Alien disclosure on RAI 3 Italian national TV station


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi guys, this morning i was watching the news on Rai3 (the third national television after Rai1 and Rai2). What is strange is this piece:
[link to]

She begin with some football news, but after a while she talks about alien: italian governament gather in a meeting and it produces an official note where the gov tell us that they're not a grave danger for us. In the note the citizens are invited NOT to restock food or water, and there will not be interruption of base services like electricity water supply ect...
The vatican said that the classified chapters that profetize the coming of the alien race will be soon published.
She continues then with some crap like "all the pubs on our costs will be prepared with some kind of welcome party....

What do you think?

here are some more links:


Mod's note: Link deactivated.
a joke perhaps? Was it April fools day when it was aired?
Well, don't really know.

Hey did somebody watch latest movies from Hollywood production. They are all about aliens and things in our past.

I'm wondering if anybody else noticed that the theme in the movie Transformers 3 are related very closely to the ancient alien stories behind the Annunaki and their planet. In Transformers, the Decepticons place "pillars" around the world that are devices that will teleport their home planet, Cybertron, just above the atmosphere of Earth. The reason for doing so is to mine the Earth of its resources to take back to Cybertron and repair their dying planet. Once repaired, the Decepticons say they will leave but they don't tell the world governments that they plan on using the whole Earth's population of humans as slaves to do the mining for them.

Is it just me or is there an any similarity to the Annunaki?

I think when you watch the movie between the lines you'll find the truth.

Deceptions are reptilians (annunaki) and Autobuts are (pleadians, cassiopeans and others who protect us)
this movie begins with Apollo missions secret back wall operation, the same thing i read in Penatration book by Ingo Swan and I watched this russian documentary about secrets of the moon.

Russians also know everything and they are first to revelation that to general public.

Here is nice Russian documentary about secret moon alien bases on dark side. It's on Russian.

Also lot of movies like Super 8 is talking about aliens.

Avatar the same thing about the soul exchange in different life forms.

What do you think?
bronz said:
Hi guys, this morning i was watching the news on Rai3 (the third national television after Rai1 and Rai2). What is strange is this piece:
[link to]

here are some more links:

This thread on explains it as part of a movie, Gianni Pacinotti's "L'Ultimo Terrestre". No real live TV announcement, and no any new Vatican made 'Enciclica Adventus Martianis' ... :lol:

This site it full of abduction-addicted guys, really depressing :(

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