And the beat goes on...

Al Today

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
At numerous locations throughout this forum, the phrase “KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS” can be seen. For myself, I cannot see into the future. Well... not on demand anyway. Much work is done to read and accumulate information. Like they say, “There is no free lunch”. While doing work, “time” will pass by. Right now, has an article at “Kissinger: The chance for a new world order”. Ahhh HELL... he’s been talking about this for years. This is one example of how knowledge can be protection from an panic attacks. ”They”, the bad dudes, probably welcome a massive, global wide emotional burst of extreme fear, sheer panic. :evil: As “time” goes by in the work, with reading and accumulation of information, instead of panic, one may keep a little sanity by thinking "Yep, that figures..." or “yep, no surprise here...”.
Hi Al Today;
Knowledge does indeed protect.
That simple two-word phrase packs a wallop of meaning, doesn't it?
Gaining knowledge allows awareness of specific threats as well as lines of force in motion that are busy creating potentially threatening contexts and situations that we may be able to avoid if we just knew about them ahead of time.

To me, it's not so much about trying to see the future as simply being able to predict possible/likely outcomes based on existing facts, and keeping the mind open to more data as it becomes available.

Sometimes, simply being aware of a possibility can protect you as the example below indicates:

Quote from: 971101
Q: So, in other words, C**** may have been subjected to some of this programming by going there and spending so much time looking for the murals?
A: In her case, no, because you warned her, therefore her conscious state was in the "awareness mode."

In another way, putting together available knowledge on fluoride or other dangerous substances can help to protect you by teaching you why it's dangerous and how to remove it from your body.
In this case, knowledge also protects by allowing you to remove a threat to your overall health and diminishing one's programming susceptibility.

On the political side, we can pretty much see what seems to be coming, yet the future is open until its "fixed", isn't it?
That's why it's so important to be part of a group, networking and communicating, so that we can all be prepared for 'whatever', 'whenever'.

...or so it seems to me.
Buddy said:
... it's so important to be part of a group, networking and communicating, so that we can all be prepared for 'whatever', 'whenever'. ...

Yep, I am hard pressed to "voice" the importance of this comment... My view is that anyone who really thinks they can travel these paths without others is mistaken. "We" all are from different locales, environments, and hold various perspectives. This bring to mind of making a road trip, traveling by car to parts never ventured. Sometimes one just has to stop and ask for directions.

edit: mispelling

I think you are right on track with your post! Without this network, it is almost impossible to validate anything. Yes, it is necessary to seek information from as many sources as possible, to validate what is really happening. It does work when one actually seeks to learn the truth and uses the network principle.


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