Are NATO soldiers being killed in Ukraine?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
From time to time we hear claims from Russia, that foreign mercenaries have been killed in Ukraine. While there is little doubt the NATO sponsors try to find willing mercenaries from around the world, including Africa and South America, some have stronger ties to the NATO alliance than others. At other times there have been odd announcements in NATO countries that this or that soldier of theirs sadly died in a plane crash, shooting, or an accident. Sure that also happens, but when is it true and when is it a cover story for something else?

The purpose of this thread is to gather and discuss instances and find out if it is true that NATO soldiers are being killed in Ukraine. One reason that the NATO countries keep a low profile with what they doing is not only because of Russia, but more because of the possible backlash from their own population that will realize they have been taken for a ride in a big way for a very long time.

First of all, there are cases from the past scattered here and there in earlier SOTT articles and Forum posts. For example, in August 2023, there was a retired French general, who died on a lonely hike in the Pyrenees. In the same month, there were a group of US officers that died in a plane crash in Mexico. This was also the same days that Russia missiled a gathering of UA and Western partners in Vinnitsa in Ukraine. For these cases, we could dig up links to these posts and articles.

Then there is the present and what will happen from now on. One might even argue that the presence of NATO soldiers is already less secret, but Russia does not boast about what they achieve, and the West keeps fairly quiet. To make conclusions, some discussion and dissection of the published news items can be necessary. As an example here is a comment from a recent SOTT article: NATO countries already training troops in Ukraine - Estonian PM, which slightly edited reads:

2) The next is more elaborate, and might serve as a case study, based on which similar instances could be evaluated.

When Zakharova writes: "Some nations are already getting their trainers back. But they keep mum about that." she is probably saying it as it is. Just as small Estonian reveals one bit, so another small country can serve as an example of what might, after all, occasionally come out about "getting their trainers back."

As an initial disclaimer, there is no definitive evidence for the following interpretation, but it may still be illustrative and perhaps help to identify other similar announcements from other countries, if they occur, which can then be evaluated for the information they may reveal.

From the Danish Defense, there was if translated:
Danish soldier killed in the Netherlands
The Danish Armed Forces have sadly received the news that a Danish soldier has died in a parachute accident in the Netherlands. The next of kin have been informed.
May 19, 2024 - 23:45 pm
A Danish soldier has died in a parachute accident. The accident happened in the Netherlands during a privately arranged trip.

"It is with great sadness that I have received the news that one of our soldiers has died in a parachuting accident. My thoughts are with the bereaved and relatives during this difficult time," says the Chief of the Army, Major General Peter H. Boysen.

The circumstances surrounding the accident are still unclear. The defense has nothing further to add at this time.
Translated with (free version)
Notice the wording, privately arranged trip, which corresponds to what Kaja Kallas said: "you know the country is at war and you go to a risk zone. So you take the risk".

Notice also the expression: "The next of kin have been informed." How come it was privately arranged, when the family didn't know, but the Army did? Moreover, it was the Army that informed the next of kin.

However, the Army did not know too much, because "The circumstances surrounding the accident are still unclear. The defense has nothing further to add at this time."

Next, considering that it was parachuting, if it was not a pilot and not a hobby parachutist, the deceased might well have belonged to the Jaeger Corps, a group of elite soldiers, which here means that from the intake only 10 % of the applicants pass the course.
The Danish Wiki, for "Jægersoldat" writes if translated:
As a fully trained Jaeger soldier, you have a duty to serve outside the country's borders, e.g. in peacekeeping and peacemaking tasks under NATO, the UN and the OSCE.
The Danish Wiki for Jaeger Corps has for the same entry, if translated:
The Jaeger Corps was used as a reconnaissance unit, one year before Denmark chose to enter the Iraq War. In addition, they have been deployed in Mali. [4]
A hunter patrol typically consists of eight men: a patrol leader, a second-in-command, and a number of specialists (including a sanitation man, blaster, signalman, scout, and sniper).
Given the above scenario, because we can't know for sure if the soldier did not operate alone, whether together with the same nationality or of another, and if we for the sake of an estimate, work with a killed-to-wounded rate of 1:10, then there ought to be at least a couple of others that are no longer functional as "trainers" of Ukrainian soldiers; who are either in hospital or have returned home.

