America's Night Of The Living Dead

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Article from The Watchman Report,

(I know that as far as the perspective of 9/11 events, this is like preaching to the choir, but it is also putting things into a spiritual perspective as well)

Something is grossly wrong in America. We all can feel it, we all know it, but we can't put our finger on it, but we know that something is very, very wrong. People are acting strange, they are in a zombie-like denial of something ominous on the horizon.

Americans walk around in a dream-like daze like a wife who knows her husband is cheating on her, but doesn't have the guts to confront him about it. Americans are suffering from a mass case of "battered wife syndrome". She is well aware that her husband is cheating on her and beating her daily, yet she is in deep denial, a denial so deep it is a sickness, a literal mental illness. Rather than confronting the truth of her husband's infidelity and beatings some take out their deep inner aggressions on everyone else. Others just live their lives in a putrid fog, an abstract nightmare that can only be masked by taking another hit of the drug, BLISS! Ahhhhh, self inflicted and convenient ignorance is bliss.

It all started on September 11, 2001, when the government (husband) lied to us about a 757 jetliner flying into the Pentagon, leaving only a sixteen foot hole, and three steel framed skyscrapers, two of which were a 100+ stories collapsed into their own footprints within minutes of being hit by planes (one was never hit - it just fell). No honey, I was at the office last night. That lipstick on my collar is not lipstick, it's grape jelly...

...and if you can believe that lie then you can also believe a 757 JUMBO JET made this sixteen foot hole in the Pentagon, not even leaving an indentation where the wings should have hit! HELLO!!! Is anybody home? If you believe cartoon network physics like this then in your strange and bizarre world of denial, you are in danger of being sucked down the drain of your bathtub! Honey, your spouse is cheating on you and you know it!

What is even more amazing than this real-world physics IMPOSSIBILITY is not the government lie and cover-up (all surveillance camera video was confiscated by the FBI), but that intelligent people like yourselves ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT! Or do you? The truth is, none of us believe this utterly ridiculous lie, but the truth is even more distressing and disturbing to accept than the lie, and people do not want to be disturbed or distressed. We do not BELIEVE the lie, but we ACCEPT the lie (knowing it is a lie) as fact. We have accepted this lie to the point of madness, wherein now many have convinced themselves to believe the lie as fact, and in so doing we have become accomplices to all the barbarous and genocidal acts that have been committed around the world to protect ourselves from facing what we KNOW to be true.

In the film, The Matrix, humans are depicted as slaves hooked into a giant computer, which weaves a matrix of illusion about them. In modern America, we too are hooked into an illusionary matrix. Only it is an electronically-generated web of propaganda, spin, omission and distraction presented daily by the corporate mass media. Most Americans seem unable to perceive, much less escape, this psychological matrix.

The tragic attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are an example of how a person's thoughts and emotions can be manipulated by electronic audio and video images. The horror and revulsion felt by Americans was swiftly used to stampede both Congress and the public into accepting foreign wars and subsequent loss of freedoms, all in the name of security. However, far too many questions and anomalies remain about 9/11 to justify closure. All evidence appears to indicate - an inside job.

- Investigative Journal

The perpetrators of this heinous crime have spent billions of dollars examining and testing the psyche of man, with the results demonstrating the truth of the Nazi philosophy which they are implementing, that "People will more readily believe a BIG lie than a small one." And it worked and succeeded, for the most part, even to the surprise of those who took the risk to pull this mass murder deception off!

Phase two was quickly implemented to rally the shocked and grieving Americans around the flag and against the fabricated enemy and to stir the pot of patriotism to a heated boil, that ANYONE who did not believe the cartoon-physics demonstrated on September 11, 2001 was unpatriotic and were with the fabricated terrorists.

"You are either with us or you are with the terrorists!"shouted the chief cheer leader and figurehead of the atrocity, and the mass deception of an entire nation was a GO!

Now the agenda could be carried out; the war on world oil resources from third world countries and the nazification of the American people, to bring them into submission and subjection to the New World Order. Without September 11th, neither could have been accomplished.

