Alien Contact through Dream.


The Force is Strong With This One
I have been asking to have an acceleration in learning and evolving as I read through the book 'Bringers of the Dawn' so last night around 11:00PM eastern time I had just put down the book after reading a chapter and then laid down to go to sleep, and I had an amazing dream, the kind that your remember which has not happened to me in a long time.

I dreamed about my home in the morning time and it was a gray morning with the sun just beginning to come up.
Outside my kitchen window there was a rounded square projected window coming from some device that was stuck into the ground.
A red light was coming from this device and projecting this window to what appeared to be a different dimension here on earth.
Through this window the environment mirrored the one I was in but in the sky where these massive floating ships which appeared to be like cities with large buildings coming from them, but they were completely silent and there were many ones and not all of them exactly a like.
I took the device after watching what was going on through it for a while and I waited until night time to put it back into the ground.
I was paranoid the whole time about a grey alien coming to take the device back because it was obviously not supposed to be here and for some reason I have a horrific fear of grey aliens.
No aliens came to take the device and at about the same time in the morning as the first time I witnessed ships through it again I went outside and witnessed smaller ships fighting and shooting and loud noises going on.
Then the device in the ground went from a stationary thing that gave me a limited view to a pair of red sunglasses that gave me almost like a virtual reality version of the world I was peering into.
I had to duck and take cover and cower up against my house as all of these ships were obviously battling, I even reached out trying to touch the edge of some of them but I phased through it... eventually it quited down and I noticed people moving around near me in front of me so I was not sure they could see or hear or even knew I was looking at them.

So I called out "What is going on? Who Are you?" and there were a couple females one of which turned and walked to me and said "I am Norwegian" and then a male who was wearing something that looked more futuristic than the female came and turned to me and said as if he knew I wanted to know if they were alien "I am a Borean" ( It was something with a B or Bolean or something, my memory is kind of hazy)

So I then asked "Was Billy Meier right?" to which he responded "Thats too advanced" and I got the feeling that he could not talk to me now and the dream slowly faded and I had the feeling that he was waiting for another time to see me and give me an answer.

So I am waiting for tonight to see if I have another dream with the Boreans....

Anyone Care to help me figure out what this dream was about?
Hey Jesse, there's a lot of heavy symbolism in your dream and I can't really interpret it without the context provided by your life. That said, what stuck out for me was conflict, contact with higher forms of life (potentially your future self), piercing a veil looking into another world.. now all of these are themes of the Work. Obviously Billy Meier seems to be a sacred cow, or at least his ideas are something you seem to have a strong focus on. That said, it's possible that this dream was just a dream, and the import of its content to your personality is what made it seem so vivid.

Dreams can also be manipulated by 4D STS, so its not exactly the most reliable form of communication, whether that be with aliens or our higher selves.

Edit: I also want to reiterate the importance of reading through the wave. Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers.
What is the acronym STS... and as I figure it anything on the dark t-shirt side of 4th and 6th densities can be messing with any form of communication with the light t-shirts, (spirit board, channeling, dreams).
Jesse said:
What is the acronym STS...

It stands for 'Service To Self' which is used here as a handy shorthand for all aspects of the universe that adhere to the entropic principle. (The alternative being 'Service To Others', which represents the creative principle)

See the thread here for other commonly used acronyms:
abbreviations in english used on forum

and here for more of an explanation plus other important topics for newcomers:
Newbies Forum and Important Notices to All Forum Members
Jesse said:
What is the acronym STS... and as I figure it anything on the dark t-shirt side of 4th and 6th densities can be messing with any form of communication with the light t-shirts, (spirit board, channeling, dreams).

I agree with Puck:

I also want to reiterate the importance of reading through the wave. Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers.

You will discover in the Wave's books that STS means Service to Self and STO means Service to Others.
I looked up "Borean, Bolean" which the alien claimed to be an found this:

Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus, was one of the most prolific “proclaimers” of the teachings of Christ. He told people to “be as the Boreans”. These people took nothing he said at face value, but rather, examined his words, compared them to scriptures and made up their own minds about Paul’s words. So, what is Paul telling us? Don’t blindly accept anything anyone tells you. Not even a “well-respected” pastor/minister/teacher, etc. It’s up to each individual to find their own path and meanings.

I thought that was interesting...
Reminds me of my fav budda quote:

"Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true."
- Buddha - Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta
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