If this soldier really died while on a mission, then it is possible, that there are others, who also died. At least it is interesting that since the above statement from the Army is so general that if all next of kin have been paid to silence, and nobody knows who the others are, a little notice like the above would serve for x number of simultaneous instances. Isn't that interesting?

Finally, the coincidence in time between the statements from Kaja Kallas, Maria Zakharova and now this notice from the Danish Defence, coming within hours of each other, can hardly be overlooked. When the Danish Defence writes, "Danish soldier killed in the Netherlands" is one not allowed to ask: "Really?" Because, what are the odds?
From the Ukraine thread there was a comment to the statement:
The defense does not state when the accident took place.
Looking up these articles, there was:
MONDAY, 20 MAY 2024 - 08:30

Danish soldier dies in parachuting accident on Texel

A Danish soldier died after a parachuting accident on Texel on Sunday. The man was gravely injured in the accident on Sunday afternoon and later succumbed to his injuries, the Danish Ministry of Defense confirmed.

The Ministry said the man was not on Texel for work but on a “privately arranged trip.”

The accident happened around 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon at Paracentrum Texel in De Cocksdorp. According to NH Nieuws, the man fell “from a considerable height.”

Emergency services, including a trauma team deployed to the island by helicopter, spent a long time resuscitating him at the scene before rushing him to the nearest hospital with critical injuries.

It is not yet clear what went wrong with the jump. Forensic investigators from the Koninklijke Marechaussee, a policing force that is part of the Dutch military, are investigating.

Danish serviceman dies after parachute jump on island of Texel

May 20, 2024
A Danish serviceman has died after being critically injured in a parachute jump on the island of Texel.

The accident happened on Sunday afternoon, Dutch military police told NOS. The man was resuscitated at the scene but paramedics were unable to save his life.

His identity has not been disclosed, but a Danish defence spokesman confirmed that he was serving with the country’s armed forces.

The parachute jump was recreational and not part of a military operation, NOS reported. Forensic researchers have begun an investigation.
Great, we now know the accident took place on Sunday at 2 am. But is the Dutch announcement much more revealing than the Danish? Not really, rather it is along similar careful formulations:
From the Dutch side there is, in the first article:
The Ministry said the man was not on Texel for work but on a “privately arranged trip.”
Forensic investigators from the Koninklijke Marechaussee, a policing force that is part of the Dutch military, are investigating.
In the second:
Dutch military police told NOS.
The parachute jump was recreational and not part of a military operation, NOS reported
If it was recreational, and "privately arranged" why is the military police involved? Does the NATO structure allow for a soldier from one country to text some buddies from another and arrange for some fun that involves planes and parachuting, which leads to an accident, that later has to be investigated by the military police? Does anyone know?

About the island of Texel, the Wiki has:

• Total463.16 km2 (178.83 sq mi)
• Land162.00 km2 (62.55 sq mi)
• Water301.16 km2 (116.28 sq mi)
(January 2021)[4]
• Total13,656
• Density84/km2 (220/sq mi)

If there was to be a cover for an event that took place elsewhere, The Netherlands would from a Danish perspective be better than Sweden, Norway, and Finland (too close, and their press too open), Germany, (a troubled history when it comes to military), Poland (close to Ukraine), and the UK (suspicions, people would want to know more). Like Denmark, The Netherlands is a small country of almost the same size as Denmark, and the Danes have good feelings for the Dutch. From such a perspective, a fairly small island in the Netherlands would be a convincing choice.

If the soldier fell out of the sky while skydiving, what altitude might that have been?
From the Wisconcin Skydiving Center page:
The average skydiving height (exit altitude) throughout the world is 10,000 feet. This altitude is usually determined by the aircraft type used, the terrain’s starting field elevation, or as mandated by FAA flight restrictions. The majority of skydiving operators fly the tried and true, Cessna 182 aircraft; it’s the backbone of skydiving because it’s a reliable workhorse and inexpensive to operate as compared to larger turbine aircraft.

