An interesting program on a turkish tv channel


Jedi Master
The program was about the formation and present status of secret governments in every country in the world. The emphasis was on the US and British secret governments, the institutions involved etc. short of like a short summary. It was interesting that the points mentioned included:
1. The Pearl Harbour Attack - how information about the attack was known but was secret
2. The Kennedy assasination - they actually showed a video in slow motion and how the bodyguards of Kennedy who were walking right next to the car were called back and how the official camera turns decisively to where supposedly Lee harvey had shot
3. September 11, 2001 - he told that this was planned and carried out together with the secret government of USA and Mossad and that D. Cheney is the head of that government
4. He also said that the european states are in fact crypto-fascist states.

It was interesting to hear these on a TV channel. The guest was a man named Ümit Sayın, associate professor of forensic medicine.
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