aliens abducting humans dream


The Living Force
This is my dream last night.

I wasn’t in the dream myself I was observing 3rd person.
In the dreams aliens had come to Earth and they looked like the blue aliens from the movie Avatar. (I’ve never seen the movie) They wanted to take humans to their planet and everyone wanted to go with them because they wanted to visit this peaceful and beautiful planet as it was in the movie.

Then, when people went on their space ships the aliens told them that they are slaves now and that they can never go back to Earth. They said that humans were so stupid because they fell for this ‘avatar’ that they wore. Because underneath they are so ugly that if humans knew what they truly looked like, they would want to kill themselves or gouge their eyes out.

The aliens were making humans write letters to their families, telling them how wonderful the planet is and how much they wish their family to join them. The humans were trying to figure out how to mix up different languages so that they can send a coded message to their families that this is all a lie. But the aliens could read all languages and could see the coded message. They would just laugh at the humans and tell them to try again, because it was futile. That they were slaves now…

And then I woke up.
This is really funny as I had sort of similar dream few nights ago. The plot was more or less the same with regards to aliens except that mine were not blue - or so I think since I cannot clearly remember how they looked like.

Apart from this alien plot there was whole load of other bizarre and mixed up stuff, I tried to recall it but it all remained vague.

I do remember one fragment, someone was trying to convince me that Laura got her interpretation of ancient Chinese riddle (don't ask - that's all I can remember) completely wrong, as I was arguing with this voice I started to wake up and remained for a little while in semiconscious state, very similar to previous episodes of sleep paralysis although this time I wasn't paralyzed.

As I was thinking how cool it is that now EE protects me from sleep paralysis a faint beat that was there all the time in the background become very loud and was speeding up until it reached frenzy, in horror I realized this crazy ryhtm is my own heart beat and I felt enormous fear thinking that this crescendo will end up in explosion and I will die of a heart failure.
Suddenly it occurred to me that someone is actually doing this to me and as soon as this thought occurred the beat stopped and I wasn't in the grip of fear anymore, lat this point I caught a glimpse of some primeval and very ugly creature (best describing it is - a strange mix between reptile and chimpanzee with very intelligent yellow eyes) withdrawing, hissing angrily because it has been spotted and disclosed.

At this point I was conscious enough to attempt pipe breathing which helped me to relax and go back to sleep.
Hi Deedlet

Given what is going on with Neema (which you mentioned in the health section) I did wonder if its connected. I could be wrong...but it feels like a pretty negative dream....more so it could have been induced, or a reflection of something happening in your local environment (EM waves??).
Having said that could be fear that the whole thing is from outside influence.....the main theme being total powerlessness/helplessness. It could simply be how you feel about the situation....or it could be outside influence trying to get you to feel helpless. Either way....those feelings should be looked at so they don't influence you.

Are you both pipe breathing and doing the POTS every night before sleep? I have been finding that focusing on the words of the POTS and sincerely asking for help from the DCM (in general terms and with my understanding of what I need to know to get out of my own binds) seems to be helping a lot.
Also, fwiw in regards to Neemas problems Louise Hey says that (and I'm working from memory here) that constipation is 'unable to let go of the past/feelings' and vomiting is 'a violent rejection of ideas'. I thought I would mention this just in case the root cause is based in something from his past?

The other theme that comes through the dream is that of trickery.....or lies. And its use to either manipulate or warn/inform. Its possible someone or something is taking you for a ride and trying to convince you (both?) of something in order to manipulate you into a trap.....part of you is perhaps trying to warn you that it is a trap in code.....and that part is being blocked (or tricked into thinking its being blocked?) by those that have set the trap? Or maybe its just your own internal predators having a field day.

I think both of you asking for help from the DCM, and perhaps trying to take a step back and consider all possibilities and data without fear as best you can is the way to go. Is it external or internal? What behaviour, thoughts, feeling and beliefs are in charge right now? Is it emotional, personal (people around you?), environmental, 4D...or all of the above?

Stormy Knight said:
As I was thinking how cool it is that now EE protects me from sleep paralysis a faint beat that was there all the time in the background become very loud and was speeding up until it reached frenzy, in horror I realized this crazy ryhtm is my own heart beat and I felt enormous fear thinking that this crescendo will end up in explosion and I will die of a heart failure.
Suddenly it occurred to me that someone is actually doing this to me and as soon as this thought occurred the beat stopped and I wasn't in the grip of fear anymore, lat this point I caught a glimpse of some primeval and very ugly creature (best describing it is - a strange mix between reptile and chimpanzee with very intelligent yellow eyes) withdrawing, hissing angrily because it has been spotted and disclosed.
That sounds like quite a scary experience stormy night....but also quite a positive one if you managed to wrestle control away. Laura mentioned spider like creatures and a similar event (including sleep paralysis) in the wave.
Alternatively, perhaps it was symbolic of spotting the internal predator?? Not sure we'll ever know for sure...
I think the above situation applies quite well to your situation Deedlet......who (internal and/or external) is doing this to you (both) and for what ends?
Stormy Knight said:
(best describing it is - a strange mix between reptile and chimpanzee with very intelligent yellow eyes)

I saw 4 or 5 gray entities smaller than normal and reptilian features, here I made an illustration.
RedFox said:
That sounds like quite a scary experience stormy night....but also quite a positive one if you managed to wrestle control away. Laura mentioned spider like creatures and a similar event (including sleep paralysis) in the wave.
Alternatively, perhaps it was symbolic of spotting the internal predator?? Not sure we'll ever know for sure...