The range of skydiving exit altitudes is usually between 8,000 ft and 13,000 ft. Skydiving from above 15,000 feet requires the use of oxygen which adds to the cost of the skydive and increases the risk quotient as it opens up the possibility of becoming hypoxic.
The next question could be, what does a dead body look like when dropped from an altitude of 10000 feet (more than 3 km)?
Is there a difference to a case where the body was alive, or seriously wounded when it fell out? Most certainly, but would it matter much after a few hours? These could be questions for the forensic investigators. However considering how the Dutch Government approached the MH 17 crash in Eastern Ukraine, which took place on July 17, 2014, how much credibility can be given to their answer? Or one might ask, what is the difference between a convincing report and one that is not? Would Dutch readers know?

In a crime mystery novel, there can be false leads, and maybe the suspicion of the credibility of this story will turn out to be completely unfounded, but for now, some questions remain.
Without further information about 'what what wrong with the jump' it will be difficult to predict what the body would look like. If the chute (or backup) deployed incorrectly that would have very different results than if neither parachute opened in any way (statistically far less likely).
I understand the reasons why you want to talk only about NATO members. As I wrote in another thread, it is not only NATO members who are present in this war. I'll give you a couple more considerations.
In many countries, there is criminal liability for mercenary activities and because of this, many mercenaries, to put it mildly, do not advertise their participation, i.e. there is the same concealment as in the case of NATO.
Many mercenaries have training, again, to put it mildly, above average, respectively, they are much more effective and dangerous on the battlefield than "mobs" (ordinary mobilized).
Summing up all this, I would like to say that if there is an armed enemy, then it must be destroyed. And in order to destroy it more effectively, you need to know about it and adequately assess its capabilities, and at the same time, whether it is a member of NATO or not is important only in a political sense. In the sense of saving lives, it doesn't matter.

Я понимаю причины, по которым вы хотите говорить только о членах НАТО. Как я уже писал в другой ветке, на этой войне присутствуют не только НАТОвцы. Приведу еще пару соображений.
Во многих странах существует уголовная ответственность за наемничество и из-за этого многие наемники мягко говоря не афишируют свое участие, т.е. происходит такое же сокрытие, как и в случае с НАТОвцами.
Многие наемники имеют подготовку, опять же мягко говоря, выше среднего, соответственно на поле боя они гораздо эффективнее и опаснее "мобиков"(обычных мобилизованных).
Суммируя все это, я хотел бы сказать, что, если есть вооруженный враг, то он должен быть уничтожен. А чтобы его эффективнее уничтожить, о нем надо знать и адекватно оценивать его возможности и при этом, является ли он членом НАТО или нет, имеет значение только в политическом смысле. В смысле сохранения жизней это значения не имеет.
Summing up all this, I would like to say that if there is an armed enemy, then it must be destroyed. And in order to destroy it more effectively, you need to know about it and adequately assess its capabilities, and at the same time, whether it is a member of NATO or not is important only in a political sense. In the sense of saving lives, it doesn't matter
I would argue that "Only in a political sense" from a historical perspective is more than "only".

Take the example of the injection campaign promoted in many countries after 2020 and C19. Few people were saved, but we would be worse off today if nobody had dared to talk about, analyze, or discuss the effects of what took place, even if it was not desired by the people in power. Using this analogy, at the moment there is little discussion of what many Western countries are involved in when it comes to Ukraine. The image of the Russian threat has been well promoted and oddly enough, or is it intentionally, advances the very probability of what is held up as a danger to become a reality, not so much because of Russia, as because of the manipulations taking place in the Westm the outcome of which, then helps to justify aggressive steps that lead to further escalation forcing Russian to take countermeasures.

As another example, the lack of appreciation for, and interest in, how segments of the populations, if not also their governments, of several countries acted during WWII has in many areas been brushed under the rug by suppressing what is known and by giving the German National Socialists all the blame. This is unfortunate, as it acquits the participants from the benefit that can be derived from reflecting on past choices and behaviors, thus facilitating continued programming of the populations and public support for a repetition of the same patterns.
I would argue that "Only in a political sense" from a historical perspective is more than "only".
In itself, this statement is 100% correct and, if we return to the name of the topic, which I wrote about, together with the examples you gave, in my opinion speaks about the importance of the greatest breadth of coverage.

