an astrological correlation?


Jedi Council Member
an astrological correlation?

i am fond of astrology in an amateurish way. my knowledge of it is lacking a lot i conclude but nonetheless i like at times looking at things and situations and trying to explain them through an astrological perspective.

i certainly don't intend an astro chitchat here, just wanna share my recent and currently best insight of analogy that might be existing between astrological signs and experiences of cosmological density levels, although the astrology we use might itself could have been confused since, as far as i can remember, there were some possible clues in the C's sessions about that.

anyway, here is my current idea about a possible analogy between signs and density levels:

first sign, aries, might be the analogy for the first half of the first density and the opposing sign, libra, might be the second half and then the second sign, taurus is about the experiences of the first half of the second density and so on.

this has kind of made sense to me in that our own density level then is signified by the sign of gemini for the first half, and sagittarius for the second half. sagittarius tells much of philosophicalness and religiousness and this is what especially astonished me when thinking on it.

i guess astrology maybe problematic for many reasons but this has kind of made sense to me and i just wanted to hear possible opinions to help myself shape my view of it.
myself i am a problematical gemini one since my gemini sun 'squares' my nodes which (specifically the north node) signify the type of energies most benefiting towards possible life purposes! :/
Hi bozadi --

bozadi said:
anyway, here is my current idea about a possible analogy between signs and density levels:

first sign, aries, might be the analogy for the first half of the first density and the opposing sign, libra, might be the second half and then the second sign, taurus is about the experiences of the first half of the second density and so on.

this has kind of made sense to me in that our own density level then is signified by the sign of gemini for the first half, and sagittarius for the second half. sagittarius tells much of philosophicalness and religiousness and this is what especially astonished me when thinking on it.

i guess astrology maybe problematic for many reasons but this has kind of made sense to me and i just wanted to hear possible opinions to help myself shape my view of it.

It's an interesting idea, but I would probably need to see more evidence for it to consider a potential correlation. For one thing, it seems to be a bit artificial to divide the densities into "half-densities" in order to make that connection; also, you only have enough signs for a total of six densities, right? I think those are the main problems I see with your proposed schema, which you would probably need to consider if you decided to try to expand on this idea.
I think it's interesting also. What better way to encode knowledge of such things than into a system of "astrology." It would certainly need some thinking to formulate a theory and some testing to see if everything fits.
hi Shijing and Laura,

yes, the issue of an absolute division between two astrological signs in an experience of a particular density seems troubled to me, too. maybe the situation is a gradual mix of both influences with a progressive accentuation of the focus of the latter sign? again, i am stuck there.

but, you know, taurus and scorpio seems to fit well for the cycle of birth and death of our second density nature, doesn't it?

yes, twelve signs make six pairs, than how to explain the seventh density... it has probably has something to do with being the totality of all signs/cycles.

astrology is much about multidimenionality and therefore, i think that the perspective i just shared cannot be the only way to approach astrology or astrological signs when trying to describe a cosmology. probably there are other things about it to be explored, analyzed, corrected, enriched etc.

also, i think C's had said that the yin-yang pair of gemini is aquarius, not sagittarius. i am also stuck at that point.

lastly, for those who are not sufficiently informed of astrology and might misinterpret astrological things written in this topic, i would like to say, it is my honest view and information that your astrological sign being this or that (even any other configuration in your detailed astrological birth chart) has nothing to do with your spiritual level of advanceness and these can not be used to measure people against each other for such matters. i believe a birth chart is just a higher-scale 'body' or 'costume' that you find suitable to wear and get experience somewhere and than you change it with another appropriate one when you reincarnate.

most definitely there are minor and/or major deficiencies and/or errors in my personal ideas. criticisms/corrections are benefited.
i noticed that i used the word 'than' erroneously several times. there could be others. i am not accustomed to write in english. i will try to be more cautious about my english grammar.
Some time ago, I shared some of my astro-cosmological views in some astrology forum site. In this view, I am trying to explore a possible correlation between the 7 densities of Ra-Cassiopaea cosmology and twelve signs of astrology.

