Alien Abductee would like opinions

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Chloe Timewalker


I've come here through a quite a mismash of surfing around. I've just done a big sigh because I've tried reading through the information on the Wave articles having to do with 'alien' or our future selves coming back to help us scenarios. Which I understand because I have had some channeling experience myself and these concepts have been explained to me in these channelings
I wasn't channeling when my alien recall and experiences started to happen to me. I started channeling after in an attempt to try and help me understand what had happened to me. I also found that I had, enhanced abilities for certain things after alien contact.

I have shared my experiences with other private abductee groups over the years because I felt like I was going crazy and what I found was that I wasn't the only one:) but as I've gotten older, I have more understanding of what I've gone through and having come out, or gone through the processes of alien adbuction and contact. I have this urge to open up to others to share and maybe help those that might be afraid like I was when it started to happen to me. I have just put up a blog for this purpose.

I have medical conditions that I believe were contributed to by these abduction experiences and so I don't have the cognitive abilities, memory probs and probelms with constant pain, to wade through all of the cassiopaea material, although it is very interesting.

Also PLEASE yes Chloe TimeWalker is a Pen name because I don't want my real name plastered all over the web and as you are aware at this site. I don't need certain nasty people at my door. So please you probably will find out my real name but keep it to yourself... please.

my blog is

I do have my complete story on only one site and here is that link:

It is just the start of 'my story' or experiences I'm going to be posting them as I can.
I tried to get the bigger names to help me in ufology but I never got any emails back from them.

What I wanted to ask is if you guys could give me a readers digest version
or some insight as to what might be going on in relation to the cassiopaea channels. I really trust channeled materials.. I have read enough of hers to see that they resonate with mine but are clearer than what I get for myself.

thanks folks!!


it really is worth reading through 'the wave' in its entirety (check the sitemap), because there is a LOT there.

anyway lets see what I can say about it, and about chanelling, though I have no personal experience of it: you say that you 'really trust' channelled materials. well, Laura's approach to the Cassipaean experiment was sort of the opposite! that she wanted to subject it to some conscious, rigorous scrutiny, ie to allow an objective 'scientific' study (yes, even though this is a realm where so-called science doesn't usually dare to tread!). which is why she chose the form of a board, whereby there could be conscious feedback. The 'Cassiopaeans' didn't come through until the experiment had been running for some time, (a couple of years?), and during this time, my understanding of the process is that it was a gradual 'clearing out' of the layers necessary to 'get through' to some kind of purer channel, and that these layers consisted of both internal psychological loops that needed to be played out, along with a sea of all kinds of external 'dead dudes' and various hanger-on entities.

I think during this exercise that Laura came to the understanding that many (most? almost all?) trance-channels can be either random noise, or one of these 'dead dudes' or indeed some more powerful entity who is pushing certain information and manipulating the channel for their own agenda, quite often for feeding purposes, and that many who claim to have our best interests at heart, actually don't. So the first important stage of the experiment was to do the 'weeding', and to 'cut through the bullsh*t', so that some kind of purer (?) channel might have room to be possible, which actually had some useful information/answers, some connection to a higher meaning.

so anyway that's my nutshell summary of channelling as I understand it, but don't take my word for it. the material on the site really fleshes things out and demonstrates a LOT of information, which has been gained through sheer hard work. plus it adds a WHOLE LOT of context into why the experiment was started, and what were Laura's intentions, and also the process of how it developed.

as for what 'might be going on' with the cassiopea channel. well Laura says to never "just accept it", but that the working hypothesis is doing just fine right now. She uses this information as inspiration to initiate further research via maybe more conventional means.

the C's have said many things that have been confirmed in retrospect, some of which are very powerful, and could not possibly have been known in advance. and if the rest of the information holds up, and things pan out in the way that is suggested by the whole of Laura's ongoing research, then we are in for some very 'interesting' times indeed.
Chloe said:
I really trust channeled materials
It's a good idea not to trust all of them, i would say. Here's a place where you can read about other channeled sources and there are cassiopaea quotes included as well:

But i am afraid there's not a cassiopaea digest. It's "you read it all and digest it or not" type of thing ;) From what you discribe it might be difficult for you to read it all, but is it impossible?

