Another passenger aircraft encounter/near tragedy with a space rock?

Unknown object strikes Colombian A320 in cruise

Not a bird as no species fly that high in that part of the world.

It was also a LAN passenger jet (a 767) that was almost struck with a meteorite over the south Pacific on its way to or from Australia a few years back.
Thanks for sharing. As you wrote at this altitude a bird is unlikely and maybe it was indeed a minor space rock.
Gawan said:
Thanks for sharing. As you wrote at this altitude a bird is unlikely and maybe it was indeed a minor space rock.

I agree that is a possibility, but another might be a megacryometeor, which is essentially a giant hailstone. They have been known to fall from a clear sky and their source is undetermined. They are probably under reported as if they do not hit a house or other structure or are not seen falling and hitting the ground, they just melt and no one would be aware that one would have come down.

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