Animated video about the real cause of addiction


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi guys, here's the video:

I know a lot of us know this already, but it's a very nicely done video to drive the point home. And the point of the video is that addiction isn't a chemical problem, that's just the symptom of drugs and so on. The root cause is general unhappiness, often caused by lack of real social bonds and isolation, or other causes of unhappiness and unfulfillment in life. Fix that, and no one wants to have harmful addictions anymore. No one wants to choose to bond to substances or behaviors when they have other much more fulfilling bonds - with other people. The video brings up a few studies that show this. I think it's a great reminder, and might be useful to send to people who have harmful addictions that you know, especially those who use traditional methods of battling addiction unsuccessfully and need to look at the root causes instead.
Great video. I stumbled on it before not too long ago. It especially shows why the network here and networking in general is so necessary for our health and well-being. I'm pretty sure this video was posted on SOTT a couple months ago actually, and I believe the audio was also aired on the Health and Wellness Show, on the episode about addiction - or at least it was definitely mentioned there.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Great video. I stumbled on it before not too long ago. It especially shows why the network here and networking in general is so necessary for our health and well-being. I'm pretty sure this video was posted on SOTT a couple months ago actually, and I believe the audio was also aired on the Health and Wellness Show, on the episode about addiction - or at least it was definitely mentioned there.
It reminded me of what Joe just said the other day, paraphrasing here, that love is very important as a goal and a driver for interaction within the network, with members of FOTCM, etc. He developed a visceral understanding of this recently, and I think it relates to this video as well. Developing bonds with others, those based on real love (knowledge, care, understanding, empathy, joy), which are especially powerful when it is with collinear people, is probably one of if not the most important thing we can accomplish in this life. It strengthens the well being and knowledge and happiness of everyone, keeps us from depression and addiction, and gives us a great motivation to keep going - for ourselves, for our loved ones. I've known many people, myself included, where in the presence of depression and suicidal thoughts, the one and only thing that keeps them from going through with it is that it would hurt too many loved ones. Humans need to bond!
What a coincidence, I just stumbled upon it last week, it's been published on sott too:
SAO said:
It reminded me of what Joe just said the other day, paraphrasing here, that love is very important as a goal and a driver for interaction within the network, with members of FOTCM, etc. He developed a visceral understanding of this recently, and I think it relates to this video as well. Developing bonds with others, those based on real love (knowledge, care, understanding, empathy, joy), which are especially powerful when it is with collinear people, is probably one of if not the most important thing we can accomplish in this life. It strengthens the well being and knowledge and happiness of everyone, keeps us from depression and addiction, and gives us a great motivation to keep going - for ourselves, for our loved ones. I've known many people, myself included, where in the presence of depression and suicidal thoughts, the one and only thing that keeps them from going through with it is that it would hurt too many loved ones. Humans need to bond!

Very well said SAO, thank you for sharing the video and your thoughts, for me this video will serve as a wake up call to keep me not give up especially in those moments when i'm feeling vulnerable(because of stress at work, tiredness or just feeling lonely).
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