On September 11th, the globalists won the TRIFECTA, so says Bush, and all evidence from the twin towers controlled demolition , yes I said it, controlled demolition! You saw it with your own eyes and KNOW that 100+ story skyscrapers COULD NOT fall by accident into their own footprint so neatly, BOTH OF THEM(???) - without professional, HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL help, with the steel girder evidence of a controlled demolition swiftly shipped off to China, never to be seen again or forensically investigated by the American people, lest the truth come out of what really happened on 911, and the American people revolt, canceling the globalists check that they had just cashed - against the American people.

Since that time, the beast (government) has been ravenously eating the woman's flesh (American people), swiftly bankrupting America through bogus contracts, war, inflated gas prices and more.

Our government wouldn't lie to us and be complicit in such a barbarous and hideous act!!! They did and they are - AND YOU KNOW IT! Which makes EVERYTHING that they have done since, based on this heinous lie all the more despicable and wicked. The torture of innocents, mass murder, illegal wars, deforming children with depleted uranium, incarceration of innocent people, called enemy combatants, the oppression within our own country, the destruction of the U.S. Constitution - EVERYTHING!!!

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Normal people like yourselves cannot fathom nor comprehend evil to this extent, and they depend on your not being able to understand this level of wickedness. It is their greatest strength.

Face the truth and get over your insane, ungodly denial! You have been duped and like brainwashed and mind controlled, frightened to death, zombies - you deny it all, and call anyone who tries to tell you different - a conspiracy theory nutcase! What world do YOU live in? They did it, YOU KNOW IT and America is in DEEP TROUBLE unless you are willing to face what time it is on God's prophetic clock and just who these great endtime deceivers and actors really are in the grand scheme of things pertaining to endtime events. America has fallen, fallen and become the habitation of devils...and you know what it says happens to her next!

Like the betrayed wife, not willing to have her ridiculous bubble of security besmirched by her husband's lies, the disillusioned and battered wife, knowing she is being lied to, blocks the truth and pretends that all is well in her failing marriage. She will defend to her death her husband's fidelity and faithfulness to her friends and associates, all the while knowing that they are telling her the truth. Her marriage is over and unless she has the guts to confront her murdering, cheating husband, he will kill her next.

Welcome America, to your worst nightmare, your "Night of the Living Dead!" Because you are unwilling to accept the truth, you have become like walking zombies to those in the know and are willing to face the truth. Yoiu are like people walking the Green Mile, a dead-man walking, living in a fake, fantasy world of pretense and denial. In your denial you are back peddling and moon walking right over a cliff.

Unwilling to accept the fact that your government has betrayed you and is complicit in murdering 3000+ of your fellow citizens, you would rather buy another lie - to go and kill as many innocent people as you must in order to validate the fantasy that your husband is not cheating on you. Everyone must be tortured and die in order to validate your denial!

People are driving faster and more recklessly, more short tempered, snapping and lashing out at others at the drop of a hat. Americans are beginning to suffer deep mental and emotional dementia for their complicity in the crimes against the rest of the world in order to validate their denial of the truth and to bolster the tons of lies they have filed away in their minds. In so doing, we have become - zombies.

Knowing the truth, we turn on FOX News to validate the lies and get our "all is well in Zion" quick fix of bliss, knowing that FOX News and others are now obviously government propaganda tools and false prophets of the beast, and no longer the credible news gathering entities that we grew up with.

Something has changed in America. America is no longer America, but something else and is continuing its deadly metamorphosis on a daily basis. The country is both monetarily and spiritually bankrupt and is over ripe for attack by outside nations who seek to put a stop to our madness of global domination, torture, mass murder and mass terrorism - based on lies.

The American attitude is as it is written in the scriptures, I sit as a queen and I shall not know widowhood, nor shall I see war on my soil. Who is like America, who can war against us? Say the Babylonians. "We are the world superpower!" Not realizing that in saying such, we are fulfilling the prophecy of the attitude of Babylon the Great of Jeremiah 51 and Revelations 18.

