Another End of the World Dream


A Disturbance in the Force
I would like to share with you a vivid dream I had just last night, about the end of the world. I have had very many end of the world dreams throughout my life and they are always so vivid I can recall most of them very clearly.
If you know about dream symbolism feel free to tell me what you think these symbols could mean. And if more information about myself could reveal my dream's meaning please ask.

It was late at night and I was sitting in my van while parked in an unfamiliar plaza parking lot. When I looked out my front windshield at the night sky suddenly I saw a large, grey mushroom cloud caused by some explosion off in the distance. The first thought that came into my mind was "Ok, I guess this is it. This is the end of this life and then it's on to the next". I was only afraid that I might feel pain, and all I wanted was to make love one last time while it was happening.
When I looked back at the sky, I noticed the moon looked enormous and I remember thinking that it must have had something to do with the events that were unfolding. After noticing the size of the moon I saw the cars around me start to float in the air, but because they were attached to the parking lot by a long chain they didn't float away into the sky. After seeing this my van began to float into the air and then it stopped. It was then that my alarm woke me up for another day
LightKrystal said:
I would like to share with you a vivid dream I had just last night, about the end of the world. I have had very many end of the world dreams throughout my life and they are always so vivid I can recall most of them very clearly.
If you know about dream symbolism feel free to tell me what you think these symbols could mean. And if more information about myself could reveal my dream's meaning please ask.

It was late at night and I was sitting in my van while parked in an unfamiliar plaza parking lot. When I looked out my front windshield at the night sky suddenly I saw a large, grey mushroom cloud caused by some explosion off in the distance. The first thought that came into my mind was "Ok, I guess this is it. This is the end of this life and then it's on to the next". I was only afraid that I might feel pain, and all I wanted was to make love one last time while it was happening.
When I looked back at the sky, I noticed the moon looked enormous and I remember thinking that it must have had something to do with the events that were unfolding. After noticing the size of the moon I saw the cars around me start to float in the air, but because they were attached to the parking lot by a long chain they didn't float away into the sky. After seeing this my van began to float into the air and then it stopped. It was then that my alarm woke me up for another day

Je pense que ton rêve veut dire que tu as trop d’attachement soit humain, animal ou matériel et que tu dois apprendre à de détacher de tout cela pour avancer dans ton élévation.
I think that your dream means that you have too much attachment is human, animal or material and that you have to learn in to remove(untie) from all this to move forward in your rise.
Hi, yes I quite agree with Christine on your attachment ...
There, I think three main topics:
1. The end of the world.
2. The moon.
3. The need to make love at the end of the world.

The end of a dream world seems increasingly recurring to us all, and it seems to indicate the end of a world, a civilization or density.

- If you are on the forum, you should know that "The wave" means a density change between 3rd and 4th density. We will have to choose between "STO" and "STS".
- The moon represents the night, that is the dark side. In your dream you see the very large moon, it seems to mean that your side "STO" is still very pronounced.
- If you want to make love before the end of the world. Again, there is a choice, that of "STO" (spirituality) or "STS" (Desire). You seem to choose the desire.

- It is, as Christine told you, attachment to land and "STS" you have not yet decided to leave this world. This dream may have come to inform you that you have to work on your spirituality and detach yourself hardware and desire. Although we are all "STS", some have already chosen the path of "STO". You got to know which way you want, and how far are you willing to go that route. I could be wrong, I wish you a good continuation.
Hi Lightkrystal,

Your dream could be an expression of a desire to work on yourself. Since you are working your way through "The Wave" series, you may have more of those types of dreams.

There are some common symbols that can help you understand and interpret dreams better. A website called Dreammoods can help with interpreting it to some extent. The information they have on sex and the moon are below. That site probably has sky, chain, etc. Doing a web search on the symbols in relation to Carl Jung's archetypes may be illuminating also.


To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. It represents psychological completion. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character. Consider the nature of the love-making. Was it passionate? Was it slow? Was it wild? The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. A more direct interpretation of the dream may be your libido's way of telling you that it has been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love. If you are looking for a place to have sex, then the dream may be analogous to your search for intimacy and closeness. You want to rekindle some relationship. If you dream of having sex in a public place, then the dream implies that others are talking about your private relationship.