Само по себе верное утверждение на 100% и, если вернуться к названию темы, о чём я писал, вместе с приведенными вами примерами, по моему говорит о важности наибольшей ширины охвата.
Relevant to the topic of this thread, there is a NewsReal with Joe & Niall from August-September of 2023 with the title:

Are Top Western Generals Being Killed in Ukraine?

The topic begins at 15 minutes and 17 seconds and lasts until 1 hour, 5 minutes and 10 seconds. The embed below marks the beginning of the discussion and has several examples that show how the deaths of NATO military personnel have been covered up. The recent example from Denmark is very similar in setup to one from the US involving a crash of a helicopter in Mexico in July 2022. This needs more work to pull out the details and post them, but for now, you can listen, or listen again if interested.
I don't know whether it would be of any use in this discussion but here is the website of the skydiving center at Texel (in English):

Paracentrum Texel
Thank you for posting. What would help is if someone were there on that day and witnessed what happened at the time, as seen from their perspective. Without that, I tried to use the information you gave and see where it would lead.

The first step was to go to their FB page, and there is a post from yesterday, May 21, one from May 15, May, 6, 5, 4, and 1. There is no mention of any event as reported. Well, they might not do that, as they are trying to make a business showing how much fun parachuting is. And if they cooperate with the military, they would keep mum about it.

What stands out is that there is a huge discrepancy between the easy sports conditions they offer and those under which soldiers practice with all their gear, as well as the terrain they practice to land in. Of course, the soldier who died could have been an ordinary conscript, who had a short course and wanted to get better, but I have my doubts because of the way this announcement was made. Besides, from the Dutch articles we now know, that their military police were involved too. Clearly, it was not a clean civilian affair. If he had gone on a privately arranged trip, he would likely do it in his free time, unless he made a show of being an army guy, which can be doubted unless he was on the way back to his base. More likely, he would dress as a civilian, travel to the Netherlands as such, and practice his interest. Had he been killed in a jump as a civilian, he would have gone through the civilian channels, before they much later found out what his job was. The information about the nature of the Dutch sky diving center does not remove the suspicion that something does not add up.

More on Danish paratroopers
In the Danish Wiki, paratroopers are considered elite soldiers. Maybe that is not the situation in other countries, but this is the local context. The DK Wiki has if translated:
Paratroopers, or airborne troops, are soldiers who are trained in parachute jumping and can thus be deployed into hostile terrain from the air. Paratroopers are usually considered elite troops because they are always surrounded and because of the self-discipline and training required to master parachuting.
There is another elite corps in DK besides the Jaeger Corps and that is the Frogman Corps; they are like US Navy Seals, but there is no information about them having a parachute course, and their number is very, small. The Wiki has:
The basic Frogman Course is nine months. Each year 500–600 applicants start the course and less than a dozen complete all nine months. Since its creation in 1957, 311 have completed the training and become frogmen as of 2015.[6]
How many Frogmen there would be at any given time is hard to say, but if they only have trained 311 over almost 60 years, then it would be small. For comparison, a Russian blogger interested in military affairs estimates there are about 300 in the Jaeger Corps, which is as good as any guess because public details are limited. The Russian blogger gives a good review, apparently in their many difficult duties in Afghanistan only one was killed. This piece of information could indicate that if Russia now killed another it would be impossible news to handle for the DK Government at this moment when elections are coming up and the ratings of the PM are unprecedentedly low. Besides they have the responsibility to maintain the cover for all the other privately arranged troops, NATO has sent to Ukraine.

A short note on the military ties between Denmark and the Netherlands
One aspect of the relations between Denmark and the Netherlands, is that both countries donated F-16 to Ukraine, on the same day, according to this list of donations to Ukraine. Previously discussed and coordinated we may assume.