In truth, we zombies know that our days are numbered, but we have so overdosed on the Great American Drug, BLISS, through our multitude of pushers that we just don't care anymore. In effect - we are all just waiting to be attacked, invaded and killed at the hands of our enemies, for we KNOW that there is much blood on our hands and we KNOW that we are guilty of killing, torturing, maiming and brutalizing the rest of the world - based on our LIES!

Dead men walking, the Night of the Living Dead are we, who claim to be the light unto the world, the Christian nation, the beacon! Oh, yes we are! We have spread our apostate version of the teachings of Yahshua all around the world, along with our depleted uranium, and no, God is not amused, nor is He pleased with the Babylonian brand of gospel we are spreading.

We promise to bring democracy to the rest of the world, but democracy prosecuted by war. By peace we shall destroy many.

The UK and US, like the beast with two horns like a lamb (Christian), that speaks as a dragon (Lies and deceives) we have launched our endtime Book of Revelation campaign of death and destruction to the rest of the world, all the while, drugged and pampered Christians are still looking for the antichrist and beast as if that is some future event, all the while writhing in the midst of the Book of Revelation and the literal whore riding the ten horned beast.

As America falls by design I hear the sound of a powerful angel shouting, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen and has become the habitation of devils..." And though this angel is sounding we hear the ridiculous drum beat of those who believe that Babylon can be healed by simply impeaching the King, but the king is not the problem - the problem is - THE PEOPLE! The king is merely a result of the fallen and apostate rulers of this country - you and I.

The illegitimate President of the United States, George W. Bush, illegitimate through obvious voter fraud and detailed in the Book of Daniel as the unwanted one, whom the people did not GIVE (vote for) the glory of the kingdom is fulfilling his prophetic antics like clockwork, and even now, the ships of Chittim (Turkey) have come against his desire to use Turkey as a base of operations for his latest exploits against the last remaining King of the South, Iran.

We are nearing the end of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Daniel and God's people are still looking at what we errantly call, The Holy Land, which God calls Sodom and Egypt (meaning UNHOLY LAND), awaiting the Jews to rebuild a temple that has nothing to do with the temple spoken of in Bible prophecy - the Body of Christ. We are waiting for a false messiah that will perform the same miracles of Yahshua, but not realizing that the devil cannot and will not be able to duplicate the miracles of Yahshua, but only perform lying wonders through trickery and technology, as the miracles that Yahshua performed are God's signature and cannot be forged. Yahshua said, "If you do not believe me because of the words I speak, believe me for the signs and miracles I perform." With such a saying as this, "Believe for the signs..." do you honestly think that Yahweh will allow Satan access to such power? It will not happen.

As we continue our inside-out trek into Revelations, movies are made, books are written and televangelists are preaching a smoke and mirrors, lying testimony of how endtime events will transpire, all the while, we are in the midst of the truth of prophetic interpretation right now, and it is nothing like the lies being disseminated by these false prophets and false apostles.

The deception is on, and God's people in America are awaiting that which will not be, not willing to come to grips with the truth that we are in the Book of Revelation right now, and WE in America are that whore dressed in scarlet, linen and purple (red, white and blue) riding and worshipping the beast (government).

Soon, The Watchman Report will be no more, but you will remember these words when what has been prophesied comes to pass. For a truth America has fallen from her once benevolent place on the world scene and is now an aggressor nation even as Nazi Germany was, and according to the prophecies, the fate of America (Babylon) will be an even greater fall and destruction than even Nazi Germany, and we, by our lackadaisical and uncompassionate (I sit as a queen) attitudes will suffer DOUBLE for what we have allowed our country to do to the rest of the peoples of the world.

Come out of her my people, that you do not share in her plagues, and that you are not counted as one who is caught up in the zombie-like dream state and denial of America's Night of the Living Dead.

