Among the Transhumanists

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Cyborgs, self-mutilators, and the future of our race.
Interesting Article, but in my opinion these people are way off. They sound a large group of people who read one too many Neal Stephenson books.... reminds me of my friends who wanted me to genetically engineer them a superpower. When i told them they could "grow" their own "power" they got bored, disinterested and basically didn't want to hear anymore.

To me this represents the growing desire to augment our existant faculities, but they neglect to realize our current level is biologically untapped. We use 10% or of our brains and our DNA is completely disorganized, we barely get the appropriate level of physical activity and our environment is toxic. They should be focusing on what's holding us back. With the proper effort super humanism can be attained because it is the natural state of the human being.
An interesting exposition of transhumanism can be found here. The author, Mitchell Porter, with whom I was exchanging some emails in the past, and who is quite brilliant, is, by education, a physicist. The article starts with the following quotation:

"The purpose of life is to S.M.I^2.L.E.: Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension." -Timothy Leary

Other articles on this subject are here

Is transhumanism the philosophy of OPs?
Haven't read the article yet, however the goals mentioned in the quote by Leary is attainable by achieving 4D status through the work. In fact, all are a consequence of heightened awareness.

Edit: Okay, now i read the article and i know these people are goofy. They have wonderfully pleasant visions of the future, but they neglect the possibility that this process is way far along then they realize. For instance, lets just say that another planet, a few thousand years ahead of us (b/c that's all it would take) already hit the "Singularity" (peak technology making the species god-like). They realize that the best form of energy for their techno-sorcery is the finer forces put off by life forms. They find a particular species, call them humans, who produce this energy in abundance but only when they are experiencing a negative emotion. So they set up a lab called earth where they can manufacture this substance in great abundance.

When you take into account the matrix control system this is not only plausible, it is incredibly likely! Man these guys are totally wrapped in their own wishful-thinking complex of living forever and being transhuman that they subconciously reject the idea of "working" for it. They prefer talking about it, hanging out, pondering "gee wouldn't this be nice.... can't wait till our wonderful scientists deliever it to us and make it affordable."

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