All are lessons


Dagobah Resident
hola, me gustaría compartir este escrito aquí en el foro, lo escribí en mi blog , pero necesito una corrección. Aquí dejo el escrito en inglés y en español.

Uno mismo se llega a ver envuelto en sus propias mentiras y máscaras que utiliza para sobrevivir confortablemente en este mundo. De hecho, esto es lógico, ya que, como decía Mouravieff, “el mundo está regido por la mentira”. El trabajo, la familia, las amistades, las relaciones “sentimentales”... todas aquellas cosas que configuran nuestras vidas mundanas son las que muchas personas creen que es lo incorrecto, lo que nos desvía de los objetivos más altos. Pero, como todo en esta vida dualista en la que vivimos, tiene su polaridad, y prácticamente todas las cosas son de doble filo; uno es el de la perdición, el otro es el del encuentro con lo Real. Esto quiere decir que absolutamente todo cuanto nos rodea es la Escuela en la debemos formarnos con el fin de crecer y caminar por el Camino. Y ésa precisamente es una de las bases del Cuarto Camino: el de aprender de la Vida con el objetivo de convertirnos en un Yo Indivisble.

Partiendo de esta idea, en que el aprendizaje está también ubicado precisamente en la considerada vida mundana, nos llega al pensamiento cierto detalle en el que se sumerge la gran mayoría de personas que creen que están en una senda espiritual, o, como algunos consideran, que van camino hacia la Ascensión. Este detalle ha sido ya más de una vez comentado: la huida. Estas personas huyen de sus vidas ordinarias con los eslógans de “paz, amor y luz” y otros de semejante índole como estandarte y lema en sus vidas. Craso error.

Estas personas se disponen ha hacer cursos, talleres, seminarios, etc. creyéndose que esta es una auténtica forma de evolución y de Caminar por la senda de la Verdad; pero lo que no quieren reconocer es que, además de creerse esto, también actúan de esta manera con el fin de huir de sus vidas mundanas, porque simplemente no es la vida que quieren tener. Y así se pasan la vida, yendo de un curso o taller a otro, intentando llenarse con algo insustancial que tan sólo puede provocar una falsa ilusión de evolución, y en el mejor de los casos, un sentimiento más vivo de búsqueda; y como ya se ha dicho, también es una vía de escape para olvidar durante unas horas los problemas de la vida ordinaria. Y aquí, una vez más, uno puede percatarse de la contradicción en la que estamos sumergidos la mayoría de humanos; un rato somos amorosos y proclamamos amor y paz en todos los rincones –y si es necesario enviaremos energía hacia donde haga falta-, y por otro lado, cuando estemos en nuestras casas con la familia, o en el trabajo, por ejemplo, volveremos a sentir rabia, a criticar al prójimo –veremos la paja en el ojo ajeno y no veremos la viga en el nuestro-... El rato en el que proclamamos amor y paz y enviamos energía nos olvidamos de la parte considerada mundana, y viceversa; uno cae en la cuenta de que en el fondo ambas partes son muy similares, si se mira de forma objetiva, ya que las dos tienen doble filo y lecciones que mostrar por igual. Y aquí radica uno de los problemas más comunes en la humanidad: tan sólo vemos lo que queremos ver, y, por tanto, al vivir guiados por el baremo placer-dolor, buscaremos siempre el placer antes que el dolor, y hasta ocultaremos una de las partes. Cabe decir que uno de los preceptos de la Nueva Era es precisamente pensar en positivo y negar lo negativo –valga la redundancia-.

Ya que se ha comentado superficialmente el tema de “envíos de energía” ya sea de forma individual o en las bautizadas “ruedas de energía”, un pequeño apunte de Laura Knight-Jadzyck sobre este tema:

“En la actualidad está de moda canalizar “mi yo superior” o a “maestros espirituales”, para enviar amor y luz sin que este acto responda a una petición específica (y por lo tanto, esto abre un portal bidireccional donde las energías negativas que uno busca “transformar” pueden regresar al emisor), y así sucesivamente. Sin conocimiento ni habilidad para discernir, uno está entonces sujeto no sólo a los caprichos de cualquier entidad de paso que oiga el llamado, sino también a leyes cósmicas acerca de las cuales la mayoría de la humanidad se encuentra en un estado de ignorancia abismal.”

