with families, animal companions, nature, etc., have a
closeness at a soul or higher self collective level, others do not have
that. Our personal attachments, whether they carry positive or negative
associations will be important things to address. We do not own anyone, not
our animal companions, not our children, not our parents, etc. Each is an
equal creature of true Source, Creator, God.

How to be detached, yet caring. Detached yet loving. Detached, yet engaged
with others. For some it is the attachment to being in a human existence or
attachment to helping aid humanity at this time.

We will mostly know what we need to know sooner or later, especially those
most focused on ascension and spiritual evolution.  People are receiving
clear guidance from their higher self matrix. This is important to ask for.
Ask for this connection and this clear, unequivolcal guidance from your
higher self matrix. Ask that your personality self relax into the
relationship and not impeded it unnecessarily. Consider this as evening
prayer or personal induction each night. Ask to remember. It is your divine right.

For those of us who came here quite deliberately to aid in and observe the
great changes here, we will not leave our personality selves "in the dark"
or otherwise neglect them. We will inform them as soon as it is time. We all
have a bit more to do here and there. For the personality to know too much
too soon may mean we overlook or bypass something important that we really
may need to attend to. There are also "plans" at the higher levels that must
remain at those levels, out of the reach and access of the dark forces.
Frustrating as this may be, it is a necessary security policy.

There are new energy conduits opening up all around the planet that are
touching down at an individual level. They carry direct uplinks/downlinks
from Source. There is something brewing that involves as many embodied
humans as possible in these new connections to the higher levels. Ask to be
connected. It is your divine right.

These concerns and others will be dealt with further in this issue of GA

Introduction to the "Spring" Issue of GA News This rather long issue of GA
News is the result of an accumulation of insights and quiet waiting and
observing over recent months. It is most likely that future issues of GA
News may be irregular in their issuance and likely to be very brief.

Updates and new commentary will continue to be posted at the NES Forums
(link: _ and private correspondence
maintained. We hope to eventually include some energy practices that can be
of aid in your personal transformational process. Articles prepared over the
past year will be separated out and listed separately at both the main PFCN
website and the NES forum site for viewing and downloading.

This June and July we anticipate some powerful energies coming in that will
seem to coincide with some major changes in the human and planetary
environment. August there will be conflicts and crises and by October and
November many people will have good cause to question a great deal about the
true nature of society and of their own spirituality. By end of the year
many more people will be giving serious thought to their nature of their
ordinary lives and what they are to make of their future together.

As humans further get caught up in the events and dramas of society and
earth, there will be a tendency to project the very worst or to maintain
naïve denial ("things can only get better now"). Many in spiritual circles
project a golden age soon, but they fail to explain how we get from one
state of being to another.

For whatever it is worth, we are not anticipating one sudden collapse of
everything and the end of world, rather we are anticipating major changes to
the human and planetary environment that occur in stages or in a
"rachetting" up process. The first major phase would be from mid-2008 into

While there are some who are "heading for the hills" or their nearest
survivalist shelter, there are those in some "spiritually" inclined circles
who are projecting absurdly rosy scenarios for the coming near term in which
they claim little to no worsening of the economic crisis, little to no
serious political or military crises, and little to no major earth changes.
There are even those who keep pushing the theme of massive amounts of
"magic" money that will show up to save the world -or those who were lucky
enough to be beneficiaries. In our view this is dishonest and manipulative
of people's naivete and is in league with the dishonest manipulations of
the-powers-that-be (TPTB) who are presently cranking up a well-orchestrated
public relations campaign to convince the USA public over the course of the
coming spring-summer months that there is no cause for alarm, and that there
is not going to be a serious economic crash. The leading elite and their
mainstream media mouthpieces can be expected to lie like that. But as to
these rosy scenarios coming from individuals who are purportedly channeling
"higher level" intelligences, one must wonder if these are actually dark
force entities engaging in their favorite deception of pretending to be the
"good guys".

Far too many people have fallen into renewing their involvement with the
dominant control system (such as the USA national elections) simply because
they can see no other possibility. Like Charlie Brown and Lucy and the
perennial "football deception", there are the falsehood adages of "lesser of
two evils" or things can't get much worse, only better", etc.

Then there are those who prefer to overlook a terribly rough transition
period and prefer to focus on a theme of "all will be well" and that we are
about to enter a "golden age". Under "normal" process of an social
transformational process, in one or two generations a major change could
become evident, but the "rosy glasses" perspective fails to recognize the
severity of the infection of human thought processes and corresponding
social-economic structures that dominate everyone's lives. The use of
"culture" by the global elite to project their power and social control is
but one example of a very powerful way of infecting large populations. For
anyone aware, the question would be how humanity is to effect such a radical
change in behaviour after hundreds of generations of imbedded social
programming from the dark control matrix.