What is the attitude in Denmark to sending soldiers?
For a claim of a coverup, there would need to be a plausible correspondence with the position of the DK Government on sending soldiers to Ukraine. Per capita, DK is at the moment a top donor, 750 Euro per head, toddlers included. Many Danes and their Governments (at least how they talk) are ideologically driven in their support of Ukraine. The following article is representative of the war talk, many commentators write at regular intervals. Below the spoiler, there are a few longer excerpts for context, but the main point follows after:
1 March 2024 at 05.00
Comment by David Trad
Journalist, author and comment writer

Even the Prime Minister fears that World War III is a real risk
A third world war is actually frighteningly close. Therefore, the West must use all available means to ensure that Russia loses the war against Ukraine, writes David Trads.

Here's a statement from the prime minister that is really, really scary: 'I don't use the term World War III, but ...'

As rhetoricians are wont to say, the little 'but' usually cancels out everything that was said just before. And, when I read the interview with Mette Frederiksen (S) in Berlingske this weekend, I also allow myself to conclude that she actually fears that the third world war is a real risk.
To the British newspaper, she emphasizes that she sees an aggressive Russia everywhere, not just in Ukraine:

'I think we have to ask ourselves: Is Ukraine the final destination for Russia. Or part of a larger plan to build a Greater Russia again? After two years of full-scale invasion, you can't just talk about a single man. We have to talk about the nation.'

Frederiksen has long since manifested herself as a European hardliner towards Russia.

From the outset, she has massively supported Ukraine with total political support for President Volodymyr Zelensky followed by military donations from the top shelf.

At home, she has maintained that we are not just talking about a fight for an independent nation's right to exist, but that the need to fight back against Russia is existential: it is about the future of democracy.

The heightened rhetoric used by the prime minister is fierce, but real.
Therefore, I also note that Mette Frederiksen, like, for example, the German chancellor, has not put the same distance to the sensational statement by Emmanuel Macron, the French president, that he does not want to exclude actual Western soldiers from fighting in Ukraine.

Why should she distance herself from it, though? Because here is the reality: If Ukraine is seriously pushed into the defensive; even if massive supplies of everything from ammunition to tanks to fighter planes are not enough; yes, European, including Danish, soldiers must also engage in direct combat against the Russians.

Nobody wants that. Unfortunately, we don't necessarily have the choice not to.
So how do we avoid things going so wrong? The answer is actually straightforward: the West is making sure, by all available means, that Russia loses the war against Ukraine in a pinch.

It must be crystal clear that Putin loses and Zelensky wins: that autocracy loses, that democracy wins. Russian victory will be nothing short of a disaster.
The main point from the article useful for this case is that:
Mette Frederiksen, like, for example, the German chancellor, has not put the same distance to the sensational statement by Emmanuel Macron, the French president, that he does not want to exclude actual Western soldiers from fighting in Ukraine.
This indicates that Denmark is working along the same lines as the UK, Germany and France. The following interview with Andrew Bridgen, from earlier in May, says that the UK is already at war, and that the Governments are just waiting for the right time to announce it to the public.
BTW Bridgen also says that Rishi Sunak wants out, as he does not want to be a wartime PM. (Or has he been told something else is coming?) This was published on May 12, and now:
22 May, 2024 16:57
UK PM Sunak calls snap general election
The leader of the Tory party has set a polling date of July 4

Coming to the end of the analysis of the information about the Dutch Paracentrum Texel where the alleged accident happened. We need more information from this company and those who were there on the day, to verify if the story is true.

Exploring the question did not prove anything, but it increased the probability of something like this scenario playing out. If you give the NewsReal show a listen, you will learn how extremely far the Western powers have gone to keep their dirty dealings in Ukraine under wraps. Apart from politics, if one considers this conflict from a financial perspective we know that there are billions and billions of money earned on this war, and we know from the C19 experience that money can be thrown around left, right, and center in corrupt schemes that lead to the death of thousands and tens of thousands of people, and it is all covered up well enough to avoid the prosecution of the many European politicians that went along with these policies. The Danish PM was also PM during C19 and the country was locked down from March 13 2020. These people follow their orders.
BTW Bridgen also says that Rishi Sunak wants out, as he does not want to be a wartime PM. (Or has he been told something else is coming?) This was published on May 12, and now:
Not to derail the thread but I've been trying to figure out the timing of this election in the uk.
Thanks for the post, interesting stuff from Bridgen. Sorry I've gone off the subject. I'll leave it at that.
Another one?