To dream about sex with someone other than your spouse or significant other suggests dissatisfaction with the physical side of your relationship. On the other hand, it may be harmless fantasy. In such situations, you may find that you are less inhibited sexually. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship.

To dream that you are having sex with an ex or someone who is not your current mate denotes your reservations about embarking in a new relationship or situation. You may feel nervous about exposing yourself and are feeling a resurgence of those old emotions and feelings that you felt back when you and your ex were together. If you are approaching your wedding date, then is not uncommon to experience especially erotic adventures with partners other than your intended spouse. This may be due to the intensity of the sexual passion with your fianc�. It also relates to the new roles that you will be taking on and the uncertainty that that may bring.

To dream that you are having sex with a stranger represents uncertainty about what is ahead. Alternatively, the dream allows you to experiment freely without having any hang ups, emotional baggage or preconceived notions associated with a person you would know. In such a scenario, you are able to let loose and express your desires, passions and emotions. In particular, if you dream of having sex with multiple partners at the same time, then it indicates that you are feeling detached in your personal relationship. You feel that sex is just an act devoid of any emotion or passion. Perhaps your sex life has become too automated.

To dream that you are having sex with a friend refers to the closeness you share with your friend. Because you two share so much between each other and know so much about each other, the dreaming mind may depict this closeness as sex. Alternatively, such a dream indicates a level of attraction between you and your friend, but you are too afraid to act on it. Thus your desires are manifested in a dream.

If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are having sex with someone of the same sex, then it represents an expression of greater self love and acceptance. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side. The dream does not necessarily imply homosexual desire.

To dream that you are having sex with a celebrity indicates your drive to be successful. You are striving for recognition. Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with for clues as to where and what you want to achieve success in.

To dream that you are having sex with your boss signifies your desires for authority and control. You are feeling empowered.
To see others having sex in your dream refers to your own desires of being more adventurous in your own sex life.

To see your parents having sex in your dream indicate that you are seeing similar aspects between their relationship and your current relationship. Most cringe at the thought of your parents having sex, so this dream imagery is really trying to get your attention. Consider your parents' real life relationship together and what you can learn from it.

To dream that you are the opposite sex suggests that you need to incorporate certain qualities of the opposite sex. Ask yourself how do you feel being a man or a woman? In what ways can you incorporate those feelings into your waking life.

Dreaming that you are watching your girlfriend have sex with someone else suggests that you are taking a passive role in your sex life. Maybe you feel that you are not satisfying her. The dream is signaling you to communicate your sexual concerns and/or desires. Alternatively, the dream may reflect a personal fantasy you have.


To see the moon in your dream represents some hidden, mysterious aspect of yourself. It is often associated with the feminine mystique and intuition. Alternatively, the moon signifies your changing moods. If you see two moons in your dream, then it indicates that you are being pulled in two different directions. It also represents the extremes of two things. If you see five moons in your dream, then it points to mass chaos or confusion occurring in your life. It is also an indication that your intuition or instinct is very strong and that you need to follow it.

To see the eclipse of the moon in your dream signifies that your feminine side is being overshadowed. Or it may mean that some hidden aspect of yourself is coming to the surface.

To see the crescent moon in your dream indicates cyclic changes, renewal, and movement. You are progressing smoothly toward your life path. A full moon signifies completion and wholeness, while a new moon symbolizes new beginnings.

To dream that you jump and touch the moon refers to your ambition. When it comes to your goals and aspirations, you aim high. You can do anything if you set your mind to it.

Dreaming that an asteroid hits the moon and causes it to explode implies that the craziness in your life is getting out of control. You are giving in too much into your impulses.

Hope it helps. :)
For what it's worth, I took the cars to be vehicles of you (representative of your body as it houses spirit) tethered to earth by the cords which represents the silver chord we are supposed to have, allowing us to remain attached to spirit while in this earthly body. I, too, and remember this is just an initial, not yet awake impression and I am by no means a "seer" (I tend to fly by instinct) believe your dream symbolizes some unresolved attachment to life in the physical body or not wanting to let go of earthly things or thing.
Hello LightKrystal,

I believe that everybody has their own different inner circle of personal symbolism, so at the very end of the day only you may know what they mean.
However, I also believe that humanity has a collective unconsciousness/archetypes where some symbols are universal.
For example the universal fear of humans with snakes and spiders.