Alternatively things can change very quickly - but until that is clearly in
evidence, it is counterproductive to presume "everything will be suddenly
all right", as if no one needs to do anything more, or that no one needs to
acknowledge what has gone wrong and what part they may have had in it.
Otherwise a near total complete memory re-set and re-load would be required
--then there is the problem of the artifacts from the past millennia, all of
which carry the distortions and miscreant teachings on society and
individuals. Of course a complete recycling of the planet and a re-seeding,
re-planting of new humanity from ships and or protected colonies on earth
would address this issue of the artifacts. But then we are not expecting
that in the coming few years.  So one problem being dealt with is how the
bulk of present day humanity is to somehow reorganize itself internally and
externally and evolve in a manner without "outside" interferences, but still
retain the artifacts of present day and past day earth civilizations?

There is coming into view an alternate possibility. One that occurs against
the backdrop of social and planetary destructuring referred to above. For
lack of a better descriptor, we would compare this to something akin to a
collective near death experience (NDE) that is profoundly transformational.
In this scenario a vast altering of thought process occurs in which profound
new choices are arrived at not through intellectual discourse or social
conflict, but through a near instant recognition of what is best at an
individual and eventually a collective level. To those in a relative
ascended state (imagining an arbitrary threshold of qualitative change), it
will seem as if there are two realities. Some of those in the higher state
of consciousness and or "physical" vibration may maintain a certain
connection with their former "earthlingness" - and some will disconnect more

Humanity is to be woken up to the nature of existence and humanity's place
in Creation.

Some may think it is simply about freewill and choices. But individuals who
are asleep and who have their awareness suppressed are incapable of making
freewill choices. However we are fortunate there is a partial "backup
system" by which aspects of higher self step in and express what may be
needed for our highest good. There will be abrupt shocks to a great many
people, and most concentrated in those areas of human activity that are
based upon falsehoods and with which people most identify with. The wake-up
call is from the true Creator and our higher aspects. It will be
compassionate and unmistakable. We wrote earlier about truth versus
falsehoods. As this time of awakening comes to everyone, there will be an
increase in falsehoods masquerading as truth. The question will be how to
discern between the two. Those who are paying attention and connecting
through their higher self will know one from the other. Those who rely upon
external sources to tell them what is what, will find confusion until they
find their way. It is the intent of Creator to touch each person on this

This expanded issue of GA News addresses further insights into the larger
patterns of spiritual transformation and offers an overview of the nature of
the difficulties faced by humanity from the ongoing manipulation of social
memes on the part of the "control matrix". Delving into these falsehoods was
challenging in many respects. It did provide important insight into the
extensive range of social engineering and meme engineering from ancient
times to present day -and the depths to which it has penetrated into
people's thoughts and behaviours and basic assumptions. For some it is
important to understand better the distortions and illusions and falsehoods
that are now ingrained into the bulk of society at all levels, this
especially applies to those who are in positions of leadership or teachers.

Overall the problem is so severe that it can only be addressed thoroughly at
a high level of true Creation. As more of humanity comes into "the light" of
dramatic changes in consciousness and vibration, these problems from the
dark control matrix will be recognized and set aside as no longer relevant
of consideration except as a possible source of "loving amazement" that
things got so out of hand.

The article in this issue titled Meme Control and Interferences with
Humanity presents a far-ranging overview on this matter along with a
companion piece on the Origins of Time and Our Cosmos.
The material in this issue is a distillation of an enormous amount of both
scholarly and contemplative research. Whether the background details to this
material are published remains to be determined. While many good researchers
helped to uncover various aspects of the nature and origins of the dark and
the flaw in the process of creation, we found no one connected all the dots
on earth and the "invisible realms". All generally had too many details
mixed up with errant leads and insights. What was important was to trace the
subtle yet terrible influences of social engineering/meme engineering over a
period of recent decades since the atomic bomb, the period of recent
centuries, and recent millennia and to determine the extent of non-human
interference. Overall, the implications of all this to the future humanity
are very important.

During a recent conversation, someone recently observed that humanity was
not intended to keep on "adapting" to the control matrix and endless
difficulties, rather humanity was intended to evolve as spiritual beings. In
contemporary society "adapting" to challenges is one facet of the control
meme with too many people subscribing to the notion that "whatever the
difficulties, humanity will adapt" -a tone of resignation to circumstances.

Summary Humanity is now entering a period of great change and crisis. On the
surface there will be those decrying each of these crises as if they were
islands of bad judgment and misfortunate circumstances. I would like to say
now that it is not a food crisis; rather it is a spiritual crisis of
existence. It is not an economic crisis, but a crisis of an inability and
unwillingness of the old paradigm to support exchanges of energy and intent
that serve our true nature. It is not an impending power grid crisis, rather
it is a reflection of the inability of old paradigm energies to connect with
our new selves.