Retired Marine two-star general found dead on Twentynine Palms training center​

Maj. Gen. William F. Mullen retired in 2020 as the commander of Training and Education Command, and was recently in Ukraine reviewing military training there.
POSTED ON JUL 2, 2024 6:06 PM EDT

A retired Marine General who once oversaw all training across the Marine Corps and who recently was in Ukraine to review that nation’s military training was found dead on Twentynine Palms training center, the service’s largest training base.

Maj. Gen. William F. Mullen, 59, who retired from the Marines in 2020, was “found deceased” on June 29 on the base, the Marines confirmed in a statement to Task & Purpose. According to an online database maintained by the San Bernardino County coroner’s office, Mullen was found at the base’s Building 1651, a non-descript single-story classroom building used by the base’s Communication-Electronics school. Mullen was once the commander of Twentynine Palms before taking over as the Commanding General of the Marine’s Training and Education Command, which oversees the service’s professional curriculums and training centers.

“Major General Mullen’s dedicated service to our nation and the Marine Corps will always be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones,” said Major General Thomas Savage, the Commanding General of the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command in a statement.

Demanding training was a theme in Mullen’s career. As a young officer, Mullen graduated from the Army’s Airborne and Ranger schools, the Marine’s Summer Mountain Leader course and the Royal Marine Arctic Warfare Survival courses. As a battlefield commander, he led a battalion commander in Fallujah, Iraq from 2005 to 2007. In retirement, Mullen lived in Arvada, Colorado, according to local media and the coroner’s office, and the University of Colorado’s leadership center listed him as a board member. He also recently met with Ukrainian defense officials and spoke about that nation’s training schools.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is currently investigating the cause of death..

In 2016, a Twentynine Palms photographer photographed then-brigadier general Mullen taking the Marine Combat Fitness test, including as the over-50 Marine carried a much-younger partner in a fireman’s carry.

Mullen was in Ukraine in February and met with Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova. In photographs and an interview published in Ukrainian media, Mullen appeared to be involved in reviewing and developing training programs for Ukrainian troops, particularly at officer academies.

In an interview with a Ukrainian reporter, he expressed strong support for U.S. military support for the country.

“Ukrainians don’t have that much. Our country is not helping much these days. I am not satisfied with this. I think that politicians are not paying attention to what is really important in the world, but to what is happening in their own little world in Washington,” Mullen said. “I do not like it. Need to help. We must, we must send more aid. We have already sent a lot, but we need to keep sending money because it is a good help in your fight.”

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is investigating the death. No details on his death or how he was found were released.

Mullen was commissioned in 1986 from Marquette University and served initially as rifle platoon commander. He deployed to operation Desert Shield and worked in both counter-terror and counter-narcotics positions during his career. He deployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit as the small boat raid and cliff assault company commander in the former Yugoslavia and led a counter-drug operation in Los Padres National Forest in California. He served as a Marine Aide to President Bill Clinton and commanded the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines in Fallujah, Iraq from 2005 to 2007.
Another one?

Retired Marine two-star general found dead on Twentynine Palms training center​

He is a promising candidate for a NATO-affiliated soldier who had an accident in Ukraine.

A little different is this "accident", where a few lower-ranking tourists were taken out.
Russia takes out three US-made Ukrainian missile systems – MOD
The Russian military has destroyed three US-supplied Ukrainian High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) along with some of the foreign military personnel helping Kiev operate the missile arrays, Moscow has said.

On Monday, the Defense Ministry stated that the systems were eliminated through the combined actions of Russian warplanes, drones, artillery and missile forces. It added that the strike also killed “up to 10 foreign specialists servicing those systems.”