Este punto es importante. Y poco a poco podemos entrever que todos los cabos se van enlazando y pueden vislumbrarse ciertos patrones que ya han sido comentados en otras partes. La cuestión es: si realmente los humanos no reconocen su vanidad, y además creen que lo que hacen es auténtico y no es ilusión, ¿cómo van a reconocer que no saben prácticamente nada sobre aquello que consideran “Yo Superior” o sobre los supuestos envíos de energía hacia a saber qué? ¿Cómo se puede saber realmente que el canal de conexión con nuestro “Yo Superior” es fiable, si no tenemos una verdadera prueba –no me refiero a física, científica o religiosa necesariamente- de que así es? ¿Y si sencillamente ése “Yo Superior” no es nada más que otro “yo” que se autoproclama superior a todos los demás “yoes”? Esto no quiere decir que sea incierto el hecho de que haya un “Yo Superior” o como quiera llamársele.

Pero así, de buenas a primeras, conectar con ésa esencia no es tan sencillo, y requiere práctica y comprensión de muchas cosas; aún así hace acto de presencia, pero en muy contadas ocasiones. El instinto o intuición, en cierta manera, es una muestra de la aparición de ésta. Como decía Gavin de Becker, "La intuición, el instinto, es saber sin saber por qué”.

Todo tiene su polaridad. Todo hay que ponerlo en duda. Y como dicen los Casiopeos. “Todo son lecciones”.

In English:

Oneself get to see it wrapped in his own lies and masks that used to survive comfortably in this world. In fact, this is understandable, since, as Mouravieff said, "the world is ruled by lies." The work, family, friendships, relationships "sentimental" ... all those things that make up our worldly lives are what many people believe it is wrong, we deviate from the higher goals. But like everything in this life we live dualistic has its polarity, and almost all things are double edged: one is the destruction, the other is the encounter with the Real. This means that absolutely everything around us is the school in ways so as we grow and walk the walk. And that is precisely one of the foundations of the Fourth Way: The Life of learning with the goal of becoming an I Indivisble.

Based on this idea, that learning is also located precisely in the considerate worldly life, we get some detail the thinking that is dipped in the vast majority of people who think they're in a spiritual path, or, as some believe, on their way to the Ascension. This detail has already been mentioned more than once: the flight. These people are fleeing from their ordinary lives with the slogans "peace, love and light" and other similar such as banner and slogan in their lives. Big mistake.

These people have been taking courses, workshops, seminars, etc. believing that this is a genuine form of evolution and walk along the path of Truth, but they do not want to recognize is that in addition to believe this, they also act in this manner in order to escape their mundane lives, simply because is not the life they want. And so they spend their lives going from one shop to another course or trying to fill with something insubstantial that can only lead to an illusion of evolution, and in the best case, a more lively sense of search, and as has been said, it is also an escape for a few hours to forget the problems of ordinary life. And here, again, one can notice the contradiction in which we are submerged most humans; a while we love and proclaim love and peace in every corner, and if necessary send energy to where it is needed-and On the other hand, when we are in our houses with family or at work, for example, we will be angry, to criticize the others, see the speck in your neighbor's eye and not see the beam in ours "... The time in which we proclaim peace and send love and energy we forget the part which is mundane, and vice versa, one realizes that in the bottom two sides are very similar, if you look objectively, since both double-edged and lessons have to show alike. And herein lies one of the most common problems of humanity: we see only what we see, and, therefore, to live guided by the pleasure-pain scale, always seek pleasure rather than pain, and even hide a the parties. It must be said that one of the precepts of the New Age is just think positive and denying the negative-forgive the repetition.