At some point of switching from one system to a new one, there is a period
of "interruption of service". If the new system connections are available in
a "new world", then that is where we must go. Imagine receiving a notice in
mail announcing a period of interruption of "vital services" first one then
another, then more all at once. To make matters more challenging you find
that in order to receive new and upgraded services you will need to relocate
and develop a whole new mode of using these new "services"! Some may cry
"unfair!" but as far as humanity is concerned, there have been more than
ample opportunities to develop new transitional processes so that this
radical switchover can be made more gently. As it was, choices that could
have led to a less rocky transition were not made by those leading
individuals who were among the most aware.

Thus a new way had to be found in which humanity would be stimulated and
pressed on in ways that demonstrate how there were no viable options
remaining with the old reality and old ways. Not only would the old external
patterns of society need to breakdown sufficiently, but so would the
internal patterns of thought, beliefs, and behaviors. Otherwise there would
be very little capacity for the creation of a new society based on a new

All of these "problems" can be recognized as birth pains that combine
internal pressures to emerge into our true destiny as spiritual beings while
the "contractions" of the Earth will provide additional impetus.

Today there are many ponderables for those "on the path" to grapple with
relative to humanity and the question of involvements. One concern is how to
engage in service in the external, yet not stay enmeshed in the dark control
matrix. This is discussed in this issue in the article As Below -- As Above.
At some point it becomes a matter of exercising discernment and detachment
while engaging in service (assuming that is relevant to ones situation).
This is an important consideration to those who are called to service at
this time or who likely to be in the very near future.

The major mechanisms of control --economy, politics, religion, etc. all are
breaking up and so their hold on people will weaken. But this will not occur
overnight. Especially since there is a very large human population that has
absorbed so much social programming by the dark. The 3-d world is entering a
period of great turmoil. What is presently going on is merely a start to a
process that will continue to unfold through 2010-2011. We anticipate very
little relief in the 3-d old paradigm world, more likely there will be
ongoing calumny and calamity. I look at this as an exercise in contrasts.
How much contrast will people need in their lives before more shake
themselves just a little bit awake and consider what is truly important to
them as spiritual beings and then act upon new impulses.

If you can foster awakened community --either home-based or land-based
--that is where to be; encouraging trust, caring, and service within a
larger context of spiritual awakening. This is a good way to support one
another and as situations arise, to be of service to others and thus ease
the transition process.

What is a Community To Do? The question for more people in the "developed"
world these days is one of anticipating scarcity and all that may bring to
mind. There are any number of quite likely scenarios and at some point there
is a level of fear that needs to be addressed. In considering community,
there are the notions of trust, caring, service, and the "big picture" of
spiritual awakening. Where can trust be strengthened and what will that
mean? How can people care for one another in their community and care for
their environment? How can people be of service? How does this all relate to
the "big picture" of purpose to ones existence? Is it to see another day? Is
it to procreate genes? Is it to achieve something within the realm of
humankind? Is it to awaken to true nature as spiritual beings and all that
may imply? While considering these notions, there is the backdrop of daily
life of society and these days, the near terms future is most likely to a
very bumpy ride. · What if you anticipated a global scale economic
depression in the very near future and a deepening crisis onward through
2010? · What if you anticipated radical climate and geo-physical changes
shifts this year onward? · What if you anticipated a major breakdown in the
electric power grid? · What if you anticipated a major disruption and
breakdown on national and global delivery and distribution system? Think of
fuel, food, consumables, spare parts, etc. ?

So what's a community to do?  What is your response?

Compassion At what vibrational level does your compassion operate from?

To many, compassion is limited only to the concerns of humans* and is
something that is projected by those who think they are relatively
better-off, toward those who are experiencing material or physical
suffering. Yet so many of those who may not be materially suffering, may
well be suffering themselves at a far deeper level --that of their very
existence as spiritual beings. (* Taking this a leap further, until recently
there has been a question as to the extent of compassion experienced or felt
by Creator for suffering at the more highly differentiated levels of
awareness and existence.)

When compassion is limited to the human sphere of limited awareness, it can
in effect chain everyone to the "deck of the Titanic" so that everyone has
to "go down with the ship" together.  Some years ago we formulated a concept
called "discernment with compassion" - that placed discernment first. This
was intended as a transitional vibration and transitional perspective to
help people ease themselves into a higher state. In this new context,
compassion would mean awareness of connection or interconnectedness but the
discernment aspect facilitated a dynamic that would activate dormant or
damaged free-will.

One can have great feelings of compassion for people, one can hold great
compassion for the situation of the entire planet inclusive of humans, one
can have great compassion for the situation at the higher levels of self and
the highest levels of Creation. It is all a matter of scope of the frame of
reference, the more encompassing ones awareness, the more one can appreciate
the greater picture and the individual parts of the whole. Therefore, rather
than a distancing and separateness, what happens is a greater sense of love,
of responsibility, of compassion at a higher level of awareness.

