Archbishop Viganò: ‘The Coup D’état by the New World Order Is Almost Complete


The Living Force
Archbishop Vigano is a blessed thorn in the side of both the Catholic Church and the New World Order elites. His 24-page letter is a comprehensive, factual explanation of the devious scheme that's been unfolding in Ukraine for a decade at least. Here's an excerpt from the introduction:

If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict. Herein lies the seriousness of the problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both of them to enable the globalist elite to carry out its criminal plan.

Archbishop Viganò: ‘The Coup D’état by the New World Order Is Almost Complete’
I am thinking that one Viganò thread is enough and that the topic be focused on his courageous and heroic stance in the face of a gargantuan foe. This guy is standing up in a big way on the public stage and I think that is the key issue. He is saying what many of us know but he is calling out the naked emperor on the world religious stage. Impressive!
Viganò to be tried for Schism.

In the first trial of its kind in over 35 years, Archbishop Viganò could be excommunicated for criticising the Pope and questioning the legitimacy of the Vatican council.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Source: Alamy
For many outside of the Catholic Church, news of the first schism for almost 40 years may have passed them by. For Catholics, and especially traditional Catholics who celebrate the traditional Latin Mass, the trial of the former Vatican ambassador to the USA and Archbishop, Carlo Maria Viganò, has sent shock waves throughout their community.
It also has a significant impact on American Catholicism as a whole, threatening to create a fundamental split and give Pope Francis one of the most challenging crises of his papacy. Etc
This passage about Russia seems partcularly important:

An appeal to the Third Rome

For Russia too, this conflict is a trap. This is because it would fulfill the dream of the American deep state to definitively oust Russia from the European context in its commercial and cultural relations, pushing it into the arms of China, perhaps with the hope that the dictatorship in Beijing can persuade the Russians to accept the system of social credit and other aspects of the Great Reset that thus far Russia has been able to avoid, at least in part.

It is up to Putin, regardless of whether he is right, not to fall into the trap, and to instead turn the tables, offering Ukraine the conditions of an honorable peace without continuing the conflict.

It is a trap, not because Russia is wrong in wanting to “denazify” Ukraine of its extremist groups and guarantee protection to Russian-speaking Ukrainians, but because it is precisely these reasons – theoretically tenable – that were created specifically to provoke it and induce it to invade Ukraine, in such a way as to provoke the NATO reaction that has been prepared for some time by the deep state and the globalist elite. The casus belli was deliberately planned by the real perpetrators of the conflict, knowing that it would obtain exactly that response from Putin. And it is up to Putin, regardless of whether he is right, not to fall into the trap, and to instead turn the tables, offering Ukraine the conditions of an honorable peace without continuing the conflict. Indeed, the more Putin believes he is right, the more he needs to demonstrate the greatness of his nation and his love for his people by not giving into provocations.

The world crisis with which the dissolution of traditional society is being prepared has also involved the Catholic Church, whose Hierarchy is held hostage by apostates who are courtiers of power.[4] There was a time in which Popes and Prelates confronted Kings without concern for human respect, because they knew they spoke with the voice of Jesus Christ, the King of kings. The Rome of the Caesars and Popes is now deserted and silent, just as for centuries the Second Rome of Constantinople has also been silent. Perhaps Providence has ordained that Moscow, the Third Rome, will today in the sight of the world take on the role of κατέχον (2 Thess 2:6-7), of eschatological obstacle to the Antichrist. If the errors of communism were spread by the Soviet Union, even to the point of imposing themselves within the Church, Russia and Ukraine can today have an epochal role in the restoration of Christian Civilization, contributing to bringing the world a period of peace from which the Church too will rise again purified and renewed in her Ministers.

The United States of America and the European nations should not marginalize Russia, but rather form an alliance with her, not only for the restoration of trade for the prosperity of all, but in view of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which alone can save the world from the globalist techno-health transhuman monster.
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