Still in denial? Well like a good detective, investigating your cheating spouse, we've got video.
Thank you very much. Excellent piece. But, like you say, you are preaching to the choir here. You might enjoy reading my article about the U.S. in prophecy here:

It's quite in line with your own above, only I wrote most of it back in 1986... I saw it coming even then.
Just getting back to see this reply, and just read the section you put up, and I agree with a whole lot of it. Definitely one of the most intelligent reads I've seen on the subject matter. Actually, that is the only piece that I've seen not coming from our site that explores the possibility that the 2300 days are true days that began on 9/11/2001. I believe 9/11 is right there in Daniel 8. I'm having trouble just showing my Christian brothers and sisters why they shouldn't be looking for red heifers for purifying a supposed temple of jerusalem, lol. Thought I would put up another piece from our site:

The Fallen

While Christians in America walk around in a consumer-driven, glassy-eyed fog, living the relatively good-life, waiting for Jesus to come and rapture them away, out of the time of trouble that is to come upon all other mankind, the world at large is beginning to hate American Christians more than any other species on the planet, and sadly, rightfully so. When the persecution of the church begins it will not be like it was in the days of Rome, good vs. evil, but will be fueled by the righteous indignation of unbelievers to the self righteous, the greatly deceived - the fallen who have come out of the true teachings of Yahshua, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.", in support of domestic and global oppression, torture and murder for the cause of the state (the literal beast) rather than standing for the true Gospel of Yahshua.

The Book of Revelation (which we are in the opening pages of now) describes the anti-Christian backlash of what we are currently witnessing in America's global domination and internal police state agenda, which is supported by mostly Christians who worship the president and his policies more than the teachings of Christ or even their own U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. This automatically creates an anti-Christ Christian, or one who is against the teachings of Yahshua when they differ from that of the policies of the beast (government).

Someone asked Benjamin Franklin, "What kind of government do we have." To which he replied, "A republic, if you can keep it." It appears that we will not.

The Christian church in America has been fed a carefully crafted fable of endtime events by the disciples of Satan in order to get them off-guard as to the truth of what end time prophecy is truly saying, and in effect has caused many to fulfill the ungodly roles of the very characters whom they see as some future manifestation. In other words, what we have perceived as some future prophetic events are actually happening right now.

The term Antichrist has been purposely twisted to mean something that the scriptures do not say, and we have believed a lie regarding this term rather than what the Word says on the matter. I often wondered, why would Satan do this? For what purpose would he twist the scriptures to make the term Antichrist point to some endtime world leader instead of what the Bible says? Now I understand, and the truth is both shocking and frightenly sad and will lead many who think they are right with God to great, great disappointment.

If you look up the word antichrist, you will notice the term is never used in the Book of Revelation or the Book of Daniel, the two primary books regarding end time events. However, EVERY scripture that does speak of the antichrist speaks of many, not simply a one world leader.

So why did Satan twist this term to equate to a one world leader? To take the eyes of the believer off of the truth regarding endtime prophecy, as the antichrist spirit plays a key role in endtime events, however, this antichrist spirit is not a world leader at all, but leaders within the Christian church who lead many of God's people into becoming antichrists also. How? By getting them to compromise the teachings of Yahshua in favor of supporting the ungodly and un-Christlike atrocities done by their government (the beast) and thereby they fall into the trap of worshipping the beast, rather than God. That is what is transpiring in America right now with many well meaning, yet totally compromised, Christians. The great end time deception is in full swing, and many there be who have been caught in it's snare.

If you support the policies of what is now occurring within America, the "going over to the DARK SIDE" as Cheney was quoted as saying on the news show, Meet The Press, the torture, the incarcerations without charges, the mass killing and maiming of over a quarter million Iraqi civilians based on a proven LIE, and you still want to know who the antichrist is, you will find him very easily, and very close - just look in the mirror.

The following may be considered Bush-Bashing, but it is not, it is Beast-Bashing! George W. Bush is merely a figure head of a much greater agenda, the establishment of the fascist government spoken of in the Book of Revelation, the New World Order or One World Government. Satan's biggest victory is that he has deceived many of God's people in helping set it up under the guise of a Christian endeavor-that bears all the fruit of the Satanic endeavor that it truly is.