I think that's a good possibility Redfox, since in some instances the struggle with our internal predator might in some cases, and in certain situations, actually take on an almost objective form that represents, or is a reflection of, a pattern of experience happening at another level (such as an inner battle taking place). By seeing things through 'a glass darkly' (so to speak) the pattern might reflect itself in a kind of motif of forms that we can to greater and lesser degrees be semi-conscious of. If they are beaming anything out there then, if something in us resonates with it, then in response to that, another part of us might struggle to not go with it, and yet another part makes us aware of it. The "symbolic of spotting the internal predator" that you mention might be data for the soul since it reminded me of a quote attributed to Gurdjieff from Kathryn Hume's book Undiscovered Country:

There are two struggles—inner-world struggle and outer-world struggle, but never can these two make contact, to make data for the third world. Not even God gives this possibility for contact between inner- and outer-world struggles; not even your heredity. Only one thing—you must make intentional contact between outer-world struggle and inner-world struggle; only then can you make data for the Third World of Man, sometimes called World of the Soul.
Hey RedFox

Sorry for the late response but i wanted to say a couple of things in response to your post. Your post made me think a lot about my dream and about what it meant to me..

RedFox said:
Given what is going on with Neema (which you mentioned in the health section) I did wonder if its connected. I could be wrong...but it feels like a pretty negative dream....more so it could have been induced, or a reflection of something happening in your local environment (EM waves??).
Having said that could be fear that the whole thing is from outside influence.....the main theme being total powerlessness/helplessness. It could simply be how you feel about the situation....or it could be outside influence trying to get you to feel helpless. Either way....those feelings should be looked at so they don't influence you.

I will admit that I was feeling very emotionally helpless for a few days. I know it's most likely the predator mind that was making me feel this way. But I felt very down when I read about Martha's death and all these feelings of hopelessness and despair came rushing in. And neema's condition wasn't helping since it really hurts to look at a loved one in pain. The night before this dream, I laid in bed crying and singing POTS to myself to calm down and it worked.

Are you both pipe breathing and doing the POTS every night before sleep? I have been finding that focusing on the words of the POTS and sincerely asking for help from the DCM (in general terms and with my understanding of what I need to know to get out of my own binds) seems to be helping a lot.

Yes I do POTS before bed every night. I try very hard to do the pipe breathing as well as it is really relaxing but I'd be lying if I said I did it every night. But I do- do it often. I also concentrate on the words of POTS deeply. Sometimes I picture myself standing on a giant cliff and singing it in to the vast, open space and hearing an echo of it back... and that really helps for some reason. Makes the words stand out more.

Also, fwiw in regards to Neemas problems Louise Hey says that (and I'm working from memory here) that constipation is 'unable to let go of the past/feelings' and vomiting is 'a violent rejection of ideas'. I thought I would mention this just in case the root cause is based in something from his past?

It could very well be. Neema has a lot of issues with his parents that he needs to let go. It's easier said than done, but it is an ongoing battle for him.

The other theme that comes through the dream is that of trickery.....or lies. And its use to either manipulate or warn/inform. Its possible someone or something is taking you for a ride and trying to convince you (both?) of something in order to manipulate you into a trap.....part of you is perhaps trying to warn you that it is a trap in code.....and that part is being blocked (or tricked into thinking its being blocked?) by those that have set the trap? Or maybe its just your own internal predators having a field day.

Either one of those is possible. I can't be certain, but I will be keeping an eye out!

I think both of you asking for help from the DCM, and perhaps trying to take a step back and consider all possibilities and data without fear as best you can is the way to go. Is it external or internal? What behaviour, thoughts, feeling and beliefs are in charge right now? Is it emotional, personal (people around you?), environmental, 4D...or all of the above?

A couple of days a go, it was definitely emotional and 4D for me. By 4D I mean, thinking about how helpless we are compared to the wickedness of 4D STS. I'm feeling a bit better though. Less emotional and more hopeful. I'm reading more and I keep thinking of "knowledge protects" while doing so. Sometimes it's hard to have faith but it's the only thing that keeps me going.

Anyway thanks a lot for your response Redfox. You gave me much food for thought and I appreciate it. :)

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