Since it has been superficially discussed the theme of "energy shipping" either individually or in the dubbed "energy wheels," a small sketch of Laura Knight-Jadzyck on this topic:

"Today it is fashionable to channel" my higher self "or" spiritual masters ", to send love and light without this act to respond to a specific request (and therefore, this opens a two-way portal where a negative energy seeks to "transform" may be returned to sender), and so on. Without the knowledge or ability to discern, one is then subject not only to the whims of any entity of way you hear the call, but also about the cosmic laws which the majority of humanity is in a state of abysmal ignorance. "

This point is important. And little by little we can glimpse that all ends and go can be glimpsed linking certain patterns that have been discussed elsewhere. The question is: if humans really do not acknowledge their vanity, and also believe that what they do is genuine and not an illusion, how can they recognize that they know virtually nothing about what they consider "higher self" or on the alleged shipments of energy to know what? How can you really know the channel of connection with our Higher Self is reliable, if we have a real test-I do not mean physical, scientific or religious-that necessarily so? What if simply that "Higher Self" is nothing more than another "me" which claims to be superior to all other Ts? This does not mean it is uncertain that there is a Higher Self or whatever you call it.

But so, suddenly, connect with that essence is not so simple, and requires practice and understanding of many things, still makes an appearance, but very rarely. The instinct or intuition, in a way, is an example of the appearance of it. As Gavin de Becker said, "Intuition, instinct, is to know without knowing why."

Everything has polarity. Everything must be put in doubt. And as they say in Cassiopaeans: "It's all lessons."
Re: Todo son lecciones

Hi Alvara, I've moved your post to the appropriate English section of the forum. The other language sections are in place in order to help readers with translation issues and understanding the material in general, not to start discussions.
Re: Todo son lecciones

anart said:
Hi Alvara, I've moved your post to the appropriate English section of the forum. The other language sections are in place in order to help readers with translation issues and understanding the material in general, not to start discussions.

I know, Anart. But by changing the written language may have distortions and would not like it that way. So I put it in the Spanish forum first, so they could correct the text.

Hi Alvara

Is Alvaro, please. :)
Re: Todo son lecciones

Álvaro said:
anart said:
Hi Alvara, I've moved your post to the appropriate English section of the forum. The other language sections are in place in order to help readers with translation issues and understanding the material in general, not to start discussions.

I know, Anart. But by changing the written language may have distortions and would not like it that way. So I put it in the Spanish forum first, so they could correct the text.

Hi Alvara

Is Alvaro, please. :)

My apologies, Alvaro.
Nice article! Not much to correct because it represents your personal opinion on a particular topic (with which I agree in general).
True, the ego is a big obstacle to overcome. Our vanity leads us to a distorted perception of reality. It is also true that major obstacles presents major opportunities for learning.
Re: Todo son lecciones

anart said:
My apologies, Alvaro.

No is necessary :)

msante said:
Nice article! Not much to correct because it represents your personal opinion on a particular topic (with which I agree in general).
True, the ego is a big obstacle to overcome. Our vanity leads us to a distorted perception of reality. It is also true that major obstacles presents major opportunities for learning.

Thanks, msante. Share only.
Hello Alvaro:
An excellent article, resonates with me almost entirely.
And now this, you write:
But so, suddenly, connect with that essence is not so simple, and requires practice and understanding of many things, still makes an appearance, but very rarely. The instinct or intuition, in a way, is an example of the appearance of it. As Gavin de Becker said, "Intuition, instinct, is to know without knowing why."
This is too vague for me. I do have connections to what I think is my "Soul", "Higher Self" or however you want to call it, BUT CAN I TRUST IT?
HOW CAN WE BE SURE WE ARE NOT TRICKED? Know without knowing why is too vague for me.
I liked your article (me gustó tu artículo) it was nice and I agree, we live in a dualistic world, is insane, it really is, some times I wonder how I've come so far or how I've managed to survive all this years lying and acting one way and then doing the opposite. This dual world of hypocrisy, or ignorance, is meant to do us bad, so being consistent and finding balance is the best we can do to get outta this dualistic way. I'm working on that, and also working on catchin the lessons that go by, trying to grasp them.


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