'And now for a world government' by Gideon Rachman


FOTCM Member

Does anyone have read this text?

It starts by :
I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana. But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible.

The writer contradicts his own observations and say that we don't have to worry because it's a slow process. Anyway, this observation is interresting :

The EU has suffered a series of humiliating defeats in referendums, when plans for “ever closer union” have been referred to the voters. In general, the Union has progressed fastest when far-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats and politicians – and then pushed through without direct reference to the voters. International governance tends to be effective, only when it is anti-democratic.
(underlining is mine)
Maybe you have been on Future Quantique, if not, maybe you should? There is an interesting information related to your questionning.
sankara said:
Maybe you have been on Future Quantique, if not, maybe you should? There is an interesting information related to your questionning.

Hi sankara, it would be externally considerate for you to give a brief synopsis of what 'interesting information' you are talking about.
Here is the link, sorry it is on pouvoir et psychopathie:


For those of you who don't understand english there is a video of a Nicolas Sarkozy delivering a speech the 16th of January to the foreign ambassadors in Paris. Anyway, even if most of you don't understand the "verbiage" language, the body language of the guy is quite telling and it may be worth having a look.

He said:“Nous irons ensemble vers le Nouvel Ordre Mondial, et personne, je dis bien personne ne pourra s’y opposer”.

"We shall go altogether toward the New World Order, and nobody, I mean it, nobody will be able to oppose it"
Hi Sankara :)
Yes I know the excellent ;) website of pouvoir et psychopathie. And also the not less fantastic ;) website of future quantique :)
However, due to the fact that most readers in this forum do not understand french, I only posted the english source in the Financial Times for an eventual discussion.
Thanks for the advice though :)
Hi mkrnhr, :)

Sarkozy shares one thing in common with Louis de Funès :D, anybody on the BBM can understand his body language. Louis de Funés has been a great french ambassador making people laugh worldwide...this is where the comparison ends. The mad sabbatean is not funny... :cry:

It is to bad the french forum is closed, we could have work out to translate relevant informations.
Some of Sarkozy's gestures are overplayed IMHO. It's part of the political marketing. People are usually impressed but the attributed of power, they surrender to them. And "hyperactivity" is a part of the play.
I think you can translate important parts of a french (or other) text into English and post it in the international forum. And according to some recent thread, the French Forum should come back someday this year.

From what I have heard so far, his "marketing technic" doesn't work very well, and most of the people I know (in many different social classes) are really convince he is crazy. Maybe this video can illustrate the point:


Again, the body language is rather "interesting" and anybody can watch, I am not sure this technic comes from communication workshops.

"All of them can say no, nobody can say yes. The one who has (the french prononciation is rather popular or childish) the smallest power can prevent to do a little thing, but the one who has the greatest power can not allow to do a little thing. The power to say no doesn'...it exist and the power to say yes, no, because every power...balance the other one in a quasi general paralysis."

Welcome to the NWO...

It is much harder for me to translate from french to english. I tried with the Maitre Philippe discution, but I will keep trying if the result is understandable to the readers. :huh:
I think you are right, he is bad. And even if he's still supported by some weak personalities as being "a man of action, a man of women", somehow seeking to be led by a sort of alpha-male leader, some still oscillate between fascination and revulsion. However, more and more people feel threatened by his politics.
According to certain analysts, his main mission is to push people to revolt, the Greek way, to induce chaos in society and impose drastic measures to calm the crisis (not him par se but some other puppets). Those reforms after crisis would be those of NWO.
For translation keep trying and if there are difficult passages you can ask for help. many member are french and french-speaking.
mkrnhr :)

According to certain analysts, his main mission is to push people to revolt, the Greek way, to induce chaos in society and impose drastic measures to calm the crisis (not him par se but some other puppets). Those reforms after crisis would be those of NWO.

This may be right, and Besancenot might be the one who would implement this NWO. Besancenot, the Neuilly's postman (Neuilly's mayor was Nicolas Sarkosy and now it is his son) who delivered the trotskyist news magazin "Rouge" to Jacques Attali (a NWO proponent who has been the advisor of Mitterrand before becoming the advisor of Sarkosy!) who is a suscriber. This latter attended a tv show once with Besancenot and they both seemed to respect one another and looked rather complicit. Remember that once Sarkosy was invited for a French radio show animated by Jacques Chancel, when he was asked to chose a song he offered "Rouge" (Red) of Michel sardou!

Is this the french version of the "red symphony" or is this rather a crackpot conspiracy theory? :cool2:
Indeed it's a possibility. But we should expect surprises also. Wait and see...
Hello, this is the complete speech (or at least the part that you can find in Pouvoir et Psycopathie):

"The crisis is worldwide. It is necessary that we bring a worldwide answer. I call to all governments. None of us will be safe by making his own policy in its corner, isolated from what make the others. No one. We need the dinamism of each, for two things. The first one: find a new system of regulation. This will be the stake of the summit of London. And I can say to you a thing: Europe will have a common position. And strong. And I can say to you a second thing: we shall not accept a summit which will not decide. And I can say to you a third thing: we shall go altogether toward the New World Order, and nobody, I mean it, nobody will be able to oppose it, because worldwide, the forces in the service of change are considerably stronger than the conservatisms and the oppositions to progress."

This is the kind of speech that so many "conspiracy nuts" predicted one day would be listened.

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