another sublime Gurdjieff quote


Jedi Master

(spelling fix)
Hi New Orleans
I enjoy your drawings and quotes. I know that feeling from glimpses, and need to cultivate that sense of awe or communion more.
You misspelled majestic, which is with a j.
Where is the quote from?
Thanks, Parallel, I appreciate the spelling correction. Made the change thanks to you. The quote I had written down in the back cover of my copy of "Beelzebub", the Third Book. I don't recall the source. It's an amazing statement and I wanted to create something to share it.
The eyes are full of expression - I don't know exactly what he looked like, but the eyes are especially wise and deeply soulful and sad. I bet he would give you the feeling if he looked at you, that he would pretty much be able to see right into you.
Parallel, in researching the source of this quote I believe it is from "All and Everything: Meetings with Remarkable Men" .
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