Those who are offended may need to look into themselves and call upon God to know if they are guilty of worshipping the beast, rather than God. Bush is not the beast, as beast equates to a government, not a person. Bush is the current head of one of the beasts mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The fallen will not understand this without prayer.

Since the events of September 11, 2001, an evil paradox has fomented. It is beyond bizarre that while most unbelievers can see the overt, Satanic wickedness within the current executive branch of the government, the average Christian in America, like some kind of brainwashed zombie actually applauds the literal works of the devil! A proven LIAR, who approves the torturing of un accused, uncharged yet incarcerated for life men, women and children, a murderer and maimer of men, women and children, a deceiver of biblical proportions, yet the people who say they believe in God and the teachings of Jesus support and sing his praises, more so than the unbelievers who can recognize wickedness better than those who call themselves Christians.

No Christian can approve of what the Bush administration is doing and has done and follow the teachings of Jesus at the same time - it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE! God has given us clue after clue after clue of Bush's real nature and his evil intent for this country, yet we will not hear of it!

No other president in the history of America has ever been caught in so many LIES, deceit, overt robbery and treachery than this president - NOT ONE! Where is it in the Word where Yahshua taught us to support and coddle liars and deceivers? I thought that Jesus was pretty specific when he said, "Satan is the father of lies." So why are Christians practically the ONLY people left in America who still support this known, endtime deceiver of biblical proportions?

This is all a part of the endtime deception, as is the rapture, that many Christians in America will be begging for very soon. As Christians continue to support policies to torture the rest of the world, to kill and to maim other people's children, other people's wives, other people's husbands, grandfather's, grandmother's, mothers and fathers, they have, by their gross falling away, set into motion all the needed global resentment to literally bring to pass Revelation 18, the destruction of Mystery Babylon (America, and not the Catholic Church as some incorrectly interpret it to be) and ignite WWIII against America and Christians, which of course, will be for other people's children also, because we're all going to be raptured away. This is by far the most EVIL philosophy and mindset I have EVER witnessed in my fifty-some years on this cesspool called earth.

It's like someone lighting the fuse to destroy most of mankind and thinking they will be the only ones that God will allow to escape the horrors that they are responsible for starting! Look at these pictures, have we not brought the tribulation period to Iraq? How much worse can it be for them? What if this were your child in either of these pictures? Are we more precious in God's site than them? Yet we, in our extreme comfort and false security are able to laugh it off and go our merry way, praising God in our churches and not giving these poor souls a second thought, taking no responsibility, as these are not our children, they're other people's children, and they are certainly not Americans - Praise God! We make Him sick!

What, my fellow Christian? Were we bored? So bored with waiting for the return of our Savior that we decided to support an agenda that is in total violation and contradiction to the Divine Commission given us by our Savior, to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom? What is this new Satanic, directive that we have taken upon ourselves, and from whence does it come?

"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel of depleted uranium, and those that disbelieve, these signs shall follow them, they shall cast off limbs, they shall be maimed and tortured and cast into the outer darkness of Abu Ghraib and Gitmo, for eternity, where there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth..."

The beast will be the beast my Christian brethren, and the beast will do its beastly things, but why has the Bride of Christ so gleefully jumped on the back of the beast in this? Riding and supporting the works of the beast that are so putrid, so sexually perverted that all the world can see there is something grossly wrong with America!

Did we honestly believe that the head of this beast was a Christian, just because he says he is, yet continually bears the extremely rotten fruit of a liar, deceiver and a heathen? This is not Bush bashing, this is a wake up call that is not Republican vs. Democrat, Left vs. Right! This is GOOD vs. EVIL; the teachings of Jesus vs. the policies of the Devil!

We have been betrayed and our beliefs exploited and twisted by very slick politicians and Satanically compromised church leaders. Why did Yahshua say that we would know them by their fruits, if we would not listen? It is a sad thing indeed to actually witness the apostacy spoken of in the prophecies that was to come prior to the return of Yahshua.

