An introduction, and “What are we doing, really? & 9/11 PSI?”


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi. Been a long time reader of SOTT. Five years or so. I respect your work and think highly of it.

I’ve chosen “Racer X” for my avatar as I wish to keep my identity private. I am somewhat known in some little circles on the net.

I came to SOTT via the Cassiopaean Experiment. Given the fact that I have had many a “supernatural” or “paranormal” experience though out my life (ouija boards included coincidently), when a friend sent me a link to back in oh, late 2002 or so, it was like I had found some “light” in a sea of darkness. I really resonated with the Cassiopaean Material, especially The Wave. I’ve also read most of the Seth, Pleidian and Ra’s material as far as channeling is concerned.

Sure there were some things in the C’s material that seemed a bit strange to me (like stuff about the alien invasion predictions for instance), but in further reading over it I found that according to the C’s themselves the percentage of accurate decoding of psychic information on part of their channels (Laura et al) was said to be somewhere around 70% or so. This was cool for me to read. As my intelligence wasn’t being insulted with claims of “near 100%” accuracy as some silly psychics claim with their own channeled stuff.

Now before I continue, I must come clean with you all and tell you up front that I am a writer and researcher of modified states of consciousness, including psychoactive compounds (organic, chemical and endogenous). I KNOW you look down at such things and don’t discuss them. I am cool with that and also AGREE with your sentiment on many levels. This is simply being brought up just in case that if, at some point in the future, somehow, this becomes known in this forum, you all don’t think I was hiding stuff or misleading anyone. (Besides, my mom always said honesty is the best policy.) And to set everyone straight, I don’t use drugs. I have researched their effects on the human mind as part of writing my books. Period.

To continue, Laura Knight-Jadczyk said something very interesting, I thought, when discussing a ouija board experiment that was to engage in last year circa Halloween. (Remember?) She said (about the ouija board) that: “you only get out of it what is inside YOU.”

Wow. That was deep!

Because you see, whenever I discuss with friends (and strangers) others’ as well as my own experiences with said device, most, if not all of them, say, “Oh my God, are you CRAZY!?? Every psychic knows that ONLY demons and evil spirits come through a ouija board! Maybe you’re possessed because of using it!” Quick! Visualize white light around your crown chakra and call upon the Galactic Federation for help! HURRY!” and similar malarkey.

To those at a particular level of psycho-spiritual evolution however, it appears that the Cassiopaean, Pleidian, Ra and Seth Material makes sense; it speaks to them. Which I find intriguing. (As a small related aside, shockingly, what I have read in the Cassiopaean Material and in one of Laura’s latest articles (Order out of Chaos) has led me to recently conclude that a friend and I might have actually contacted either beings from 6th density or quite possibly the “One” from 7th density in our own ouija board experiments back in the late 80’s. Do you think such a thing is possible? Contacting 7th density with a ouija board? No, I’m not deluded or full of it. I have proof.)

Anyway, psychically received information/material is being brought up as when sharing some of the C’s material with friends for example, I get either that it is BS, as in “you’re deluded for believing in such a thing” or worse, they say it is “evil” – that only demonic spirits are behind any such communications. But the proof is in the pudding, as they say. “By their works you shall know them,” right?

Similarly to what Laura says about getting out of a ouija board “what’s already inside you,” it might just be the other way around as well! What I mean to say is that perhaps Good Channeled Material (the one that can be checked against data from physical reality/objective reality and/or makes logical sense for example) may act as a catalyst to bring forth what’s already latent in the seeker. Which would have to do then with where a person is at – their particular level of awareness/state of consciousness. And at this particular “state of consciousness” said channeled material “makes sense” to the seeker, you see.