Edit: you beat me to it Vin! :)
Hi Chloe,

I've just read your article entitled : Chloe’s Story of Alien Contact In Ontario Canada (part I)

It sounds very similar to the abduction scenarios that are described in this website.

Maybe you should try to invest some time in reading (the Wave particularly) it could help you to give some perspective and objective analysis to what you are experiencing.
Chloe Timewalker said:
I have medical conditions that I believe were contributed to by these abduction experiences and so I don't have the cognitive abilities, memory probs and probelms with constant pain, to wade through all of the cassiopaea material, although it is very interesting.
Hi Chloe,

The material suggested is worth while reading, but if you are unable to read it yourself, then maybe you know someone who would read it to you or even start a reading group ;)

I have thought that it could be a good idea to make it a project to put some of the material onto an audio version, so that people who are unable to read large amounts or not at all (blind) can benefit from the material. An audio version could also be a great way to refresh the material while driving or doing certain types of jobs (such as cleaning).

Gurdjieff recommended that his students read his lectures aloud to each other, as he thought it necessary for his students to hear it 3 times, in order to pick up most of the information contained therein. I would say that the same could equally be said about what Laura has written. So much falls into to place reading through the material a second time.

Well worth the effort :)
Okay thanks al of you so much.

So everyone seems to think that the wave material is where I should focus on reading. That in itself is a very good help so I don't waste my energies elswhere looking... thank you.

and yes a mp3 version where you could down load and burn it onto a CD would be excellent. Then for someone like me I could lay in bed with my earphones on and rest while listening. I find this is the best way for me to retain most information.. while relaxing and going into a light meditative state..but I have to trust the material. I don't want anything getting imprinted on my mind in this way if it's not educational or helpful etc.

I think I'll try and print out the wave and then I can rest and read it anyway. Instead of sitting here.

Oh yes! I'm not saying that I trust ALL channeled materials.. not at all :) it's just that I have been around channelers for many many years and I have come to 'know' or to trust my own instincts about them.

I'll check back with you guys as I read more of the information..

We started a project to audio-record The Wave series a few years ago, though it was apparently scrapped -- not exactly sure what happened. It's not as easy as one might think to do such a thing and make it listenable -- major time investment in recording and editing.
Chloe Timewalker said:
I find this is the best way for me to retain most information.. while relaxing and going into a light meditative state..but I have to trust the material. I don't want anything getting imprinted on my mind in this way if it's not educational or helpful etc.

I think I'll try and print out the wave and then I can rest and read it anyway. Instead of sitting here.

Oh yes! I'm not saying that I trust ALL channeled materials.. not at all :) it's just that I have been around channelers for many many years and I have come to 'know' or to trust my own instincts about them.
I think there's a problem with the way you approach new information in general, not just channeled materials. You said that you have to trust the material, or the source, before you even touch it. However, just what do you base your trust on? Words from us, or your instinct? You never know us so it's not a good idea just to trust us. The same for your instinct, or intuition. If you know anything about human psychology, you will know that our intuition can be fooled very easily. A better way to approach new information, IMO, is to read it all and verify and cross-check it afterwards from many different independent sources using your critical thinking. Of course, to do that you have to read a lot. I understand you have difficulties with reading but I can't think of any other way to gain knowledge.
AdPop said:
We started a project to audio-record The Wave series a few years ago, though it was apparently scrapped -- not exactly sure what happened. It's not as easy as one might think to do such a thing and make it listenable -- major time investment in recording and editing.
Instead of starting with such a big project such as the wave seriers, a start could be recent articles such as Laura's article today "The Hope", and Joe's article on Iran. The use of different voices, when things are in quotes could make a powerful presentation.

