Ancient Crash, Epic Wave

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further to mr see's editorial, "radical rethink in meteorite impact timing" posted yesterday, i thought that the following might be of interest as it further elucidates on the work of the holocene impact working group, the insights of which the editorial draws upon. the original article is annotated with a graphic (ttp:// that nicely illustrates location and size of impact craters, and associated phenomena, identified to-date. cursorily, north america seems to have had more than its fair share of hits as expanded on in m. knight-jadczyk's article, "independence day".


Ancient Crash, Epic Wave

Published: November 14, 2006, The New York Times

At the southern end of Madagascar lie four enormous wedge-shaped sediment deposits, called chevrons, that are composed of material from the ocean floor. Each covers twice the area of Manhattan with sediment as deep as the Chrysler Building is high.

On close inspection, the chevron deposits contain deep ocean microfossils that are fused with a medley of metals typically formed by cosmic impacts. And all of them point in the same direction - toward the middle of the Indian Ocean where a newly discovered crater, 18 miles in diameter, lies 12,500 feet below the surface.

The explanation is obvious to some scientists. A large asteroid or comet, the kind that could kill a quarter of the world's population, smashed into the Indian Ocean 4,800 years ago, producing a tsunami at least 600 feet high, about 13 times as big as the one that inundated Indonesia nearly two years ago. The wave carried the huge deposits of sediment to land.

Most astronomers doubt that any large comets or asteroids have crashed into the Earth in the last 10,000 years. But the self-described "band of misfits" that make up the two-year-old Holocene Impact Working Group say that astronomers simply have not known how or where to look for evidence of such impacts along the world's shorelines and in the deep ocean.

Scientists in the working group say the evidence for such impacts during the last 10,000 years, known as the Holocene epoch, is strong enough to overturn current estimates of how often the Earth suffers a violent impact on the order of a 10-megaton explosion. Instead of once in 500,000 to one million years, as astronomers now calculate, catastrophic impacts could happen every 1,000 years.

The researchers, who formed the working group after finding one another through an international conference, are based in the United States, Australia, Russia, France and Ireland. They are established experts in geology, geophysics, geomorphology, tsunamis, tree rings, soil science and archaeology, including the structural analysis of myth. Their efforts are just getting under way, but they will present some of their work at the American Geophysical Union meeting in December in San Francisco.

This year the group started using Google Earth, a free source of satellite images, to search around the globe for chevrons, which they interpret as evidence of past giant tsunamis. Scores of such sites have turned up in Australia, Africa, Europe and the United States, including the Hudson River Valley and Long Island.

When the chevrons all point in the same direction to open water, Dallas Abbott, an adjunct research scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., uses a different satellite technology to look for oceanic craters. With increasing frequency, she finds them, including an especially large one dating back 4,800 years.

So far, astronomers are skeptical but are willing to look at the evidence, said David Morrison, a leading authority on asteroids and comets at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. Surveys show that as many as 185 large asteroids or comets hit the Earth in the far distant past, although most of the craters are on land. No one has spent much time looking for craters in the deep ocean, Dr. Morrison said, assuming young ones don't exist and that old ones would be filled with sediment.

Astronomers monitor every small space object with an orbit close to the Earth. "We know what's out there, when they return, how close they come," Dr. Morrison said. Given their observations, "there is no reason to think we have had major hits in the last 10,000 years," he continued, adding, "But if Dallas is right and they find 10 such events, we'll have a real contradiction on our hands."

Peter Bobrowski, a senior research scientist in natural hazards at the Geological Survey of Canada, said "chevrons are fantastic features" but do not prove that megatsunamis are real. There are other interpretations for how chevrons are formed, including erosion and glaciation. Dr. Bobrowski said. It is up to the working group to prove its claims, he said.

William Ryan, a marine geologist at the Lamont Observatory, compared Dr. Abbott's work to that of other pioneering scientists who had to change the way their colleagues thought about a subject.

"Many of us think Dallas is really onto something," Dr. Ryan said. "She is building a story just like Walter Alvarez did." Dr. Alvarez, a professor of earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Berkeley, spent a decade convincing skeptics that a giant asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Ted Bryant, a geomorphologist at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia, was the first person to recognize the palm prints of mega-tsunamis. Large tsunamis of 30 feet or more are caused by volcanoes, earthquakes and submarine landslides, he said, and their deposits have different features.

Deposits from mega-tsunamis contain unusual rocks with marine oyster shells, which cannot be explained by wind erosion, storm waves, volcanoes or other natural processes, Dr. Bryant said.

