Anti-creation report


Jedi Master
The following was sent to me from my sister in Germany.
It was read as preface to a sermon by a local clergyman.

In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

But after many millions of years
man was finally smart enough.
He said, "Who is talking about God?
I'll take my future into my own hands.

He took it,
and it started the last seven days of the earth.

On the morning of the first day man decided
to be free and good, nice and happy.
No longer in the image of a god, but of a man.
And because he had to believe in something
he believed in freedom and happiness,
in numbers and quantities,
in the stock market and progress
in planning and safety.
Because of his safety he filled the Earth
with missiles and nuclear warheads.

On the second day died the fish
in the polluted waters of industry,
the birds from the pesticides of the chemical factories,
that was to exterminate the caterpillars,
the hare from the clouds of lead from the cars,
the lap dogs from the beautiful red color of the sausage,
the herrings from the oilspills on the sea,
and from the garbage on the bottom of the ocean.
Because the waste was active.

On the third day
the grass withered in the fields
and the leaves on the trees, the moss on the rocks
and the flowers in the gardens.
Because man decided to make the weather himself
and distributed the rain along a precise plan.
There was only a small error in the computer, which distributed the rain.
When they found the error, the barges were on the dry ground
of the beautiful Rhine.

On the fourth day three to four
billion people perished.
Some of the diseases man had designed
and one day someone had forgotten
to close the container, which was kept ready for the next war.
And their medications did not help.
They had long been used in skin creams and pork.
Others died of hunger, because some of them had hidden the key
to the grain silos.
And they cursed God, who owed them luck and happiness.
He was supposed to be a good God!

On the fifth day the last people pressed the red button
because they felt threatened.
Fire enveloped the globe,
the mountains were burning, the seas evaporated,
and the concrete structures in the cities stood black and smoking.
And saw the angels in heaven watched the blue planet turn red,
then dirty brown and finally ashen.
And they stopped their singing for ten minutes.

On the sixth day the lights went out.
Dust and ashes veiled the sun, the moon and the stars.
And the last cockroach, who survived in a missile bunker,
perished from the excessive heat.

On the seventh day all was calm.

The earth was without form and void;
and darkness was over all the cracks and crevices,
in the dry crust of the earth.
And the spirit of man roamed as a ghost over the chaos.
But deep down in hell they told of the exciting story of a man,
who took the future in his own hand,
and the laughter roared to the heavens
up to the choirs of angels.
Good summarization of human folly. But the juxtaposition of this somber theme against a God represented on earth by people in silly costumes lamenting the people who dares to think for themselves isn't any more insightful than myriads of earlier thoughts from the churces, in my opinion.
Also the implication is that "man" is really in charge of things on this planet - that by rejecting God, he has brought about his demise. In the age of technology, it is perhaps difficult specially for intelligent "man" to accept the idea that he is under almost total control of denizens of an undiscovered realm through technology about which he is completely unaware. In old times, at least they had a concept of devil influencing mankind which though distorted was somewhat closer to the truth.
All in all, propaganda designed to make believers flock to the protectorate of the benevolent savior god.
Religion and science work together, they are both faith-based (every theory is faith-based) and they are both part of the reason for non-disclosure. They both are the premise for mind control. Creationism and Darwinian theory are both a pack of lies and the reason why the earth is in such a mess.

Here is a rational scientist from another time (it seems so long ago). Tell me this doesn't scare your pants off.....
wanderer33 said:
Religion and science work together, they are both faith-based (every theory is faith-based) and they are both part of the reason for non-disclosure. They both are the premise for mind control. Creationism and Darwinian theory are both a pack of lies and the reason why the earth is in such a mess.

Here is a rational scientist from another time (it seems so long ago). Tell me this doesn't scare your pants off.....

Thanks for the link, chilling pictures of devastation. The scientist got it right when he said that the outcome of this knowledge of nuclear energy depends on the hearts and minds of us all. At least we haven't had a nuclear war...yet. North Korea threatens South Korea with it, Iran are working around the clock to have their own arsenal, and Israel has been close to using nuclear weapons in the middle east. Not to mention the situation in the US.
hithere said:
Thanks for the link, chilling pictures of devastation. The scientist got it right when he said that the outcome of this knowledge of nuclear energy depends on the hearts and minds of us all. At least we haven't had a nuclear war...yet. North Korea threatens South Korea with it, Iran are working around the clock to have their own arsenal, and Israel has been close to using nuclear weapons in the middle east. Not to mention the situation in the US.

I'm just curious, hithere. I was not aware of Iran working on anything nuclear except for energy production. Where do you have evidence that they are "working around the clock to have their own arsenal"?
Nienna Eluch said:
hithere said:
Thanks for the link, chilling pictures of devastation. The scientist got it right when he said that the outcome of this knowledge of nuclear energy depends on the hearts and minds of us all. At least we haven't had a nuclear war...yet. North Korea threatens South Korea with it, Iran are working around the clock to have their own arsenal, and Israel has been close to using nuclear weapons in the middle east. Not to mention the situation in the US.

I'm just curious, hithere. I was not aware of Iran working on anything nuclear except for energy production. Where do you have evidence that they are "working around the clock to have their own arsenal"?

I don't have evidence other than what's reported in the media, i.e. reports of efforts to smuggle uranium and their now bombed alleged nuclear weapons facility. This could well be propaganda, but Ahmadinejad has stated repeatedly that he sees it as his mission to prepare for the return of the Mahdi, and that can't happen without an Armageddon to set things moving, as I understand it. Example of link:

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