But as Adpop says it, does require a lot of time, which might currently be considered better spent elsewhere.

hoangmphung said:
You never know us so it's not a good idea just to trust us. The same for your instinct, or intuition. If you know anything about human psychology, you will know that our intuition can be fooled very easily. A better way to approach new information, IMO, is to read it all and verify and cross-check it afterwards from many different independent sources using your critical thinking.
A very important point, OSIT.
Hi Chloe;

Well what can be said... Hmmm, what you have found by arriving at the doorstep (so to speak) on the Cassiopaean Experiment is a pearl of great prize. Indeed yes a pearl. To "nut-shell" what is still available to you herein (primarily such as the WAVE material) would be similar to someone asking you to condense your personal life(s) experience/lessson(s) into 25 words or less. The writer of the WAVE takes you on a journey through life as we all are similarly impacted. By demonstration of the authors own personal experience(s) you have an opportunity to learn much about who you are and who you are not - Certainly you have acquired plenty of clues. For me... I was finally able to cash many of them (clues) in upon discovery of various material found herein.

That said: If you desire to know really what makes your machine tick and what made others tick - including many still ticking amongst us on a daily basis... then you are knocking upon a right door you can be certain of that in the near future. "Study"

Also, If you desire to know how your relationship to the cosmos, including those people/entities around you in the here and now - both seen and unseen - again, you have come to the right door. "Study"

The interplay/relationship with ancient history and quantum physics - rest your knuckles and simply push the door open while it is there to push. 'Study"

After considerable understanding through an evolutionary process that is undeniable the following was stated by the author in a "communication" with the C's ("us in the future") Note: the author is "Q" and the response "A". (Following)

Note: below a link of which sets the "tone" of the material offered on this incredible website. A must read as you shall soon see. Our little group (which we read aloud every week) in my neck of the woods has managed (by frugality and hunting used book stores) to purchase many of the books cited in this experiment. Additionally we have hard copy - "the WAVE" (all 4 volumes) in addition to "High Strangeness". If you can swing it spend the coin on the WAVE (I doubt you'll find it second hand) so you have it. Holding it in my hands works for me - and you can find the book store easily - just look around click a book icon.


For you... from the C's (us in the future - indented) and Laura (not indented).

the WAVE online.....

Now, I would like to make some other comments before we move on with our brain studies. I would like to talk a little bit about "love."

Many readers seem to have grossly misunderstood the Cassiopaean remarks about "love," mainly because they don't play the game of exciting your "feel good" brain chemicals with their words. They have said that "Real love is not strictly hormonal." When I subsequently remarked:

Q: (L) There are many teachings that are promulgated that Love is the key, the answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and whatnot can all be achieved through love.
A: The problem is not the term "love," the problem is the interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of love as you know it is not correct either. It is not necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no sense when common definitions are used as they are in your environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

Now, please stop and ponder these words carefully.

When the Cassiopaeans use the term "knowledge," they are using it in the deepest sense of the word. To have "facts," to be able to "remember things," or to relate things to one another, or to creatively utilize what one remembers or relates, has absolutely nothing to do with Knowledge in the Cassiopaean sense of the word. They have asked us to consider this word carefully, asking:

Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide you with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form.

...Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness.

...Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence. ...It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. ... If you simply have faith [in the concept of seeking knowledge], no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing.

That is, "knowledge," by the Cassiopaean definition, is not false. Facts that later prove to be false, were never knowledge to begin with, even if they were erroneously counted as "knowledge."

C's continue:

Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge.

This suggests that each level of knowledge that we acquire prepares us for the next level, and the next, and so on. Those who seek to know things that they have no preparation to receive, are subject to obfuscation.

There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge.

This last remark is crucial: "when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge." I know that everyone who is "seeking" thinks that they are "open," but if you carefully examine your thoughts, you will discover that you have a lot of "beliefs" and assumptions that you expect your "seeking" to confirm. The next comments elaborate on this:

And knowledge forms the protection -- all the protection you could ever need. ...[People who claim to be receiving knowledge by faith who later find that they have received false information] ...are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same. [10-22-94]

Taking this "key" literally, if a person has problems or feels "attacked" or is suffering in any way, they have only to search their own mind to discover that they are holding on to a belief or an assumption that is an obsession. I have found this to be true in my own life, as well as the lives of others. If there are problems, illness, difficulties of all kinds, then one is obsessed in some way with a false belief. No exceptions.