Two of the concepts brought forth in the C’s and Ra’s channeled material that is discussed on this forum and which resonates with me the most are STO/STS and having a conscience, or rather lacking one (as in psychopathy). When I first read about these, I felt relieved on many levels, as I understood the reasons WHY I’d been screwed over throughout my life – simply for being a friend or trying to help someone (when asked!!). This of course, hurt, very deeply at times, to the point of tears even, and left me confused. As I thought that there was something wrong with ME! But after going over Laura’s (and others) work on these subjects, it was understood that I was dealing – in hindsight – with either organic portals or individuals with psychopathic tendencies. Heck, even FULL BLOWN psychopaths, apparently, when it came to some of my ex-girlfriends! Heh. Sorry but they F’d me up, bad! No conscience! No heart! But such nice smiles they had… (Wow. This is freaky. What just happened, I mean. I must share this with you: As I am typing this I happen to look to the side and on the wall there’s this skinny green lizard passing by! I ain’t kidding you, either! Synchronicity? (Does that mean I was dating “reptilians”???)

Geez, no wonder!!

Unintended humor aside, the next part of my post deals with a very serious subject: 9/11, and also with the STO concept and how it relates to helping others See. (On the next post, I’ll continue with “What are we doing, really? & 9/11 PSI?” Please note that I am capping “Seeing/See.” I will get to the reason for this next).
An introduction, and “What are we doing, really? & 9/11 PSI?”

Recently, while emailing back and forth with a couple of friends, the subject of 9/11 came up. We usually discuss odd articles and strange videos; stuff like Alien Autopsy and A Funny thing happened on the way to the moon, and things like this. Although in this one particular instance we were discussing some of the unusual synchronicities and supernatural occurrences associated with September 11th. (I can elaborate on these on another post, if asked. I will share one of them with you however a bit later, as part of this post.) Eventually this back and forth almost immediately turned into to another discussion: that of “who did it” and “how the towers came down” and things like this. Interestingly both friends had watched – and one of them had actually recommended to me – Zeitgeist.

As you may know, said film also deals with 9/11 among other things. Since my buddies resonated with it, I thought we were all on the same page: as in the towers were BROUGHT down (they did not “collapse” from fire or the “impact” of the airplanes), and, that 9/11 was basically an “inside job” (as in double agents or whatever you want to call them carrying out the attacks as opposed to the “lone evil Muslim terrorists” myth).

To my shock and dismay however, one of my buddies was actually on the fence on 9/11 being an inside job, while the other had COMPLETELY bought into the “official conspiracy theory”! Yet he was the one that had sent me a link to Zeitgeist! And here I’m talking about intelligent, good natured people. One of them is an award winning (up and coming) film director. And given his experience with film making, I thought he’d immediately see those “squibs” as the towers were being turned into dust in mid air and hear the explosions caught on the film. Right? Amazingly he did not “see” any of it! I mean these guys are sophisticated enough to KNOW better than to buy into the farce of organized religion, for instance.

Yet with 9/11 they drop the ball… badly.

How could this be? Mind you, we are all good friends. But by the last email on the subject of 9/11 it seemed as though both were closing their minds and eyes –hard– to what was being shared

Interestingly, one of my buddies countered what I was sharing by bringing up a “debunking 9/11 conspiracies” link by none other than Popular Mechanics!!! Heh-heh... (_ )

I said to him “Uh, I think you should listen to an interview with Devin Coburn of Popular Mechanics – he is a research editor and original reporter for the March 2005 issue dealing with “9/11 conspiracies” and was also a "fact checker" for the book Debunking 911 Myths. (As a small aside, the Forward is by senator John McCain (this is the warmonger that sings “Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb-bomb Iran” to a Beach Boys song! And look at the psychology of this for a moment: McCain writes the forward to a book that SELLS the “official story” – “the evil Muslims did it” – and THEN sings that Beach Boys song in jest… Methinks so that if he was to be “elected” president of the USA, then, would it be any surprise to the "zombies" walking among us that the US goes into another “preemptive war” against the “evil Muslim terrorists”?)