"We're not talking about any tsunami you're ever seen," Dr. Bryant said. "Aceh was a dimple. No tsunami in the modern world could have made these features. End-of-the-world movies do not capture the size of these waves. Submarine landslides can cause major tsunamis, but they are localized. These are deposited along whole coastlines."

For example, Dr. Bryant identified two chevrons found over four miles inland near Carpentaria in north central Australia. Both point north. When Dr. Abbott visited a year ago, he asked her to find the craters.

To locate craters, Dr. Abbott uses sea surface altimetry data. Satellites scan the ocean surface and log the exact height of it. Underwater mountain ranges, trenches and holes in the ground disturb the Earth's gravitational field, causing sea surface heights to vary by fractions of an inch. Within 24 hours of searching the shallow water north of the two chevrons, Dr. Abbott found two craters.

Not all depressions in the ocean are impact craters, Dr. Abbott said. They can be sink holes, faults or remnant volcanoes. A check is needed. So she obtained samples from deep sea sediment cores taken in the area by the Australian Geological Survey.

The cores contain melted rocks and magnetic spheres with fractures and textures characteristic of a cosmic impact. "The rock was pulverized, like it was hit with a hammer," Dr. Abbott said. "We found diatoms fused to tektites," a glassy substance formed by meteors. The molten glass and shattered rocks could not be produced by anything other than an impact, she said.

"We think these two craters are 1,200 years old," Dr. Abbott said. The chevrons are well preserved and date to about the same time.

Dr. Abbott and her colleagues have located chevrons in the Caribbean, Scotland, Vietnam and North Korea, and several in the North Sea.

Hither Hills State Park on Long Island has a chevron whose front edge points to a crater in Long Island Sound, Dr. Abbott said. There is another, very faint chevron in Connecticut, and it points in a different direction.

Marie-Agnes Courty, a soil scientist at the European Center for Prehistoric Research in Tautavel, France, is studying the worldwide distribution of cosmogenic particles from what she suspects was a major impact 4,800 years ago.

But Madagascar provides the smoking gun for geologically recent impacts. In August, Dr. Abbott, Dr. Bryant and Slava Gusiakov, from the Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory in Russia, visited the four huge chevrons to scoop up samples.

Last month, Dee Breger, director of microscopy at Drexel University in Philadelphia, looked at the samples under a scanning electron microscope and found benthic foraminifera, tiny fossils from the ocean floor, sprinkled throughout. Her close-ups revealed splashes of iron, nickel and chrome fused to the fossils.

When a chondritic meteor, the most common kind, vaporizes upon impact in the ocean, those three metals are formed in the same relative proportions as seen in the microfossils, Dr. Abbott said.

Ms. Breger said the microfossils appear to have melded with the condensing metals as both were lofted up out of the sea and carried long distances.

About 900 miles southeast from the Madagascar chevrons, in deep ocean, is Burckle crater, which Dr. Abbott discovered last year. Although its sediments have not been directly sampled, cores from the area contain high levels of nickel and magnetic components associated with impact ejecta.

Burckle crater has not been dated, but Dr. Abbott estimates that it is 4,500 to 5,000 years old.

It would be a great help to the cause if the National Science Foundation sent a ship equipped with modern acoustic equipment to take a closer look at Burckle, Dr. Ryan said. "If it had clear impact features, the nonbelievers would believe," he said.

But they might have more trouble believing one of the scientists, Bruce Masse, an environmental archaeologist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He thinks he can say precisely when the comet fell: on the morning of May 10, 2807 B.C.

Dr. Masse analyzed 175 flood myths from around the world, and tried to relate them to known and accurately dated natural events like solar eclipses and volcanic eruptions. Among other evidence, he said, 14 flood myths specifically mention a full solar eclipse, which could have been the one that occurred in May 2807 B.C.

Half the myths talk of a torrential downpour, Dr. Masse said. A third talk of a tsunami. Worldwide they describe hurricane force winds and darkness during the storm. All of these could come from a mega-tsunami.

Of course, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, Dr. Masse said, "and we're not there yet."


Correction: Nov. 16, 2006

An article in Science Times on Tuesday about new research suggesting that a comet or an asteroid may have struck the Indian Ocean 4,800 years ago included an incorrect estimate from researchers for the frequency of such collisions. The current estimate is one impact on the order of a 10-megaton bomb every 1,000 years, not every few thousand years. The article also misstated the name of a state park on Long Island that has a large sand wedge called a chevron, which may indicate that a comet or meteor landed in the ocean nearby. It is Hither Hills, not Heather Hill.
That does do some justice to Mr. See's article. Taking the two together and topics of religion and beliefs of history by certain groups of those religions, I can almost understand why it is concieved that mankind is only 5,000'ish years old.