At some point attachment/detachment comes to the fore, especially given the
various patterns of energy and memes that are circulating. At some point
non-attachment may mean letting go of ordinary physical life in favor of a
new life in a new state of being. For some non-attachment may be one of
surrender of the personality worries to higher self -a merging into higher
self. It is hoped and expected that for many the process will be one they
can consciously witness and participate in.

When compassion is based on awareness of the interconnectedness of life and
one acts out of love and caring, then compassion can be part of the
transition to higher dimensional awareness. When compassion operates from a
low vibrational level of pity or self interest ("there for the grace of God,
go I") or when it is used to keep everyone chained to the matrix world, then
compassion is not of any positive value or worse.

Changes in Our Existence There is a bifurcation or vibrational
differentiation occurring -along the lines of consciousness and the
energetic structures of reality. On the one hand there is a "downward
spiral" involving of those enmeshed in the matrix world, including even
those who are so righteously motivated to serve by opposing what is seen to
be "un-right". On the other hand there is an "ascending spiral" of those
most capable of welcoming connection to true Oneness, Original Source, etc.
Each major bifurcation branch has its own bifurcations or variations. At
this time these two dynamics are not mutual exclusive, they are not fully
separate dynamics. This is important since so many are in a state of
fluctuation or oscillation between them.

The transformation process is like a drop of water returning to the ocean.
At first it is met with trepidation - will the small one be annihilated by
the greater? Or will it be to the greater benefit of both - the small one
gaining more of its true nature while retaining its unique awareness. So at
first the bolder small droplets begin to touch the ocean, ever so delicately
at first. And thus the first exchanges take place, not unlike the concept of
"first contact". Only in this case it is more a dramatic re-union with more
of our very own selves.

What will be key to how we handle these changes will be how we handle
attachments to what is familiar and comfortable as well as what is not so
comfortable or familiar.

The various bands of the higher realms vibrationally closest to 3-d
existence are being cleared of the dark energies, closer and closer to the
realms of what we know as 3-d existence. But there are those dark forces in
these higher realms who resist the clearing process and opt to descend
further, closer in vibration to the human 3-d realm. Since these dark
entities have not given up their hopeless agenda, they can be anticipated to
cause as much trouble as possible, that is until they are removed and
humanity moves to a higher vibrational state.

Changes to Planetary and Space Environment Concerning future viewing of the
human-earth environment, unless there is an urgent update, we have little
more to say beyond what is in this issue and the January 2008 issue. We
leave it to the aware person to simply pay attention. There are now many
sources, both intuitive and materialist-objectivist that are making similar
forecasts, all indicating serious crises compounding crises with some
pockets relatively spared the worst while some seemingly not. Here is a
summary of a few noteworthy recent events.

First we wish to emphasize, these are not prognostications of total
destruction and mayhem. These represent significant "ratcheting up" of
changes in our physical environment that somehow correlate with changes in
the energetic structures. The level of disastrous effects is partly related
to the serious need for the planet to adjust energetically and physically
and partly related to the level of consciousness of humanity and the choices
made during this period of necessary destructuring of the human social
environment and collective and individual consciousness.

That all said, it is anticipated that there will be far reaching effects on
human society worldwide from these changes, but they will be in stages, not
all in one immense plunge. Ii is essential that more of humanity let go of
the old patterning and become open to new ways just as it is essential that
more of the global elite controllers lose much of their power and influence.

The economy will not and cannot be restored and is likely headed down
through 2010 with both gradual and sudden changes. Before the end of 2008,
the USA and its population will find itself seriously impoverished relative
to its previous self-image and status in the world.

Severe rain and windstorms with flooding, snowmelts, dams breaking, etc.
will affect wide areas in USA as well as other countries. So far this year,
USA has had an extraordinary number of serious tornadoes. A massive cyclone
caused oceanic waves and swell as well as devastating winds killing over
100,000 people and leaving over 1,000,000 homeless in the Myanmar area.
Within days and within a curious geographical proximity, a major earthquake
in southwest China resulted in over 100,000 people missing or dead, hundreds
of thousands injured, and destroying homes and towns for many millions.
These two events were roughly antipodal to the Chilean volcanic eruptions
occurring in the same time period. Many areas of North America are already
being affected by flooding as well as drought. A large portion of California
is anticipating the worst drought in 150 years. Other areas will be facing
ongoing flooding problems. Further rainfall will be causing a growing crisis
situation in many areas. This (water and flooding theme) may find further
amplification near coastal areas during late 2008 and into early 2009. The
cause of these effects may be complex, including a combination of submarine
land deformations, dramatic shifts in ice sheets, and other geophysical
changes affecting coastal lands. Following a moderately strong earth quake
in Illinois, an area in Ohio has been experiencing ongoing flooding from
upwelling of ground water. Strange sinkholes are forming in various states.
It is anticipated that some areas in the world will be severely affected by
a most extreme and devastating heat.

Volcanics and other terrestrial and non-terrestrial factors will alter our
planets atmosphere.

