

The Force is Strong With This One
As far as I can remember I have always dreamt; better, still, I can nearly remember all of my dreams. Even if I have forgotten one dream, once I start remembering some of my dreams, the rest come cascading down the waterfall of my memory, with "oh, yeah, now I remember...". The very earliest dream I can remember was what I felt was a nightmare, and what my Dad categorized as just a symptom of being sick, though I cannot remember being sick during that time. The dream consisted of standing in darkness, a black, light-less void that hugged, even suffocated. What made it a nightmare was this thing in the darkness. It moved fast and slow, simultaneously; and I felt the wrongness of this movement to my very core, and it frightened me. It was like a blob, that could shape itself, and move in any direction. I couldn't see it, I could only feel the terror it emitted. This wasn't the last time that I had these dreams; they would recur every now and then, but I think I developed a method of forcing it away from me; of not allowing it to stay and frighten me.

I also think this might correlate with an episode that I had when we were in the same house. I would wake my parents with a blood-curdling scream that something was outside of the house, staring at me. My Dad grew tired of my screams and being woken up, so one night, after my screaming, he dragged me outside and all around the house (literally kicking and screaming), to prove that nothing was there. My parents tell me that after that moment, the screaming had stopped.

Though I have not had nightmares since I was that age, I have had a series of dreams that are all linked together. Now, I understand what lucid and prophetic dreams are, as I have had them. I also recognize the 'blah' dreams that just recount everything. These other dreams, however, are quite different. It like a completely different city that I have always lived in, that I know nearly every inch of it.

These are all places within my dreams:

There is a shopping area that I routinely go back to and either window shop or try to buy food from the food court (interestingly, I usually opt for the sub sandwich shop or the Chinese food, though there is always a sweet shop connected to it, with really big white chocolate macadamia cookies). I will say that this was a shopping area, mall, that had been blown apart by an RPG, but an unknown source, but was rebuilt by the time it reappeared in a dream, many dreams later.

There is a beach, where I have occasionally had to deal with a series of tsunamis that grow bigger and bigger with each wave, but just by holding on, and holding my breath, I survive each one. I also just walk along the beach for no other reason, just to do so.

A university is situated near the downtown area that I, in my dreams, stayed in the dorm rooms. A nice arboretum!
The downtown itself, is very unique, but not. There are stores, I love the bookstores, like I do when I am awake. I routinely walk or drive through downtown to get around.

Hotels, museums, parks, architecturally historical buildings. There is an airport that I can reach, but the highways are always over the ocean, and must be driven at the right speed, as they are a bit dangerous. I have routinely dropped someone off at the airport, bought a ticket and waited for the plane, but I never actually boarded the plane.

I know every inch of that city. I know where to go if I want to go to the cinema, though I never watch a movie; I know where the restaurants are and how to get to them in a car.
Amusement parks, a military base with barracks, and little inner-city parks.
Travelling outside of the city: mountains, deserts, lakes and rivers with boats and even those paddle-boats.

There is even weather: tornadoes, mostly. Sunny days, rainy days, cloudy days. And nights.

Even while I am trying to focus on what these dreams consisted of, I remember clearly many other dreams, surfacing and demanding that they, too, be included in this recount of dreams (knowing that I never talk about these dreams).

What interests me, and befuddles me, is the vividness and complexity of these places. Their interconnected-ness over a series of dreams I have had all my life and continue to have (the most recent was looking for sushi at a cafeteria, and being really upset that they ran out, and the fact that it looked like a soggy white mess).

I know this is long reading, but if anyone has an idea; that would be lovely!

Thank you!
Hello Sarrestia

As I understand, You're dreaming about city U've never visited but You know it very well (English is not my first language, so please correct me if I misunderstood U).
In Ur dream - are U able to see streets names or maybe even city name (in City Hall or in some place like that)? I'm asking about it, because I was wondering if this city exist in (our) reality, on this Planet? If Ur able to get any names, try to search for it in Google Earth or with any other tool. If it's real place, it must be very important for U, since U're dreaming about it for so long. If U'll be able to find it, I think potential visit would be very strong experience 4 U.

