Yesterday i don't really know why i was wondering a lot about Candida since i started reading about it, and felt some symptoms like mental fogginess and this weird rash i have in my hand appearing, (people say it might be due tue recent stress i've been having), but my inner me started wondering if maybe i have Candida or no... I found out several videos about how to make a home made test to prove if you have Candida or no, maybe the most accurate way to do it is a blood or spoof test too, but today i did this test that consists in spitting in a glass of water, and letting see what happenes to the spit, if it sinks or stays there floating but has sort of legs growing down its a sign you may have Candida. The results were that it sinked...
What will be your thoughts on this? Maybe someone here has tried that test..?
What will be your thoughts on this? Maybe someone here has tried that test..?