Submarine lands will be disturbed to such an extent that coastal areas
around the world will be adversely affected by water inundations starting
middle to late 2008 and into 2009 and on. From all this, plus economic
factors, a large number of people will be relocating for any combination of
physical or social environmental factors. Planetary, economic, and space
energy disturbances will likely impact the stability of utility power grids.
It is noted that this Spring there has been an unusual number of major gamma
ray bursts (GRB), some of which could be seen as visible light by observers
knowing where to look. Officialdom has been timidly raising concerns for
major earthquake potentials along the west coast and eastern zones,
including the new Madrid fault zone and related rifts. Whatever combination
of events occur, these all point to permanent changes throughout all facets
of society - USA and elsewhere. These will feed into political and social
crises as people and ruling elites react, not just in USA, but elsewhere.
Countries will experience internal compartmentalizing into sub-units such as
provinces, districts, counties, etc.

The question of a pole shift has been raised recently and we would be remiss
not to touch on this topic. What has been observed has been a change --
occurring in small stages -- to the relationship of surface geography to
what would be considered the northern and southern points of the earth's
spin axis. There have also been hints of a shift in the tilt of the earth.
Whether one or both of these conditions are true, the net effect would be
that portions of the northern areas of Russia (around Franz Josef Land)
would be slightly closer to the Earth's north pole and areas (such as
Montana) would be a slightly closer to the equator. When, if at all, these
would occur is not possible to say. Initially these changes would likely be
in very small fractions of degrees. Such changes would be likely related to
some rebalancing of the earth's physical mass relative to both planetary and
space environment changes. As to magnetic poles shifts, these are very
likely as the magnetic field is subject to space radiations and thus bears
watching as well.

Unless unequivocally guided by higher self, non-engagement is advised and to
stay focused on expanding your own connections to higher self and true
Source. For those who are coming into direct connection with their higher
self matrix, the question of involvement will be clear and apparent. If you
must engage in the outer world do so out of pure love and an unattached
caring and best to focus on your immediate local community.

Updates for anything of considerable significance will be posted at the NES
forums under sections titled: World and National; Planetary and Space
Environment; Spirituality and Transformation; etc. We invite readers to
register and post: _

False Imprinting and Meme Engineering This issue of GA News presents an
overview, based on extensive research and intuitive insights, into the less
obvious forms of social control: the very groups and tendencies that most
appear to promote "alternatives" for a positive future and promote spiritual
values. In addition are noted patterns of content that continue to introduce
fear and confusion mainly through the Internet. In recent decades, there has
been a sophisticated move to find ways of controlling people's beliefs and
behaviors - both through content psy-ops and through electronically
controlled energy fields. This goes way beyond the scope of
agitation-propaganda, as it was called in the "old days", for meme and
social manipulation.

"Oneness" has become a handy term these days. It is widely and abstractly
promoted as love, forgiveness, and embracing everyone and everything without
discernment. Such an approach is consistent with "false creation" imprinting
of everything under its domain with the false teaching of an abstract or
absolute sounding "freedom" extolling the individual. Advocates usually
extended these concepts to apply to the human species as well, always in a
context that omits connection to true Source and full consciousness. As we
have discussed before, this would be considered humanity's ultimate hubris
if ever fully implemented. H.G. Wells' 1936 movie "Shape of Things to Come"
informs the viewer at the conclusion that it is for humanity to keep focused
and working on the material world for the purpose of conquering the universe
--for that is its true purpose and destiny. "Attraction" is also a term that
is "in vogue". As we noted earlier, as the process of awakening comes to
each of our doors, there will be an increase in falsehoods masquerading as
truth and using similar languaging. (As an interesting aside, Wells was
personally very much aware of influential inner circles of power and
influence - the true "hidden hand" as Adam Smith expressed in referred to
the working of capitalism. (Recently we discovered a particularly dark and
energetically toxic sect has decided to co-opt both the "oneness" and
"global awakening" and marketing identifiers while promoting their
"blessings' among naïve followers.)

Our research has taken us into the sketchy ancient records of many thousands
of years ago, looking for consistent patterns - the footprints  and
fingerprints of those "others" - as well as the most recent decades. This
relates to, yet goes far beyond family lineages. Given the current
situation, we would say that genetic markers were of some early importance
as a type of subtle energy tracking marker.

Ascension and Transformation Remember the story about the frog in the pot of
water which is slowly heated up? Well that is humanity. The pot is heating
up and too much of humanity still thinks it is okay to stay in its old pot.
Even those who are more spiritually oriented. Too many get too caught up in
the dramas and righteous causes and issues. These are all at a stages that
are too big for humanity to tackle, given its present state of limited

A transformational process is in play that is designed to clear the energy
matrices that govern individual and collective existence. However the
distortions in the human personality and collective consciousness place too
many limits on the initial process. Hence a "plan-b" is in process to move
things along. This "plan-b" involves both the ratcheting up of changes to
the planetary and social environment as well as altering the composition of
the vibrational layers most directly above human 3-d.

