AOL retention manual revealed...


Jedi Master

One thing quickly becomes evident after reading the pages of tips and tactics. Callers are viewed not as customers, but prospects. Under the heading, "Think of Cancellation Calls as Sales Leads," the manual reads...

If you stop and think about it, every Member that calls in to cancel their account is a hot lead. Most other sales jobs require you to create your own leads, but in the Retention Queue the leads come to you! Be eager to take more calls, get more leads and close more sales. More leads means more selling opportunities for you and cost savings for AOL.
OMG? Are AOL basically training an army of psychopaths? :/
Its almost as if the company is just one huge psychopath, and the people that work for it are its "cells".
I came accross this a few years ago when cancelling my mobile phone, even though I was just changing phone/talkplan. It's known that with some companies, the 'offers' are for new and existing customers but they only pitch them towards new customers. You have to phone up to ask what's on offer and is better for you. If a company can make more money out of you by not getting you a better deal - they will. Some actually go the other way, when your contract is up for renewal, they'll get in touch with another special offer just for you, to ensure you stay with them.
Here is a site for you to hear the AOL cancellation phone call. Oh My God!
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