The 3rd density "application" of knowledge is, of course, awareness. And the Cassiopaeans have commented on this as well:

As we have told you, there are seven levels of density which involves, among other things, not only state of being physically, spiritually and etherically, and materially, but also, more importantly, state of awareness. You see, state of awareness is the key element to all existence in creation. You have undoubtedly remembered that we have told you that this is, after all, a grand illusion, have you not? So, therefore, if it is a grand illusion, what is more important, physical structure or state of awareness???

...Now, when we go from the measuring system, which of course has been nicely formulated so that you can understand it, of density levels one through seven, the key concept, of course, is state of awareness. All the way through. So, once you rise to a higher state of awareness, such things as physical limitation evaporate. And, when they evaporate, vast distances, as you perceive them, become nonexistent. So, just because you are unable to see and understand has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what is or is not possible. Except within your own level of density. And this is what almost no one on your current level of density is able to understand. If you can understand it and convey it to them, you will be performing the greatest service that your kind has ever seen. Think about that for a moment. Let it seep into your consciousness. Analyze it. Dissect it. Look at it carefully and then put it back together again.
Q: (L) What is it that limits our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits everything. As you rise to higher levels of density, limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.

Hang in there Chloe and great to hear from you!

Hello Chloe , I would like to share with you some of my incredible experiences with UFOs and Aliens. Since witnessing a huge UFO wave east of Carlisle , Cumbria UK in 1993 I have had both good and bad encounters with Aliens and UFOs. At the moment I am trying to find a decent hypnotherapist to help unlock the secrets of my alien abductions. I have been abducted by at least 3 different races of aliens , the bad experiences were with the Reptilians , the good abductions/experiences were with Pleiadians and both bad and neutral experiences were with the Greys. I think there is a struggle going on between different races of alien and that they have different agendas for us humans.From my experiences the Reptilian beings are very agressive and are trying to acquire Pleiadian technology possibly for bad purposes. The Greys seem to want to cross breed with us and there are several possible reasons being aired as to why , possibly to take us over slowly by introducing hybrids into our planet that look the same as us but differ greatly genetically, or they have lost the ability to reproduce by themselves and need our help to regain it , or another theory is that they came here through a worm hole but they are now stuck here and to survive they must somehow integrate with planet earth - one of these theories might be right or it could be something else I don't know but I think it is important to study the possibilities. The Pleiadians however have only our best interests at heart and I have a personal experience to help prove this. In 1998 I was set up by the UK defence agency DERA and the British Army. I was allocated a 2 bed roomed council house with large gardens at a place called Sandysike in Cumbria. I should only have been allocated a small 1 bedroomed flat due to my status. Soon after I moved in the mind control programming started and as I was already a UFO contactee the demands started as the DERA programmer next door started saying " get me a spaceship" unfortunately this expoitation worked and I witnessed a UFO crash into the field behind my house. i became so upset at the way the military had turned my actions around to killing alien friends that i became suicidal. i then had a visit in my bedroom of a friendly pleiadian woman who helped me figure out how to block the mind control programming and get enough strength together to move away from the army field operation. i still have contacts with the pleiadians today and they tell me i might be allowed to take over compiling the contact reports when billy meier retires from the job. back to the abductions and i would like to be hypnotised to try to get more answers as to the purpose of each abduction. quite often i have had memories of being surrounded by beings at night but when i try to gain more consciousness or wake up they never let me wake up they seem to prevent me from waking up which i find extremely frustrating. only recently did i have an abduction with clear memories and images of the greys in the flesh and not semi-opaque as they have previously appeared to me. i had mixed emotions during and after this episode in march 2009 and i was quickly informed by my friendly pleiadian contacts that these greys had slipped through the net so to speak and they would not be able to abduct me again as the pleiadians know their motives and deem to protect me. so that was quite reassuring! to finish i wonder if you know of any good hypnotherapists with a knowledge of the ufo/alien subject who would be able to help me, thanks peace to you from nick.
I'm curious, Nicholas, how you can consider anyone who abducts you to be benevolent in nature?
Hello there Heimdellr I must clarify this only the Reptilians and greys have abducted me maybe I made a mistake in my account but the Pleiadians only contact and communicate with me they are the helpful ones who don't abduct me. Sorry if I confused you there. The Pleiadians actually prevent the greys from abducting me anymore because it is traumatising me.

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