Animals saving other animals

Thanks Shared Joy for sharing, this was very moving :)

I remember how I was totally surprised when I learned that foxes often don't hunt their prey in proximity to their foxhole. Incredibly, sometimes they even share their hole with rabbits! They start hunting rabbits only at a certain distance to their hole, as if there is a silent understanding that "this is our home, we are in this together". This is called "Burgfrieden" in German.

So it seems that even predatory animals can be a lot more decent than the predators in human form, which have no qualms about ruthlessly preying even on their own family members!

ADDED: Strangely, I couldn't find any reference to this phenomenon in English, only this video where a fox doesn't seem to bother attacking a nearby rabbit (there could be other reasons though I guess):
Thank you! We just start to understand the realm of animals, and that they have an extraordinary intelligence.
Thank you for sharing, beautiful record that who confirms how animals are smart, caring and solidarity with each other. :)
The topic of this thread reminds me of a video I saw on social media a couple of years back. I couldn't watch till the end because it was simply making me cry. And I guess the music wasn't helping. :cry:

It's this one:
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