Officials, however, would not say where the HIMARS – which have a range of fire of about 80km – were destroyed, nor would they provide details regarding the nationality of the foreign personnel.
The system is mostly operated by the US, so it could be Americans, but if we stay in NATO, also Poland and Romania have the system.
If there were ten foreign specialists for three Himars, and if that is a standard, we might expect that for every HIMARS destroyed in action, (rather than parked or stored) there may be three people foreign specialists who passed away.
Yes, perhaps this event does not fully correspond to the "letter" of the name of this branch, but it corresponds exactly to the "spirit", the meaning of this name.
The United States recognized only 20 days later that the diplomat who died in Ukraine was military adviser Richard "Rich" Harry Kirlin (PHOTO)

Only 20 days later, the United States recognized that the diplomat who died in Ukraine was military adviser Richard "Rich" Harry Kirlin, who was involved in the supply of the F—16.

It was reported that a certain diplomat died suddenly on June 24 at the Hilton hotel in Kiev. His obituary has now been published on the American Legacy online memorial website.

Kirillin served in the US Air Force, worked in the field of information technology and logistics, served in the Pentagon, and then in the State Department.

Kirlin was seconded to the US Embassy in Kiev only recently, having arrived in Ukraine 10 days before his death. According to media reports, he was dealing with the issue of F-16 supplies.

The U.S. Embassy in Kiev confirmed the death of the employee at the end of June, but did not name him, the scope of his activities and the cause of death.

Да, возможно это событие не полностью соответствует "букве" названия этой ветки, но "духу", смыслу этого названия оно соответствует точно.
Again, unconfirmed information, but no one will simply confirm such information.
As a result of the Russian Armed Forces strike on Odessa, British and French servicemen were killed (VIDEO)

18 soldiers of the British Special Air Service and soldiers of the French army were killed in a strike on Odessa, retired Spanish army Colonel Pedro Bagnos said, without specifying the date of the strike.

"I have just received information that I cannot confirm, I asked for confirmation, and I was told that this is for sure ... there was a strike on Odessa, in which at least 18 members of the British Special Air Service were killed," Bagnos said on his YouTube channel Canal del Coronel.

According to him, another 25 members of the British Special Air Service were injured. ""And they tell me that French soldiers did... they are not mercenaries who are French, no, they are soldiers of the French army," he added. At the same time, the retired colonel of the Spanish army did not specify exactly when the attack on Odessa was carried out.

Опять неподтвержденная информация, но такую информацию никто просто так и не будет подтверждать.
Yes, perhaps this event does not fully correspond to the "letter" of the name of this branch, but it corresponds exactly to the "spirit", the meaning of this name.
It was reported that a certain diplomat died suddenly on June 24 at the Hilton hotel in Kiev. His obituary has now been published on the American Legacy online memorial website.

Kirillin served in the US Air Force, worked in the field of information technology and logistics, served in the Pentagon, and then in the State Department.

Kirlin was seconded to the US Embassy in Kiev only recently, having arrived in Ukraine 10 days before his death. According to media reports, he was dealing with the issue of F-16 supplies.

The U.S. Embassy in Kiev confirmed the death of the employee at the end of June, but did not name him, the scope of his activities and the cause of death.

Close enough.

Again, unconfirmed information, but no one will simply confirm such information.
That is a story similar to
Russian strike takes out British SAS sabotage group in Ukraine, claims retired Russian naval officer Sivkov
According to him, two days ago, the Russian Aerospace Forces struck Odessa, as a result of which an entire unit of British SAS special forces fighters was destroyed — "underwater saboteurs, the elite of the British sabotage community."

As Konstantin Sivkov noted, there was evidence that as a result of a very precise strike by the Russian Aerospace Forces, 18 British special forces were killed and 25 more wounded.
The news about a strike on Odessa was published on July 15, I tried to verify on TG channels, but apart from some strikes in strikes in Odessa, I could not find precise data. We also don't know how the retired Spanish officer came around to the information. Sometimes a speculation begins somewhere and they then quote each other, east to west and west to east. On the other hand, we know that NATO has specialists, and we know that they occasionally get bombed, if some die there is little surprise.
BTW: Such underwater saboteurs, as were claimed killed, are like the ones that did the Nord Stream bombing in the Baltic Sea in 2022.
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