I also believe when you have certain dreams, your subconscious(higher) may be trying to communicate with the conscious(lower) self.
IMHO, I believe that the subconscious's language is a language of symbols and not words.
Sometime it can be like the game Classic Concentration. (Screw + Ball = Screwball)

Here's a personal dream that I had a long time ago when I was around 10-12 years old:
I was waiting for the Public Transit Bus to pick me up at the Bus stop after I got out of school.
While I was waiting for the bus I decided to cross the street and go to the Mall.
Inside the mall at some store I decided to steal something.
I realized that I had to get back to the bus station soon our I would miss my ride home.
Instead of it being a public transit bus, it was a yellow school bus.
Upon boarding the bus, the Bus Driver tells me his name is ED
End of Dream

My Interpretation:
This could have been a warning to myself to stop be mischevious or else suffer the consequences.
I'm perhaps going to get "schooled" again if I continue stealing.
Yellow = Caution
School Bus = Going to learn another lesson
Bus Driver named Ed = "Busted!"

Of course since it's all SUBJECTIVE having multiple interpretations can be a double-edged sword.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

IF THIS WAS MY DREAM, here's how I may interpret it:

I)Symbolism: sitting in my van while parked in an unfamiliar plaza parking lot

Interpretation: I've had multiple dreams about driving around in my car and the breaks not working.
My friend once told me that dream could symbolize that my life was out of control
car/Van = your vehicle/body that you are using in this incarnation

Question: Is this "van" in your dream your actual van in real life?

II)When I looked out my front windshield at the night sky suddenly I saw a large, grey mushroom cloud
When I was around 22 years old, I dated this girl who always would have dreams of the END of the WORLD.
I remember when I was watching, The Animatrix - The Second Renaissance Part II
At the end, she was freaking out because she said she saw that scene in her dreams as well
If you haven't watched it and have around 12 minutes to spare here's a link below:

III)Symbolism: When I looked back at the sky, I noticed the moon looked enormous and I remember thinking that it must have had something to do with the events that were unfolding. After noticing the size of the moon I saw the cars around me start to float in the air, but because they were attached to the parking lot by a long chain they didn't float away into the sky

Interpretation: those cars are astral vehicles trying to FEED the MOON because of the events that were unfolding.
I you have read any of Gurdjieff materials then you probably won't understand what that implies

For your viewing pleasure:
If your are really big into dreaming, I would suggest watching Waking Life (2001)
If you haven't watched it yet, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but the protagonist also has a scene involving a car
Hello LightKrystal,

I believe that everybody has their own different inner circle of personal symbolism, so at the very end of the day only you may know the true meaning.
However, I also believe that humanity has a collective unconsciousness/archetypes where some symbols are universal.
For example the universal fear of humans with snakes and spiders.

I also believe when you have certain dreams, your subconscious(higher) may be trying to communicate with the conscious(lower) self.
IMHO, I believe that the subconscious's language is a language of symbols and not words.
Sometimes it can be like the Game Show, Classic Concentration. (Screw + Ball = Screwball)

Here's a personal dream that I had a long time ago when I was around 10-12 years old:
I was waiting for the Public Transit Bus to pick me up at the Bus Stop after I got out of school.
While I was waiting for the bus I decided to cross the street and go to the Mall.
Inside the Mall at some store I decided to steal something.
I realized that I had to get back to the bus station soon our I would miss my ride home.
Instead of it being a public transit bus, it was a yellow school bus.
Upon boarding the bus, the Bus Driver tells me his name is ED
End of Dream

My Interpretation:
This could have been a warning to myself to stop be mischevious or else suffer the consequences.
I'm perhaps going to get "schooled" again if I continue stealing.
Yellow = Caution
School Bus = Going to learn another lesson
Bus Driver named Ed = "Busted!" (Putting together symbols like in Classic Concentration)

Of course since it's all SUBJECTIVE having multiple interpretations can be a double-edged sword.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar"

IF THIS WAS MY DREAM, here's how I would interpret it:

I)Symbolism: sitting in my van while parked in an unfamiliar plaza parking lot

Interpretation: I've had multiple dreams about driving around in my car and the breaks not working.
My friend once told me that dream could symbolize that my life was out of control
car/Van = your vehicle/body that you are using in this incarnation
unfamiliar plaza parking lot = you are in an unfamiliar place in your life

Question: Is this "van" in your dream your actual van in real life?