It is strange yet interesting this/these forms of information are not put out more into the mainstream, as the articles and the section on earth changes would be great if it were more mainstream/common knowledge.

One from the humor side: The Discovery and History channels ain't got nothing on SOTT's! :)
Aside from historical, mechanical curiosity, I have to ask: of what value is this information?

Assuming that it is accurate, does it really change anything?

If it does, why?

Does it engender a re-organization of rationalization (within a firm perception matrix), or does it alter or shake the perception matrix out of its stasis?
henry said:
Azur said:
Aside from historical, mechanical curiosity, I have to ask: of what value is this information?
What reaction does it provoke in you?

It reminds me that the future is uncertain and to live for today, moment by moment and pay attention. No fear, though. Something like this is certainly outside our control; you might as well welcome it with open arms if it gets here.

Great article, BTW!
We were discussing what the effects would be on the population if this knowledge became publicized: the idea that over 90% of the population were living their last years, that we were facing death in the next few years.

Would it galvanize people? Would they roll over and go back to sleep, saying there is nothing to be done about it, so let's enjoy the time left?

What do people on this forum think would be the consequences of the spreading of the awareness of the possibility of such a catastrophe, and the knowledge that our leaders would leave the rest of us to die while living in luxury safe in their underground cities?
Seems obvious to me that the PTB - the psychopaths - intend to pass through and come out on the other side intact and in charge. Any normal humans who manage to survive (and most certainly, many will), will be at a distinct disadvantage right away. They will be enslaved.

So, perhaps the reason they are handling things the way they are is so that they can enslave the planet totally.

What might another outcome be? That people with conscience would recognize what is possible/probable, and take steps to "build an Ark," so to say; to preserve what they can that is truly of benevolent and decent human culture and knowledge so that whatever of humanity survives - and that number could be increased with warnings and preparation - there will be a new world on the other side that has the potential to do things better next time around.

The religions - including the New Age variety - all tend to highlight the hopelessness of the "End of the World," or the airy fairy nature of it which discourages people from taking it seriously, planning, and so forth. And here I don't mean running off to the woods to hide and hoard stuff, because no one can know where or when the hit(s) and destruction will occur; but rather trying to make sure that each and every human being and community had a repository of knowledge and resources so that whoever does survive can carry on the legacy of normal human life and evolution. That, in itself, would be a big project. But if everyone was seeing that no one can know who will or will not pass through to the other side, then all could try to make sure that whichever "team" makes it is fully equipped.

Just a few thoughts.
Addenda: I don't see any indications of the Carolina Bays on this map so I guess it is just of impact craters and does not map the other major destructive type event: overhead cometary explosions such as the event of Tunguska which resulted in similar ovoid soft surface cratering.

It would be useful if such a map could also attempt to date the various craters/events.

We notice that the Northern Hemisphere seems to be more affected than the Southern, but that may just be due to observational deficiencies. If not, then that may be significant.

Another thought: if history is actually a "time loop" and the same stuff just repeats over and over again with only some variations, perhaps what we are seeing is "what is to come"? That might be a useful bit of information to have.
henry said:
We were discussing what the effects would be on the population if this knowledge became publicized: the idea that over 90% of the population were living their last years, that we were facing death in the next few years.
That much was apparent. Hollywood has even addressed this, to the disservice of those who have a propensity to self-medicate, or run the self-calming programs, usually with the rationalization that "it's just a movie". Nevermind that it could be a real possibility.

henry said:
Would it galvanize people?
Mayhap it would. But what kind of galvinization is expected here? The materialists would scramble to ensure their comfort, and the poor would probably shrug their shoulders (not being so bound to "stuff" [in most "poor" cultures], more likely living for the intangibles that they *can* experience, such as relationships) and make a point to visit, or settle loose ends. These two (for simplicity's sake) groups probably overlap quite a bit.