Anyway, in said interview, Popular Mechanics’credibility about their 9/11 research is RIPPED TO SHREDS ( _ – for those interested, it gets cooking after about the first 15 min. or so when they go to the phones. But the whole interview, which is about 25 min. or so, is worth listening in its entirety simply to hear how BAD the Popular Mechanics guy F’s up when answering a caller’s question. Basically, Coburn says that one of the things Popular Mechanics had found in their investigations was that the terrorists who carried out 9/11 were in fact Middle Eastern Muslim dudes because of the DNA recovered from the rubble by the authorities… to which the radio interviewer asks, “If this is true, would you mind telling me WHERE they got the DNA to match it up against – these “Islamic terrorists?”” Then, the excellent radio interviewer, Charles Goyette, remarks in shock to this blatant lie: “You’re not even talking sensibly with me!” Needless to say, the interview goes down hill after that and this shill is exposed for all to see (or rather, hear) while trying to “create reality.”

Together with this radio interview, I also sent my friends a link to an old picture of WTC towers 1, 2 & 7 before their destruction (bird’s eye/aerial view) simply to show perspective wise that WTC 7 was a full block away from the towers and therefore it could not have been affected by the falling “debris.” (I mean, BIG enough concrete and steel pieces somehow being carried away – by what, wind? – a block’s distance to cause WTC 7 “structural damage” and fire? KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. “Is anyone home? HELLO?? ”) Not to mention that Zeitgeist clearly shows the Twin Towers being pulverized (while the metal cores in the middle of the structures are … vaporized?) in about ten seconds’ time, yet my friends DO NOT “SEE” ANY OF IT!!!! They simply brush over this and don’t even acknowledge/mention it when arguing their points!

And I am their friend... We discuss “weird and odd occurrences.” Yet with 9/11 and the 1969 “moon landings” for instance, they drop the ball. Badly.


So my only explanation is, what a frigging mind job “They” have done on these guys and to those that can’t, or won’t see things as they are! To see the Truth!

Not only that, but then, interestingly, almost “on cue,” my friends immediately bring up the bit of Zeitgeist that’s located towards the end where it is claimed by the filmmaker that “we are all one.” Let me add here that this was in reaction to me brining up the concepts and sending them the links about psychopathy and psychopaths to make my points in our back and forth email discussion. I wrote (borrowing a bit from Laura’s article Order out of Chaos), “Although ULTIMATELY what you guys say is true at some level – that we are all “one” or spring from the same source – at THIS level, in physical reality, and to give you an analogy – you cannot mix chickens and foxes because the later will DEVOUR the former. That is the nature of duality and of this system of reality.” But it was to no avail. My buddies even wrote me saying they were actually very concerned (as the good friends they are) that I was too wrapped up in “negativity” and “darkness” by talking about this stuff – psychopathy, conspiracies and 9/11. “Why harp on the negative?” “Why dwell on it?” “I only see hope when I look to the future,” one of them wrote. I replied: “I see POTENTIAL hope IF 9/11 is exposed along with the psychopaths that carried it out.”

(In further thinking about this, I must say that it is very clever on the filmmaker’s part to end the film in such a “bright note”: “We’re all one,” eh?)

And THIS is exactly what I am getting at. What are we doing, really? Are we aware of the different effects/ramifications of our actions? And by this I mean disseminating knowledge.

Because okay, granted. Many if not most of us are mostly on this forum “preaching to the choir,” at this late time in the game, methinks. (By “us” I mean those that See – and “Seeing” has to do with acquiring lots of different types of knowledge (and perhaps experiences as well, such as the “paranormal” kind) so as to eventually create a “circuit” of sorts – and this has nothing to do with optical neurological connections but rather with psychic and psychological ones – so as to be able to “see” or rather See through the lies and deceptions of the Men Behind the Curtain. Ergo, “knowledge protects” and/or in this instance, knowledge enables certain people to See.)

So, what good does sharing “Seeing material” with those that say they are interested in the truth, do (like my good buddies for instance), when it actually makes them close their eyes even harder to Reality? To the truth?

Please, think about this for a moment.