Some are welcoming or encouraging the big earth changes and the big human
social-political changes. Why? For some it is due to some false doctrinal
teachings - usually religious - for others it is a way to "get it over with"
and not prolong ever-worsening troubles on earth among humans. There are
many fine gradations in between, but the point we wish to make here is that
this is mostly out of our hands. Yes, there are those who will continue to
pray that there be no more natural or human disasters and there will be
those will welcome them for various reasons. However, this too is not in our
hands, it is in the hands of True Creator and humanity's influence is
primarily related to choices and freewill.

This makes it hard for those who are somewhere in no-man's land - not in the
matrix world and not in an ascended state of awareness. As the matrix system
breaks down further, more people will "get the message" and many will be
open to new ideas and new ways. At that point they will seek cooperative and
spiritual alternatives to the old ways. Otherwise, the natural tendency
toward "survivalism" or restoration of the old patterns will dominate.

The closer you are to the "ascension event horizon" there may be little one
can "do" except to offer support to those who may be aware of the process.

There is no set date or calendar time period for this process that is
already underway. Meanwhile, there will be those setting up new types of ad
hoc communities or collectives. These will mostly be oriented toward
material well being in face of material adversity. A few will be higher
vibrational communities of people and there will naturally be higher
vibrational sub-sets of people within larger communities.

As Above, As Below Contrary to many views of mass destruction, chaos, and
hysteria, we wish to emphasize again that while there are some major changes
to anticipate in the next few years, these are most likely to be in stages
that will permit some brief period for people to adjust somewhat to changing
circumstances. Of course for evacuees from damaged coastal areas or storm
scoured locales, these would represent very major changes.

Many of these coming changes are closely related to the interaction and
intervention of the "white light" that is coming down from The Creator of

We will be experiencing growing disasters in terms of effect and number.
There will also likely be outbreaks of civil unrest in the population. But
not as great as some worst case scenarios and their advocates have
predicted. When the period of the greatest changes are over, it will all
probably be looked at differently, we will have a different take on as if
the memory of the events will be modified to allow a smoother transition.
This will eventually reach back into time and all of the disasters and
problems will be smoothed out so that we can move forward without the
darkness of the past. This is expected to be systemic to the world as well
as with the individual both in this life and in all lifetimes past.

There are various levels of frequency bands, or layers, that are above what
is regarded as "3-d density". As the higher levels are being cleared of
various dark forces, some of those beings are descending closer to the 3-d
reality of humans. This leads to an increase of beings that are not "of the
light" at the level of human reality. In effect they "took a deep breath"
and descended further to continue their agendas in realms that coincide more
with that which most of humanity operates in. It appears that they are
coming down from the higher levels to avoid or postpone the change that is
happening. Because of their presence here, there is more "mischief"
happening to individuals and dark beings attempt to find ways to avoid the
changes. They are prevented from fleeing this sector and they can only run
down into density so far. They have reached the end as far as running goes
and they may be causing problems because they are cornered and feel
threatened. Taking their anger and fear out on the embodied because it is
the only power that they have left. Thus they have a more direct influence
on human affairs and the lower layers become harder to clear. In the short
term this can mean greater turmoil and instigation of international

In watching the white light coming down the levels, at first it seemed that
it would take about three years before the white light of "The Creator of
All" reached 3-d density level. Now it is looking more like its effects will
be noticed to intensify this July and on into fall. In response to these
energies, greater changes to all facets of physicality will be more in
evidence. In the third energy level "zone" above us, the light has already
moved through and it has settled in to the form it is to have from now on.
In the second level above us, the upheavals have stopped and there is white
light everywhere. In the level or zone immediately above us, it is in the
upheaval stage of the entry of the white light. Major changes are taking
place and it will be in transition for a few weeks to a few months.

Concerning this level of 3-d density, the light is just beginning its full
entry and should be here in force during June-July with major upheavals in
the "as above and as below" realms lasting into the fall when the
vibrational transitions will really begin.

The Future The future of humanity does not lie with false political
processes and false leaders and false memes but rather with each person
connecting through their higher-self to the True Source/True Creation. As we
do this, we need to focus on local community, local self-sufficiency, and
local control. This is one way of practically bridging our "as above" realms
with the "as below" realms of physicality.

A massive clearing and restructuring is going on at higher and higher levels
of creation. There are a number of processes underway. One pertains to
clearing the realms immediately above what would be regarded as 3-d
consensus reality. This makes it easier for the higher realms to be in more
direct connection with those of humanity who are ready to experience more of
an upshifting and in turn helps prepare more for such changes to their
awareness and physicality. Another process involves the internal pressures
of human society, and then there is the pressures of the earth itself
exerting contractions to move the "birth process" along. Along with
everything else, the overall environment of the solar system and galaxies we
are a part of is changing as well.