Eastern philosophies have taught, in many ways, that your physical death, your "time" down here is a variable, and an open question that should be treated with utmost reverence to it's unpredictability. In other words, assume you will die tomorrow, and live accordingly. It is a matter of focus, regardless of the actual mechanism of "death".

henry said:
Would they roll over and go back to sleep, saying there is nothing to be done about it, so let's enjoy the time left?
In the western world, I would tend to think that they would go back to sleep, at least on the observable macro level, but not on the individual, micro scale (and THAT would be hard to measure, outside personal relationships). Western society has been programmed to the point that people do *not* express outwardly, but I have doubt that the programming goes deep enough that people wouldn't "take stock", given a certain catalyst. I believe that is your thrust here. It may be wishful thinking on my part, and admittedly I have only a small circle of experiences with people, accumulated in my lifetime, but this is my probability curve, at this point of my experience.

Laura's signature line is apt here: "When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully." -- Samuel Johnson

How is it that people aren't living their lives like this, every day? (Is it possible that assumptions are made that individuals are not secretly living this way? It is easy to assume this when observing the western cultures, from extrenal observation).

I sympathize wholly with those that wish that a "break" would occur, whether it is a week long power outage, or what have you. It breaks the "automatic" pattern, and therein lies possibility exposed as an alternative, when people are temporarily "out" of the pattern-matrix. Two different concepts here, but the crux of the programming is this: possibility does not factor into an alternative.

This quote, recently found, from the signs page is quite fitting:

The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside.

-- Allan Bloom - The Closing of the American Mind

and from James P. Hogan:

"Every form of serfdom follows from serfdom of the mind."

And that applies to human inter-relationships as much as to Man and his environment.

Laura said:
We notice that the Northern Hemisphere seems to be more affected than the Southern, but that may just be due to observational deficiencies. If not, then that may be significant.
The Northern Hemisphere has more continental mass then the southern, and as said the ocean impacts are more difficult to trace.
henry said:
What do people on this forum think would be the consequences of the spreading of the awareness of the possibility of such a catastrophe, and the knowledge that our leaders would leave the rest of us to die while living in luxury safe in their underground cities?
I think it all depends on how attached people are to their 3d physical existence and I would say that most of them are. What can people do apart from living their lives as best they can and try to leave some information behind them for future generations? You only have to take a look into the past to realise that there seems to be absolutely no (known) information on so many things that happened.

The greatest tragedy to me is not knowing the truth about history.

For many people however, if you told them their world was going to end and 90% of them would die - and they believed it - they'd just panic. Perhaps this is because they're too attached to 3d physicality. The planet will recover, not a problem. 90% of people will recycle, whether that be to a better place or another reality, who knows.
Laura said:
Seems obvious to me that the PTB - the psychopaths - intend to pass through and come out on the other side intact and in charge. Any normal humans who manage to survive (and most certainly, many will), will be at a distinct disadvantage right away. They will be enslaved.

So, perhaps the reason they are handling things the way they are is so that they can enslave the planet totally.
The past few years, I've been a voracious reader of nearly everything Laura's written, as well as most of the SOTT news stories, so I'm sure anything I have to offer is largely distilled from all that great information. So with that disclaimer, I wanted to share something that crystalized in my mind today while pondering Henry See's recent article.

Obviously, the "BIG, big Secret" of all the secret societies throughout history is the reality of the of time-travelling 4D STS. And, maybe this is completely obvious, but what I realized today was that the "big Secret" is the reality of this periodic comet collision scenario. So, as Henry See outlines, the pathocrats do their exploitive thing to accrue wealth and power for 35 centuries, in preparation for the "last days." Then they follow the standard psychopathic procedure to manipulate politics and divert resources in preparation for their retreat back underground to their reptilian lairs.

All the fascinating details that have collected in my mind these past 3 years, coalesced today into one simple, but grand, realization: Laura and Ark probably know--and we all probably know to some extent, the "big Secret." (I'm slow, I guess, but I always read the title of Laura's SHOTW book as if it meant, "parts of history of the world, that have been secret" vs. "the history of The Secret of the World")

I even wondered perhaps if the locations of underground cities used by previous pathocratic generations might be known. So, as I continued pondering this idea, I then began clearly seeing images in my mind (as I imagine "remote viewing" would be like) of a "streetscape" along a tunnelled-out light-rail line in an underground city. Along that street were the pathocrats' luxurious residences built like into pockets tunnelled out of the rock. Each had distinctive facades composed of classical details hewn from marble and limestone to delineate them from the surrounding rock in the large railway tunnel (remiscent of the lost city of Petra). I even envisioned current construction in progress now, with new techologies and design systems evolving. I envisoned uber-rich stepford wives filling their "beautiful minds" with wrenching decisions about which fabric would look best under the artificial lighting in the faux "sun room" (and no doubt, fretting because they were so far from Barbara and Ted Olson's showplace on the other side of NaZion City).