In fact and so as to further my point, something similar happened with me last year with the author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl when discussing some of the ideas put forth on the SOTT forum such as objective reality versus subjectivity, psychopathy, and September 11th coincidently. Well, guess what happened? It cost me a job he’d offered me writing for one of his web sites! (_ ) Briefly, he refused to acknowledge psychopathy (he is from the “we’re all one” school) and actually quoted the Dalai Lama to counter Laura’s, Hare’s, Cleckey’s and Lobaczewski et al claims about these “others” among us, saying that ALL of us have the capacity to “love” and be “good people” IF we were just given the chance and shown how to… Similarly he REFUSED to acknowledge the *differences* between psychopaths and normal humans I was pointing out by quoting and sharing from the group of folks I just mentioned and, similarly to my other friends, the information I was sharing as part of a “philosophical discussion” actually made him close his eyes even harder to said information about Objective Reality! He wouldn’t have any of it! (To him by the way, a glass of water for example, is not on a table if his eyes are closed. In fact, the glass does not exist because according to him “quantum physics” tells us this… (See what I mean? What a mind job!)

Anyway, having given these reactions a great deal of thought myself – about what good does sharing the material under discussion with others that say they are interested in the “truth,” does – when it causes the type of reaction I’m pointing out – and the only thing that makes sense to me (and this might relate to the article Order Out of Chaos – which alerted me to this and other things I will eventually share in my posts) – is that we are apparently helping some sort of natural process by this we’re doing… sharing and writing and publishing and distributing Seeing material. Let me explain.

Have you noticed in your own life that when discussing subjects like 9/11, or the supernatural for that matter, some folks almost immediately “get it,” while others can’t or won’t “go there?” (The Shoutwire incident comes to mind It’s like we all have (or rather start out in our early years) with a number of psychological blindfolds, if you will, and throughout our life we are able to remove them by way of (“proper”) knowledge and experiences (paranormal stuff to name but one example) we acquire. If we somehow are either not exposed to said knowledge, or are, but, aren’t able to “process it” (believe that psi exists or say, psychopathy) then, there are certain things we aren’t able to See. No matter how “intellectually sophisticated” and “intelligent” we might be or think we are.

Joe I think, I think, said (and I apologize in advance if I am misquoting Joe, by the way) about the Shoutwire incident that folks that didn’t get certain kinds of information (supernatural, in this example, as in channeled) simply “don’t have the wiring for it.”

In some way – and this observation stems from what I am able to determine – it appears to me that the collective of humanity is dividing, separating, “splitting” – much like a cell divides – into these two distinct groups: those that are able to See through the illusory and false nature of collective reality including its religious, political, scientific, economic, social and historical aspects including the “war on terror,” 9/11 and similar events and those that can’t or won’t. The film Zeitgeist, which I’ve been mentioning, actually presents an excellent and literal example of this separation process among the populace when viewed.

Indeed. It seems that on one hand, through this “process,” if you will, those of a particular level of awareness or state of consciousness are being made to find each other, come together (as in a group or groups) – in this instance, those that See – while INDIRECTLY separating from those that can not, or will not, See, reality as it is. It’s as though we’re being asked by the Universe during the current “apocalypse” (or “unveiling”) to draw our line in the sand; to jump off the fence into either side of reality, so to speak – to either the World of the Objective, or, the World of Falsehoods and make believe.

It's like reality is “splitting” in psychological terms… Initially perhaps…

Oddly enough, September 11th itself appears to have been a catalyst for this “split of reality,” I am describing, which separates/divides people into the two already mentioned groups. And by this I mean to say that although both groups of people I’ve just described are sharing the same space/time (say for example, New Yorkers in New York City circa 2008), each group actually exists in two very different and therefore “separate” psychological realities! Based again, on what they are able to See (or aren’t) which in this instance is dictated by their consciousness level.
An introduction, and “What are we doing, really? & 9/11 PSI?”