II)When I looked out my front windshield at the night sky suddenly I saw a large, grey mushroom cloud
When I was around 22 years old, I dated this girl who always would have dreams of the END of the WORLD.
I remember when I was watching, The Animatrix - The Second Renaissance Part II
She was freaking out because she said she saw that scene in her dreams as well
If you haven't watched it and have around 12 minutes to spare here's a link below:

III)Symbolism: When I looked back at the sky, I noticed the moon looked enormous and I remember thinking that it must have had something to do with the

events that were unfolding. After noticing the size of the moon I saw the cars around me start to float in the air, but because they were attached to

the parking lot by a long chain they didn't float away into the sky

Interpretation: those cars are astral vehicles trying to FEED the MOON because of the events that were unfolding.
I you have read any of Gurdjieff materials then you probably won't understand what that implies

For your viewing pleasure:
If your are really big into dreaming, I would suggest watching "Waking Life" (2001)
If you haven't watched it yet, I'm not going to spoil it for you, but the protagonist also has a scene involving a car
emitiflesti, I never thought about the interpretation from symbols in to words in a dream. Really something to think about. Thanks.
Villival said:
emitiflesti, I never thought about the interpretation from symbols in to words in a dream. Really something to think about. Thanks.

Hi Villival.

I would also recommend getting yourself a Dream Journal and do your best in trying to record all your dreams when you wake up.

I'm not sure if you are into Lucid Dreaming, but the Monroe Institute highly recommends recording your dreams as much as possible.
Once I got enough dreams recorded, before I would go to sleep, I would read as many previous dreams in my dream diary.
From my own personal experience, the symbolism and meaning of "older" dreams would make more sense weeks/months/years later
emitflesti said:
I'm not sure if you are into Lucid Dreaming, but the Monroe Institute highly recommends recording your dreams as much as possible.
Once I got enough dreams recorded, before I would go to sleep, I would read as many previous dreams in my dream diary.
From my own personal experience, the symbolism and meaning of "older" dreams would make more sense weeks/months/years later

I've never heard about journaling your dreams. I'll start doing this, IMO it makes sense that some of the often dreams we have can resonate to us in a posterior time, it could be very interesting knowing what ur dreams were back in time.

Thanks for sharing this emitflesti.

I agree with Menrva too, it's also happening to me since im reading The Wave, I get lots of lucid dreams on topics about what i've read, even this past days it's been quite hard getting some sleep..
Padme90, Joseph Campbell said "Your dreams are your myths." What are myths? An attempt to explain a basic truth about ourselves or a group of people. Write down your dreams. Ultimately they will give you clarity. They come from the subconscious where all real knowledge is. I have gone back into some parts of my journals at different times, read dreams I wrote and then smacked my head for being such a dummy. Learning to understand the clues in hindsight can help you to eventually understand the clues as they come.
Thanks Villival I will start writing them down, just sometimes I don't remember what i dreamt... do u know why could this happen?
Not really. I guess because they are so deeply subconscious. I do believe writing immediately upon waking up without thinking about what you are writing is VERY important. It's recommended to keep a tablet by your bed for this reason. Before your conscious mind kicks in just start writing your dream down. Somehow this brings up into consciousness which is important. It's also supposed to help with creativity if you do it longhand.
Not really. I guess because they are so deeply subconscious. I do believe writing immediately upon waking up without thinking about what you are writing is VERY important. It's recommended to keep a tablet by your bed for this reason. Before your conscious mind kicks in just start writing your dream down. Somehow this brings up into consciousness which is important. It's also supposed to help with creativity if you do it longhand.

I tend to wake up a lot of times during the night. at least 3 times but sometimes more. I can fall asleep very fast though so it's not a problem for me. During weeks when I work, I only write down those dreams that got a lot of information in. like a dream which can provide good details, who is there, can I smell something, what can I see etc. or if the dream has a strong emotions in it.

I use a pen and paper near my bed and I write notes in the dark. I cannot see anything but I know where the paper and pen is located. If you are going to use a tablet, phone, or any light against your eyes it can really ruin your night as you might not be able to fall a sleep. If you for e.g. don't open your eyes when you wake up during the night, you can fall to sleep after just 1 minute. So preferable even write down it with closed eyes! :) This is my way to do it. Of course everyone do it the way they prefer it.
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