Why don't we jump off this beast we are riding and return to the TRUE teachings of our first love - before this beast we are riding, that actually HATES THE WOMAN (it's Christian supporters) - TURNS ON US, which it is prophesied it is going to do. The countdown has begun for God's people to wake up and come out of this apostacy, this falling away before judgment!

Were we bored of the fact that there was no evidence of God in our spiritually melancholy, yet entertaining assemblies because we refuse to organize His church as instructed in the Book of Acts? So we needed to go out and kill people of another religion to bring us some purpose, some meaning, a goal in our spiritually dead lives?

Ahhh, killing and maiming Muslims is a righteous cause for the idol minded and spiritually deluded (deceived), as they hate our freedoms and don't believe in Jesus! Have we lost our minds!? How many Muslims will have to die for us to have our Satanic, blood-lust of VENGEANCE for the destruction of the World Trade Center? 100 million as one supposed Christian radio host stated? Most who have been killed, maimed and indefinitely incarcerated have never even heard of the World Trade Center!

At last count we have killed over 250,000 (a quarter of a MILLION), Iraqi men, women and children, shall we keep on going, us blood-thirsty, Fallen Away from the teachings of Christ? Wave the flag of the one whom you follow, but do not say that you are followers of Christ.

If we are suppose to be the Christian liberators of the people of Iraq, why then would we bomb and pollute their land with depleted uranium, causing many deaths and long term indescribable horrors to the civilian population? Is this the ministry of Yahshua or of madmen? We were horrified when we heard that Sadaam used chemical weapons on a small group of his people, but did Sadaam do this (in this picture) or did we? We have exceeded his atrocities against the civilian population of Iraq, and it is frightening to realize that the world has taken note - and hate us for it.

Do we honestly think that God approves these barbaric and Satanic actions? Do you honestly think He is going to rescue us by some theory called the rapture, from the reprisals of our own inaction and support of these atrocities? If you think so, please tell me, which God are you serving?

Well, I don't know what evil spirit has possessed most of the Christian church in America, but it is by far the most blind, evil, deceitful, selfish, spiritually ignorant, politically moronic, lying spirit to ever come upon the face of the earth. It comes with it's lies about you're going to be raptured away, so don't worry about all of the hurt you're supporting on the rest of the world, greed, avarice, selfishness, self absorption, self-preservating, all at the cost of every one else, INCLUDING OUR OWN CHILDREN! It is all about me, me, ME!

We have allowed and supported a president that has totally destroyed the U.S. Constitution and any hope of freedom and liberty for our own children! That is by far the most wicked and horrific SELFishness that a person can attain to, not caring about their own children's future, just to keep our sorry lifestyles safe and secure from the fabricated, evil terrorists.

The American Christian is the most fearful, deceived human on the planet. In our luxury of presumed invulnerability we spend our at-ease days debating who is the beast, who is the antichrist, what does 666 mean? Like deer caught in Satan's headlights we pant and drool over the Rubics Cube works of Satan and his plan rather than God's and walking in the truth of the teachings of our Savior. Ever fearing to be deceived, and in that Satanically driven fear (because fear certainly doesn't come from God) we have become a self-fulfilling prophecy of THE DECEIVED!

We support churches that in no way resemble ANYTHING of the churches of the Bible and false apostles who more resemble the money changers that Yahshua beat, rather than apostles that He loved. Preaching the false smoke and mirrors gospel of the everlasting Great American Dream at the expense of everyone else's suffering!

Yet we, in our deluded self-righteousness, all claim that we are the apple of God's eye, not like the poor Iraqi's, just waiting to be taken away in the Calgon Bath, false deception called, the rapture! We have fallen hook, line and sinker for the lies of Satan and supported the most grossly wicked president in the history of America and call anyone who is against this administration's evil, torturous and murdering policies heretics, unbelievers and the apostate, all the while, the spirit of deception that is upon us won't allow our grossly inflated, spiritual EGO's to see that we are in actuality, THE FALLEN AWAY, prophesied to come in the last days.