Humanity on earth may seem to be running a bit "behind schedule", but the
problems here have been somewhat of a tough nut to crack - like a black
walnut - very tough.

There is much change on the horizon in terms of our consciousness, planet,
and the nature of what we regard as reality. The sooner to let go of the
illusions put before us by those seeking to parasitize off of humanity, the
sooner we can get on with creating a new way of being, one that is in
connection to our true Source, the original Source of all Creation.
Connection with higher self and consummate detachment are key.


A New America, An Awakened Future On Our Horizon by Alex Kochkin and
Patricia Van Camp

Online preview at _

To everyone concerned about the state of the society and interested in doing
something about it, we are offering our books to organizations and
individuals who can use the research and insight contained in them to build
a better world, new leadership, and new community.

To those who are suspicious of generosity, we want to be clear that we are
not now, now have ever been, associated with any political, religious, or
other institution or personage.  This is a 400-page 4-color special edition
that sells for $34.95. Highly readable, it also lends itself to core or
supplementary to various study curricula.

The research material is like no other and is truly of "landmark" status in
social science research and American Studies. The time, costs and experience
needed to conduct a study like this are prohibitive to most organizations
and individuals. For those who are actively engaged in positive change, we
offer our counsel and experience.

Let us know by email if you would like a review copy. Our wish is to get
these in the hands of people to use in the best way possible. This is not
just about U.S. society, it is applicable to all humanity.

Domestic USA for several copies averages $15
Domestic USA averages $4.50.
International rates for single copies are about $20 and for cartons about

While it is voluntary, we would really appreciate receiving reimbursement
for shipping.

Make checks payable to Global Awakening Press,
PO Box 969, Stevensville,
Montana 59870 USA. Thank you!

This material is likely to be used by leaders involved in:
* Development of new leadership models   
* Development of new organizational models
* Community and political campaigns      
* Personal development
* Business, government, and community leaders looking for a new way

Academic use at high school and university levels:
* American Studies      
* Social Sciences      
* Statistics
* Sociology         
* History         
* Consciousness Studies
* Religion and Spirituality   
* Ethics and Philosophy      
* Women¹s Studies
* Political Science      
* Communications and English

Note: For educational applications, we will include copies of the IOOW-2000
research executive briefing materials that provides an overview of this
extraordinary research on social consciousness. Link:

The political and media data are also quite relevant today in analysing
social and political campaigns.

To request copies, please email info @ - Let us know how many you
Go to the FGA main page...

then click on the "Decade of the Heart" link on the right...

and then click on the "Media Campaign" link on the left...

Now check out the various "Media Previews" on the left.

QUESTION: Just who or what are we supposed to be "forgiving"?????? :scared:

I dunno about you guys, but my inner radar is going PING PING PING PING PING PING PING....

I want to do another careful read-through of the material before commenting further, but based on my first cursory read, the phrase "well-intentioned useful idiots" comes to mind....
This is a 400-page 4-color special edition
that sells for $34.95.

This is the bit I found myself waiting for.

This material is likely to be used by leaders involved in:
* Development of new leadership models
* Development of new organizational models
* Community and political campaigns
* Personal development
* Business, government, and community leaders looking for a new way

In other words, more of the same.

My initial feeling on this was that someone has been reading the Cassiopaean material, left out the bits they think their readers might not accept (lizzies, OP's, psycopaths, ponerology), or which will definitely give the game away, paraphrased what they have read here, and decided to publish under their own names. A nice bit of plagiarism, in other words.

This was a bit of a give-away, osit,

But as to
these rosy scenarios coming from individuals who are purportedly channeling
"higher level" intelligences, one must wonder if these are actually dark
force entities engaging in their favorite deception of pretending to be the
"good guys".

because I read it as "Don't believe them, believe us!"

And they use the generic term of 'dark forces' without actually going into any detail about what these forces actually are.

But these are only my own thoughts; and might be completely and utterly wrong.
When I first read this article, I have to say that there were a few things that really seemed good. The same advice given by Laura, but worded differently.

However, I got a bad feeling when reading this paragraph:

We will mostly know what we need to know sooner or later, especially those
most focused on ascension and spiritual evolution. People are receiving
clear guidance from their higher self matrix.
This is important to ask for.
Ask for this connection and this clear, unequivolcal guidance from your
higher self matrix. Ask that your personality self relax into the
relationship and not impeded it unnecessarily. Consider this as evening
prayer or personal induction each night. Ask to remember. It is your divine right.

Well, color me paranoid, but this, to me, is just asking for some STS dude to take over your "spiritual" development.

I have quickly checked out the provided links in at the top of the article, and what was given by PepperFritz. What it looks like to me, and heavens knows I could be seeing this inaccurately, is that you have a couple of people here who are promoting a really good sounding thing.

