Apathy Through Overload?


Jedi Master
I've been watching as much as I can, lately, and been horrified, surrounded on all sides by atrocities being performed by the military, the financial community, the medical community, and I wonder. Where's the public outcry. A lot of the things I'm seeing is NOT just on SOTT. I speak to my friends and acquaintances at work about it, and yes, they're aware...they know about it...they've seen that report on the news, sure...

Where's the outcry? Why is the public not screaming indignantly for change, real change? I believe it's because there's too much...it's an overload. Where does one focus ones desire to make a change? Protesting wars? Lobbying for financial reform? Passing out leaflets informing people that maybe the H1N1 vaccine isn't all it's cracked up to be? There's TOO MUCH THAT'S WRONG. And I think that's why people just sort of hunker down and say to themselves, "Yep, it's messed up out there...but I got my Manwich and Tater tots, my TV ain't broke, and I got my job, still, so I'm doin' pretty darn good."

I'm at the point where I can just watch and observe, answer questions about the issues as completely as I can, and try not to get too depressed about the apathy towards the whole thing....but it's really, really sad.
The 'apathy' is just straight brainwashing - everyone's in a hypnotic trance, focused only on themselves and which illusions they hold the most dear. The only fuss they kick up is if something disturbs their sleep, and their conditioned default modes protest against their souls until their souls step out of the light, and the personality pulls them back under the cover of darkness.

Being drugged up on junk food doesn't help either...
I think there are seveal layers. There are those who are completely asleep, who don't see anything outside their immediate environment and will only be disturbed if something intrudes into their personal life and comfort. There are also those who are aware that things are going horribly wrong. But they only see it on the intellectual level. Emotionally, they are no different from the first category. There is still another group who can see and feel it. But without a support group, it is too much for them to bear it alone and they just shut down. I think as the system disintegrates, more and more people are moving from the first two categories into the third category.

So like it's being pointed out here, what we are doing with the FOTCM is not just to point out the "terror of the situation", but also to create that support group, to give them hope, to show them that it can be done. The EE program and the diet information that we put a lot of effort in promoting also serve the same purpose, to make people strong enough so that they will not shut down when reality stares them in the face.

That's how I understand it. FWIW.
WhiteBear said:
I've been watching as much as I can, lately, and been horrified, surrounded on all sides by atrocities being performed by the military, the financial community, the medical community, and I wonder. Where's the public outcry. A lot of the things I'm seeing is NOT just on SOTT. I speak to my friends and acquaintances at work about it, and yes, they're aware...they know about it...they've seen that report on the news, sure...

Where's the outcry? Why is the public not screaming indignantly for change, real change? I believe it's because there's too much...it's an overload. Where does one focus ones desire to make a change? Protesting wars? Lobbying for financial reform? Passing out leaflets informing people that maybe the H1N1 vaccine isn't all it's cracked up to be? There's TOO MUCH THAT'S WRONG. And I think that's why people just sort of hunker down and say to themselves, "Yep, it's messed up out there...but I got my Manwich and Tater tots, my TV ain't broke, and I got my job, still, so I'm doin' pretty darn good."

I'm at the point where I can just watch and observe, answer questions about the issues as completely as I can, and try not to get too depressed about the apathy towards the whole thing....but it's really, really sad.

Maybe constant exposure to mainstream media keeps people passive? Have you ever watched the news with the sound off? You see the talking heads, the changing, sometimes 'very' serious expressions. You pretty much tell what they're talking about by the pictures and videos they throw up on screen. Towards the end of the 'show', things start to 'lighten up'. They may end with a 'human interest' story or funny story. Sometimes the camera cuts off them while they're laughing.

"That's just the way it is...what can ya do?...See ya back here tomorrow night. Stay tuned for [exciting stuff]."

The message to the subconscious: Life goes on.

Judging by what you've written, I'd say that you and 'they' are aware that there are serious problems. The main difference seems to be, that while they are aware that there are serious problems, you are aware that you are aware. That's the extra dimensionality that others seem to need in order to wake up their conscience and empathy, or vice versa, OSIT.
WhiteBear said:
I'm at the point where I can just watch and observe, answer questions about the issues as completely as I can, and try not to get too depressed about the apathy towards the whole thing....but it's really, really sad.

It's heartbreaking. Especially when you know, without a doubt, that those people that are the most apathetic are the very ones that are "feeding the machine" and the instant their utility is compromised, they will be discarded like broken toys.
Ive also noticed this.
I think people are brainwashed to focus on such small battles. Like people who shake buckets collecting for injured turtles or something like that.
Rather than everyone getting together and focusing on the bigger picture.
It is overwhelming though, and ive yet to hear anyone come up with a solution. They have us by the danglys because most people need the system to survive.

The most empowering thing would be for human beings to realise that they are in one of many lifes. They have nothing to fear from death.
Then they would have nothing to fear from up-rising.
Even if there was definite proof of that given to the masses, im still sure the drive-thru at McDonalds would be busy.

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