To further discuss “what we’re doing” – in my humble opinion we’re apparently aiding some sort of “process” having to do with the “split of reality” I am pointing out – here are a few passages from the C’s communicating with Laura and the group: (Session is from November 26, 1994)

Q: (L) Are we anchoring frequency to create a split?
A: One developing conduit.
Q: (L) We are developing a conduit?
A: Yes. One.
Q: (J) How many conduits do we need?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Is this conduit going to allow those who remain behind to be able to move to 4th density easier when they are ready?
A: No.
Q: (T) What is the conduit for?
A: You and those who will follow you.
Q: (L) This conduit. Is this a conduit through which an entire planet will transition?
A: You are one. There are others.
Q: (J) So, at this point we are developing a conduit?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) There are other groups on this planet developing their own conduits?
A: Yes. Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.
Q: (T) I am working on the assumption that all of us here are part of the family of light, is this true?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And we have been drawn together in order to develop this conduit from where we are?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are there others in this area?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are they supposed to join with us or are they working on their own?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Okay, so it is up in the air as to whether we join with them, they join with us, or we all work independently. We’re developing a conduit to move us from 3rd density to 4th density. Once we have moved through the conduit does that mean we have completed what we came here to do, and that is anchor the frequency?
A: Partly.
Q: (T) Is the conduit kind of like an escape hatch for us?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Let me get this straight. When we move through this conduit, are the other…
A: You will be on the 4th level earth as opposed to 3rd level earth.
Q: (L) What I am trying to get here, once again, old practical Laura, is trying to get a handle on practical terms here. Does this mean that a 4th density earth and a 3rd density earth will coexist side by side…
A: Not side by side, totally different realms.


Now back in the year 1999, I had a dream in which I saw this split of reality and wrote something similar to what I’ve shared describing in it. Eerily, last year (2007), I came across the painting below. It is by visionary artist Martina Hoffmann and it was painted in the year 2000.

It is the face of a person obviously “splitting…” There are two airplanes that can be seen, one at the top and one to the left of the painting (it’s right behind the lightning – it is a little hard to make out though).Right next to the face, on the right side, one can see a piece of the outer facade of one of the Twin Towers. (Let me add here that according to the artist however, said part of the oil painting was added in 2001, one year AFTER the piece was first completed, as by then Martina knew what it was she had painted – a vision related to September 11th. But unbeknownst to her however, the painting also depicts the psychological split of reality I am pointing out from my own vision in 1999, similarly to what is discussed by Laura and the C’s back in 1994, in the session section just shared.

(As an aside, it is intersting to note that Martina chose the outer facade of the Twin Towers to put in her painting. If you notice, this particular piece:)

resembles the outer facade of The Tower of Babylon (depicted on the book cover)!

The Tower of Babel was at first presented to the people of those times as a symbol of the might and majesty of the true “god” of “heaven”. Supposedly, God performed a miracle in the minds and vocal cords of the builders and confounded their languages. When people could not communicate and understand each other, they separated as a result. (“Babel” by the way is composed of two words, “baa” meaning “gate” and “el” meaning” “god”. Hence, “the gate of god”. The word in Hebrew, “balal” means “confusion”. This may be interpreted as “confusion before entering the gate to God.”) It appears, to me, that The Tower of Babel depicted in the book cover painting coinciding with the outer facade of the destroyed Twin Towers on Septmeber 11th, 2001, points out to this "separation," division I'm pointing out. Although in this new instance, the separation isn't because of language. But rather because of beliefs, which are at some level based on one's states of consciousness and what one is able to See.

To conclude, Martina Hoffman also shared with me a painting by another visionary artist, Alex Grey, done in 1998 probably depicting this same split of reality phenomenon:

Curiously, on the right side of this painting, which represents the “real world” (ala The Matrix), the Twin Towers and two jetliners can be seen...

And again, it is precisely THIS I am referring to: A phenomenal split at the collective level of what humans understand as reality has apparently occurred. In this instance, said divide was instigated by a formidable catalyst: The mass murder of 3,000+ innocent people (including First Responders) on September 11th, 2001.

An introduction, and “What are we doing, really? & 9/11 PSI?”

You know Anart, I should have asked you to delete *this* post but instead, I said to you " you may delete it..." Oops! My apologies.

How do you delete this particular post? As it isn't really part of the "post." I can't seem to figure it out... Can you help me? Thanks in advance. If not, that's cool too.

PS As far as me "spamming," I did not mean to do that. I didn't know how the system worked at first, and in trying to figure it out, I made that mistake.

Anyway, thought I'd mention that, as I DO respect the forum.
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