I am eager for views and criticisms, if any.
The model certainly fits - 6 polarities, 4 triplicities, 3 quaternaries, the cross, the circle, the triangle, so I dont see why the correlation shouldnt be descriptive when considering densitites and dimensions. but then there are a number of models designed to spark consciousness - that demonstrate various mathematical principles, explore levels of awareness.

the astro - spectrum density and infinite dimension correlation fit very well in my opinion.

always that number 7, the chords, the fifths, and trines divine, oppositions and parallels - so mapping to colour, vibration and movement, sight, sound, activity. the distortion seen from a 3D perspective of various modes and methods of teaching/learning alternate consciousness states would seem to indicate that there are numerous models - the 9 - enneaggram, the 12, astro, the 4 (personality traits, ie nfip and so on. Even Castaneda through don Juan revealed the rule of the Eagle for a warriors party and the corresponding state of awareness exemplified in the 4 directions in male and female polarities, i.e. stalkers and dreamers, then Couriers to boot, all in all 21 jewels of awareness or corresponding paths to the knowledge in the 21 Major Arcana or the 21 sephiroth of the Ot'z Ch'iim, the "stations" of divine states of consciousness/beingness demonstration the flow of the Spirit manifesting It-self and getting to know both Its Intent and Free Will in the grandest chess game of them all. Sparks of awareness set out to journey through the sea of awareness in learning what it is to wield intent and free will, to understand humility and demonstrate strength in times of need.

Those states of consciousness, i.e humility, strength, forebearance, courage, discrimination, honor, reflect the 21 paths of the Tarot traveled by Le Mat in questing back to know self through relationship to others.

Fascinating topic.

Attached is an extract from Esoteric Astrology on the subject of the 7 and the 12.

The Great Rishis or 7 stars of Ursa Major, in esoteric astrology represent the Father Aspect whilst the Pleiades - the Seven Sisters represent the Mother Aspect. Represent is not quite the word as the intelligence of these systems informs our own solar system through as series of interlocking grids of energy, triangles of astrological force.

How this plays into the 4D - 5D and 6D views of reality, as well as the polarities of negative/positive, gender, self-service and selfless service is a topic worth exploring.

kind regards.


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I am glad for your positive feedback, Herakles. thank you. :D

My astrology interest is a general one. Astrology has so many sub-topics and endless details that it frighthens me sometimes. :scared: I try to take it as general and simple as possible. You seem to have examined many other related approaches as well. I haven't yet.

My intention is to find and assimilate simple but right maps (gradually being filled with data/knowledge) that help me see the general operation of existence, my current local situation and its relation to the bigger picture or pictures. And of course, when I say "me-my", I tend to see fellow beings as a part of me and vice versa.

Ra-Cassiopaea cosmology (if that is an appropriate naming) is so great to me in that it provides that basic map, fills it with many important data for me which shed light to the darkest fields of my mind/questionings and it provides so many details that help me make the connections between my local situation and the universal/existential situation.

I have always had a sincere interest in general astrology. It seemed that it held very simple yet most profound explanations about the operation of our life and of universe. But the casual application of astrology in daily life often makes one get lost in endless details and interactional possibilities of so many horoscope components, for example. This can be very frustrating. This was not what I was looking for in astrology, there must have been a much simpler and effective knowledge in it.

After some time of assimilating Ra and Cassiopaea materials, I have automatically begun to compare the simple mathematics of astrology (12 signs / 6 pairs) and of Ra-Cassiopaea cosmology (7 densities/chakras/colors etc). The result is simple and very illuminating to me. But I continue to examine it to find possible incompatibilities, inaccuracies, gaps etc.

By the way, I thank you for the information about the subject matter you have attached, Herakles. I have a great difficulty in understanding the subtle information in such esoteric explanations but it may be simpler than I think, of course. Title of that page is especially inspirational to me: The Science of Triangles, Triangles of Energies. You know, each element is formed of three signs. (Fire energy is formed of aries, leo and saggitarius, for example). Each sign has three decanates etc.

C's said something like "always look for the third man theme", and that this leads to the fourth level/density. I
I have accidentally sent the message before finishing it, sorry.

I try to understand triplicities. Sometimes I understand it like this: There are dualities all around. When you notice those effectively, you gradually become like the master of that duality. But until then, you are like a slave of it. So, third man theme, in this sense, might be about discerning dualities and how each part of a duality operates, and also, probably, how multiple dualities interact among themselves. A duality is a duality and the third man might be witnessing that duality. All information includes a duality: Perceiver and the perceived. Accurate perception might be the third factor, for example.

Astrology has many dualities, especially with its opposite/complementary signs. Aries/Mars and Libra/Venus are opposite signs. They are sometimes taken as the representation of man and woman. You know, there are sometimes the debate of a possible higher supremacy of one of these genders. They fight, interact and they understand at last that they are equal and complementary and the a permanent peace and cooperation is attained then and problems are solved easily. So third man also seems to be related to illumination through exploration/learning and finding balance; the middle point between two opposites of any duality.
I think there is a "me" (aries) and the "universe" (libra) duality. I have many problems and the universe in my mind also has many problems, but as I learn about and trust the basic operation of the actual universe, I automatically grow trust in the solution of all of my problems. Here I perceive these three points: me, universe, and my growing knowledge (and balance) about the interaction between us.

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