Are spells real?

OK, this is out there I know so that's my disclaimer. I read the wave and I know rituals are limiting, but my question would be are spells real? A reason that I am asking was when I was 18 years old say 14 years ago. I was involved with a Satanist for a few months thinking I would change him. :huh: And he put a spell on me that we would be bound together with Leviathan. He had a attic where he practiced his "religion." And I went up there once. :huh: In the attic I proceded to say, "he's will be shutting this place down." And something that wasn't visible punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. For sometime after that I made a bunch of bad choices and had trouble remembering what I ate for lunch my memory was so bad. I am doing much better now. After a few years, I did go see someone, and I had an exocism done which really hurt. :scared: I am eating right, breathing 3-4 times a week, doing well at work, and seeing two therapist to get over past trama. I still wonder if I need to go to someone to ask them to clear that spell, or if it's all a load of you know what. High strangness, but if you play in the dirt, you get dirty right. A wise women once said that. I know we have our fair share of seerers in here, so I thought I'd ask.
Spell is a bit of a broad term I think.

The fact that you think it might work, might make it work i guess?

Anyway, doesn't spell lore imply whatever you do to someone else it will be done to you X times more? :)
I think that the main thing about spells is that they can be just ways of accumulating negative energy which can be directed. But they also attract negative entities. I wouldn't say they are nonsense, but I would say that they cannot harm you if none of that kind of energy is inside you that can act as a "hook" for the sender of the spell. Your knowledge shield can be so powerful that such energies are little more than annoying flies.
Thanks for your responses. I've just begun to read The Book of Mediums by Allan Kardec in order to gain an understanding about the phenomenon and hopefully increase my knowledge base. If anyone knows any other books that would specificaly help with this matter, I am open to suggestions. I've read most all of the books on our recommended psychology reading list, and a good portion on the esoteric list.
from a very young age I'd been intrigued by words (spells) and being aware of how much power there is in each one, I started to look at them in a different light. Particular words conjure up many different interpretations, based upon each and everyone's differing experiences and having witnessed the destructive use of them (they're only words?) I felt there was a deeper message within many of them that helped me through the period of my life where I felt under threat. Break up the words into pieces and see through them. Emergency can be seen as an impending catastrophe, however I read it as emerge and see. Money was another spell that I was curious about, one that's got a tight grip on a large percentage of us (all of us!?), this time I reasoned it would have been a smart move to break up a particular word to create it. Harmony, same sound within but without the "our" part, therefore breaking the spell of harmony. This was one of the ways I managed to break free from the spells that continuously surround us.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
If they do, it's time to break the words...
Also, since the Cassiopaeans are sometimes fond of wordplay, you might enjoy this thread about humor in the transcripts:

1995-11-04 said:
A: Alien "bases."
Q: (T) OK, now, why did you put the word bases in quotes?
A: Assume, and you make an ass out of u and me! ;)
Q: (T) Why did they say that? Because I asked why they put the word bases in quotes? (L) Because we're assuming that the aliens have bases? I think that's what they mean... (T) Well, we may or may not be assuming that the aliens have bases. Why did you say assuming makes an ass out of u and me?
A: Because you have never adequately discussed the question of the bases with us.

And I've met my threadjacking quota for today... :cool: :-[

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