I imagined an subterranean, Republican Country Club--the most sought-after gated enclave on--in Earth! A White-Aryan bad dream-come-true. A completely-engineered, totally-controlled, fascist, pathocratic "Great Society" composed of elite families, along with adequate numbers of "common folk" grateful enough for survival to slovenly serve in support roles for military police, house servants, maintenance workers, recreational sexual partners, and genetic experimental subjects (as well as for victims of new elite parlor games that no doubt will emerge to relieve those psychopathic urges--think, "Eyes Wide Shut" goes underground).

I imagined ultra-secret jaunts to the "ultimate travel destination" even now for the "Rich and Famous" as they inspect their "brave" new world--complete with tours of amazing golf-courses positioned into natural caverns followed by drinks at the Bin Laden's nearly-finished compound as they jockey for positions in the newly-reorganized PNCU (Project for the New Century Underground), while waiting for Pope Benedict and his wife arrive ;) Should be one helluva moving day soon! (You may recall SOTT reported months ago the annual "continuity of government" practice evacuation into underground shelters involved a record number of people this year.)

Meanwhile, up on that "run-down part of the planet," (i.e. the surface), after the new land-masses dry out and the stench of 5.5 billion corpses subsides, the survivors will do their best imitation of the Flintstones, perhaps having a few kids, before dying and taking all the accumulated knowledge of civilization to the grave with them. (Laura sketched out this scenario very well in the Wave Series, using a few examples to demonstrate how easliy history can become mythologized in one generation.)

In a few decades perhaps, a new "Adam and Eve" will emerge (e.g. the son of Prince William & Jenna Bush and the daughter of Chelsea Clinton & Dutch Prince Willem-Alexander). They will then create some religious drama in which "god" destroys all remaining "artists and intellectuals." Next they'll begin "educating" the next generation (who will, no doubt, hand down legends of gods and "hollow earth" civilizations) as this new round of "royals" and their "religions" crank up to provide 3600 more years of negative energy for 4D STS.

At least that's what seems to be ahead for those on 3D earth that don't wave good-bye.
Laura in her reply said:
We notice that the Northern Hemisphere seems to be more affected than the Southern, but that may just be due to observational deficiencies. If not, then that may be significant.
Didn't the C's have something to say about the cataclysms alternating between the Northern and Southern hemispheres and that the "secret societies" knew about this and planned accordingly? Or did I dream this? ;)

Also, I read awhile back in the Edgar Casey material a passage that states all the "old battlefields" will be submerged in this next cataclysmic cycle. The writer went on to demonstrate that WWII battle-sites like Hawaii, The Phillipines, Japan, and Northern Europe would indeed be submerged if the axis shifted as predicted (back from the 23 degree tilt?). According to him, the north pole would move in a longitudinal line down towards Toronto, moving the equator towards those battle-sites, thus flooding them because more water accumulates at equatorial regions due to centrifugal gravitational forces.

He went on to show the counterpart where the water levels become shallower as the new equator moves away due to axis shifts (e.g. Charleston, SC is predicted to "rise" from sea level to an elevation of 1500 feet. (This reflects the equator moving farther away, causing the ocean levels to drop causing the shoreline to move farther away to a new sea-level shore, vs. Charleston ending up perched high on a cliff overlooking the same coastline below.)

So, now Laura, back to that submerged, "Northern Europe" location. Wasn't there a discussion in which the C's directed you and Ark to France? Seems there was mention made of finding some object once there. Or were they alluding to Auch Cathedral as mentioned in SHOTW intro?

Enquiring minds want to know, you know ;)
JGeropoulas said:
Didn't the C's have something to say about the cataclysms alternating between the Northern and Southern hemispheres and that the "secret societies" knew about this and planned accordingly? Or did I dream this?
Actually, that was in Dwellings of the Philosphers by Fulcanelli.

Actually, central Russia is looking better all the time. LOL!

Just joking. I suspect we will be where we are supposed to be if we just do each day what is before us to do. Right now, there are some caves in the Pyrenees that I'm going to be investigating...
Laura said:
...Another thought: if history is actually a "time loop" and the same stuff just repeats over and over again with only some variations, perhaps what we are seeing is "what is to come"? That might be a useful bit of information to have.
So much for the east coast of the US in that scenario! Overlaying the impact creator map with this map (census(dot gov/geo/www/mapGallery/images/density90.jpg), which shows the population density of the US, is quite sobering.

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