I also thought that this dream is a Memory. I'm not certain how it may be, but Your other dreams may be just another part of Ur memory of ..... another life? Or something else either of us can understand. But "memory scenario" gives some ideas why other dreams 'demands' to be included into Your 'remembering'. They maybe part of same whole.

I'm sorry for such poor answer, but that's all what comes into my mind right now.
Take Care
Hello Simon,
Can you write in English please? "for you" instead of "4U", "your" instead of "Ur", etc. :)
mkrnhr said:
Hello Simon,
Can you write in English please? "for you" instead of "4U", "your" instead of "Ur", etc. :)

Of course. Making such shortenings is a habit of mine from MMO game where I play in Sniper Clan.
I'll keep it in mind :)
The interesting thing is that I never see names. Though it seems that the names of some stores and restaurants are the same as in real life, such as bookstore or restaurant, but when I arrive at the bookstore, the name of the store and coffee shop are different (I usually expect Barnes and Noble or the two others with Starbucks or Seattle's Best, but the names end up being different). Interestingly, the books that I usually read while awake, I search for, but realize that I 'must' be reading different books; even though I have never read in my dreams.

I think they are all one place, since, one dream seemed to say as much:

I was walking along a path and began to flap my arms, first I would jump and flap and finally I began flying (flying does play a heavy part in many of the dreams with this 'city'). Instead of flying to somewhere, I flew up and was basically hovering. I flew high enough that the land I was walking on turned into an island. I saw islands of the different places I had been all around me, surrounded by ocean, inlaid with rivers and lakes. I turned around slowly, seeing the downtown, seeing the amusement park, seeing everything I had ever dreamed on islands connected by bridges and roads. I even saw one island that had a perpetual tornado spinning over it.

I felt that this dream was telling me of the interconnectedness of these dreams to each other, though no connection to a real place, or to my waking world. I didn't stop there, though. I continued upward until I was above the planet that these dreams were located, it looked like Earth, but at the same time it didn't. I kept going higher and higher, past planets and stars until I was outside of the galaxy, even further from the universe; and then I woke up.

I feel like these dreams might be of another place, time, etc. But, it always helps, from what I hear, to get other people's ideas and opinions before continuing on with my own.

In the end, all I feel I can do is shrug and keep on dreaming (cause they certainly don't stop).

Thank you!

I'm no expert in dreams field but I permit myself to comment further.

I'm curious if You are able to memorize and write down after awakening names of those bookstores or Coffey shops - aside of Your expectation of the names. Are those names in Your native language, or they're written in other language You understand? Are those names consists of letters or maybe signs You can easily read?
One way or another I think it's good idea to write all names and signs after awakening that were in Your dream. Especially that You have repetitive dreams and You are able to double check later if those names are same ones in next dream(s).
That's my thoughts on names in Your dreams.

I'm also interested in this part:

Sarrestia said:
I was walking along a path and began to flap my arms, first I would jump and flap and finally I began flying (flying does play a heavy part in many of the dreams with this 'city'). Instead of flying to somewhere, I flew up and was basically hovering. I flew high enough that the land I was walking on turned into an island. I saw islands of the different places I had been all around me, surrounded by ocean, inlaid with rivers and lakes. I turned around slowly, seeing the downtown, seeing the amusement park, seeing everything I had ever dreamed on islands connected by bridges and roads. I even saw one island that had a perpetual tornado spinning over it.

I felt that this dream was telling me of the interconnectedness of these dreams to each other, though no connection to a real place, or to my waking world. I didn't stop there, though. I continued upward until I was above the planet that these dreams were located, it looked like Earth, but at the same time it didn't. I kept going higher and higher, past planets and stars until I was outside of the galaxy, even further from the universe; and then I woke up.

