OK, this is out there I know so that's my disclaimer. I read the wave and I know rituals are limiting, but my question would be are spells real? A reason that I am asking was when I was 18 years old say 14 years ago. I was involved with a Satanist for a few months thinking I would change him. And he put a spell on me that we would be bound together with Leviathan. He had a attic where he practiced his "religion." And I went up there once. In the attic I proceded to say, "he's will be shutting this place down." And something that wasn't visible punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. For sometime after that I made a bunch of bad choices and had trouble remembering what I ate for lunch my memory was so bad. I am doing much better now. After a few years, I did go see someone, and I had an exocism done which really hurt. I am eating right, breathing 3-4 times a week, doing well at work, and seeing two therapist to get over past trama. I still wonder if I need to go to someone to ask them to clear that spell, or if it's all a load of you know what. High strangness, but if you play in the dirt, you get dirty right. A wise women once said that. I know we have our fair share of seerers in here, so I thought I'd ask.