As I watch the strange goings on in our once benevolent country and the worshipful support of all of this wickedness by people who claim to be Christians, I shake my head in disbelief and disgust, along with a small remnant of other Christians, not willing to fall in line with the HERD mentality. We know that what we are seeing is a large group of our Christian brothers and sisters assisting the BEAST in building their own guillotines.

Because of this ignorant support of the prophesied to come, LAWLESS ONE, this antichrist (not implying THE antichrist), who openly claims to be a Christian, saying that he has done all of this in the name of the Lord, Christians in America are becoming hated the world over and even in their own country. Do you not see the trick being played on you in this deception? Christianity is purposely being demonized! How can anyone believe that all of this is the fruit of following our Savior? I only find contradictions to these actions throughout the Gospels in the Bible.

George W. Bush, my hat is off to you. As people say that you are too stupid to be the Antichrist, you laugh, all the way to your torture chambers at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and to the bank with our hard earned money, social security and the wealth of this nation and others you are conquering and plundering.

By the promise of spreading peace and democracy, you have destroyed many, or should I say it in terms of your fulfilling prophecy, by peace he shall destroy many.

You have successfully robbed and plundered the United States Treasury, destroyed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, preparing America for the government of the beast in Revelations. Like a common criminal, bank robber, with access to the American military as your muscle, you have literally pillaged the wealth of THREE countries, America, Afghanistan and Iraq, and you are currently working on number four.

You have taken control of the Afghanistan opium fields (now there is a Christian thing to do. Jesus should be proud.), destroyed and rebuilt, giving the rebuilding contracts to your friends and family. You, with your Grand Sorcerer, Mr. Pharmakia, Rumsfeld, with his overtly occultic hand gestures, have plotted and looted with phantoms of forced vaccinations in which you and your court magician, shall (and already have) profited greatly. Is this what is meant by the prophecy that they would not repent of their sorceries?

In your lack of response to Hurricane Katrina, you have exposed your blatant disregard for human life and other people's property, in the world and in your own country, and you ride on, O' great conqueror, like Nero, playing his fiddle while Rome burned, you give the poor drowning souls and those left homeless in New Orleans - the finger (notice the left hand). How you have so masterfully deceived the masses that you are just a simple good 'ol boy from Texas. No, I cannot say if Bush is that final terror known as the antichrist, as there are MANY evil personalities at work in the Book of Revelations, and many antichrists, not just one, but he is certainly setting America and the world up for the tribulation, as the world now hates Christianity more than ever, in particular, Christians in America!

You are the most masterful deceiver in the history of this country and possibly the world. You have even succeeded in deceiving the vast majority of America and God's people, called in the Book of Daniel, the host of heaven, but as it is written - you have NOT deceived that small remnant called the ELECT, for we KNOW our God, and you are certainly not one of His.

Many will soon be wondering why has God's judgment come upon us and we have not been raptured? Because God is not as stupid as many have falsely perceived Him to be. The Fallen have started this mess, "Christians" fulfilling prophecy, seduced and deceived by the true antichrists (plural - as it is in the Word), those who are guilty of worshipping the beast (government), rather than God, and they will by NO MEANS escape seeing and experiencing the result of their FALLING AWAY! They have made their bed - and are about to sleep in it! These are those who will betray true Christians and are to be eventually consigned to hell. When they stand before Yahshua and plead their case, "Didn't we do this in your name and that?" He will respond, "Away with you, you workers of iniquity. I NEVER KNEW YOU."

To those who have compromised what we have been instructed by our Lord and Savior in these perilous and confusing times, if I were you, I would swallow my pride and sincerely repent and ask Yahweh to forgive you and ask that He would be merciful and allow you to escape that which is about to come upon America and the world, caused by our error and our falling away from the TRUTH.

You who put the evil day far away, and cause the seat of violence to come near; - Amos 6:3

When God's judgment falls upon America and bewildered people begin to ask, Why would God allow this to happen, not a word will have to be spoken in response.

(pictures referred to included at the site, as well as audio,

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