However, they are talking a lot about contacting you higher spiritual self, without any warnings of what you might encounter if your not careful, and then giving guidelines on what to do for different situations such as community groups, group currencies, bartering. All very useful, I think. But they haven't once said that people should gain knowledge and understanding of anything, let alone get to know yourself so that you can get rid of programs, etc.

It all has a warm, fuzzy feeling to me. Although it mixes it with what Laura and Ark and those at the castle are saying as to those who are driving the world to the edge of the abyss. Hmmmm, as bedower mentioned, plagiarism anyone?

They also never even say the word "psychopath", although I have looked only at a very small part of the links. You would have thought that they would have mentioned "psychopaths" in the article that Laura posted. But not a peep.

The whole thing leaves me thinking that this is someone who is trying to get groups of communities going and then, by default because they got the ball rolling, end up being the new brave leaders in a new brave world.

Like I said, color me paranoid. :shock:

bedower said:
My initial feeling on this was that someone has been reading the Cassiopaean material, left out the bits they think their readers might not accept (lizzies, OP's, psycopaths, ponerology), or which will definitely give the game away, paraphrased what they have read here, and decided to publish under their own names. A nice bit of plagiarism, in other words.

Yes, when I was reviewing the sections that are so obviously based on Laura's work and the Cassiopaea material, and other sources, I felt like I was reading something of substance. But as soon as it veers away from "research material", it becomes the worst kind of word-salad, very heavy and high-minded sounding, but utterly devoid of meaning or information.

This section is extremely telling:

The material in this issue is a distillation of an enormous amount of both scholarly and contemplative research. Whether the background details to this material are published remains to be determined. While many good researchers helped to uncover various aspects of the nature and origins of the dark and the flaw in the process of creation, we found no one connected all the dots on earth and the "invisible realms". All generally had too many details mixed up with errant leads and insights.

In other words, they've lifted all of this from other sources, but they're not going to tell who the sources are, because they, in their infinite wisdom, have determined them to be full of "errant" ideas, and therefore don't want you to read them. They are the only ones who have the wisdom and clarity to "connect the dots" and tell you what it all really means. At best, these are well-intentioned la-la-la New-Agers who are being exploited as useful idiots to the people funding them; at worst, they are hucksters looking to make a buck off the work and ideas of others, and the government agents who are funding them.

These items jumped out at me:

...the Fund For Global Awakening, a publicly supported non-profit corporation.....

"Publicly supported"?????? As in "government funded"??????

Alex has a twenty-year professional background which includes management as well as research with emphasis on marketing and product management and planning, qualitative and quantitative research, strategic information and data services for a wide range of commercial, governmental and non-profit clients. This background includes extensive experience as a consultant to business and public agencies.

"Marketing", "product planning", "strategic information and data services", "governmental clients"..... Right.....

Notice how many times they repeat the following mantra?

Fund For Global Awakening is a 501c3 organization for public benefit and is not limited to, nor influenced by, any political, economic, or religious interests.

Methinks they doth protest too much.

All in all, it smells. It smells bad.
aka “Stay away from the coasts!” (Hatonn said this recently)
“golden age”  Ted Bramley sez they always promise one.

My initial feeling on this was that someone has been reading the Cassiopaean material, left out the bits they think their readers might not accept (lizzies, OP's, psycopaths, ponerology), or which will definitely give the game away, paraphrased what they have read here, and decided to publish under their own names. A nice bit of plagiarism, in other words.

Agreed, like so many incantations of the “conspiracy pantheon” re-formed to adapt to current circumstance.  My guess is like bedower’s & PF's:  This is a flavor that’s been spun to use/defuse the Density notion.  And perhaps deflect would be posters to cassiopaea again?

That forum looks eerily familiar  :huh:

Is it just me, or is this monologue just like so many others I have read?  I never thought it would be possible to use so many words to give so little information. 

Laura said:
To everyone concerned about the state of the society and interested in doing
something about it
, we are offering our books to organizations and
individuals who can use the research and insight contained in them to build
a better world, new leadership, and new community

They really know who have to read their books, they are directly talking to them.

Laura said:
The research material is like no other and is truly of "landmark" status in
social science research and American Studies. The time, costs and experience
needed to conduct a study like this are prohibitive to most organizations
and individuals
. For those who are actively engaged in positive change, we
offer our counsel and experience.

Let us know by email if you would like a review copy. Our wish is to get
these in the hands of people to use in the best way possible. This is not
just about U.S. society, it is applicable to all humanity.

This material is likely to be used by leaders involved in:
* Development of new leadership models
* Development of new organizational models
* Community and political campaigns
* Personal development
* Business, government, and community leaders looking for a new way

Academic use at high school and university levels:
* American Studies
* Social Sciences
* Statistics
* Sociology
* History
* Consciousness Studies
* Religion and Spirituality
* Ethics and Philosophy
* Women¹s Studies
* Political Science
* Communications and English

Wich is the interest of those who want to give a massive message to those positioned in situations with open access to the multitudes
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