First of all part "I kept going higher and higher, past planets and stars until I was outside of the galaxy, even further from the universe(..)"
Can You please write more about this place "even further from the universe"?
I'm asking for two reasons:
1. I'm simply curious how in Your dream looks place "beyond universe" (that's how I understood Your words) :)
2. I was thinking about this place from Your dream, and I thought that surroundings there may be very similar to Your dream from Your childhood with dark, light-less void and "shape shifting blob" moving around. You wrote:
Sarrestia said:
This wasn't the last time that I had these dreams; they would recur every now and then, but I think I developed a method of forcing it away from me; of not allowing it to stay and frighten me.
I don't know how many times You had dream of hovering, but You wrote that when You reaches that "even further from the universe" place You wake up. I'm curies if You are able to stay for a while in this place - and If yes, how would You describe it? My thoughts are that maybe You conditioned Your self to wake up every time You reach "Blobs Void" to protect Your self.

Besides I'm also curious how You came up with "flapping Your arms and jumping" activity? Was it an "inside-dream-idea" or was it a reflex of some kind? Did You felt it is natural activity for You (like moving legs when You want to walk or reaching with Your arm when You want to grab something)? In other words is "flapping Your arms" felt like "normal" thing for You in Your dream?

I'm not sure what value my comments may have for You, but I'm posting it anyway :)
I know first hand that sometimes small, insignificant remarks of others may help You to figure out Your own, complex problems/issues. I hope You'll find something valuable in my perception/questions of/about Your dreams.

Take Care
Actually it really helps to have someone ask me questions about these dreams, it is difficult when they sit in your head for most of your life, only coming out in spurts.

Whenever it comes to words and signs, I can clearly read them while dreaming, but lose them instantly when I wake up. I can only remember the store and what it looked like inside. I remember food clearly, but I can never remember what they tasted like. There have been times, in some dreams, where I remember a particular store that I went to in the mall or downtown, search for it and find it. Similarly, if there is a part of the beach that I have been too before in a dream, and during the dream I want to go back, I can. If I am far away from the store, I know the streets and intersections, pretty much the direction to get there no matter where I am coming from.

I have even tried to remember the titles of books I have seen in my dreams, but to no avail.

Past the universe, it was calm and quiet. It felt like a warm blanket draped all around me. What I saw was nothing but the bright light emanating from the galaxies within the universe. Full of different colors of brightness. While everything around the universe was the warm dark; though I felt others around ours. I don't know why I woke up then, but it felt, to me, that there was nothing more to see; whether that was true or not.

Since my young age, I have never seen nor felt that presence in my dreams. Not even when I am being hit with waves, or running from a tornado.

Its funny, I can remember one dream where I was walking at night, there was a full moon in the sky, and I started to hop. I realized that when I hopped higher, I stayed up for a few seconds, and I just kept jumping higher and higher. The flapping of my arms started when I was really, really young. I remember the earliest dreams where I would actually take a running start, flapping my arms, until I took to the air. Maybe the early lessons allowed me to skip the running part, and just flap myself into the air. It kind of sounds funny, but the flapping gets me flying! It does feel absolutely normal. I also know that if I pull hard on my arms, I can get a quicker lift, then a bunch of short quick flaps. It reminds me of watching one of the many animal shows, of how some birds run to take flight, flap their wings repeatedly to take flight, or even take one big flap to get air. Not sure if there is a connection with that.

I do thank you for responding and asking these questions. It helps me remember how I felt and what I did, though, the meaning of it all still eludes me.

Thank you very much!!!
Hi Sarrestia,

Although it's only a detail in your dreams, FYI there is a topic/thread about flying in dreams which can be accessed here:,14113.0.html

Maybe it can help you figuring out what it all means? Sorry I don't have any other clues at hand, but you could have a look through the board on dreaming:,26.0.html
Thank you for your reply and the links that you gave me. They helped to bounce my experiences off of what other people have experienced in their dreams, even if the meanings remain elusive for all of us.

Thank you!!

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