Argentinian Model of Global World Collapse by Salbuchi


Dagobah Resident
From Information Clearinghouse:

Information Clearinghouse] An Argentinian opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.

How will the Global Financial Collapse end? Are we on the way towards global war and world government?

Posted April 07, 2009

It seems to me that he's got it right although I hope he's wrong.
I cant imagine anything but a world ponzi scheme............its been a rat race keeping up with seemingly engineered global bankruptcy........when u look at all the players involved it would appear that some the very people involved in the regulation have had prior connections to ones that they were to over see and regulate goes farther than deep by a bunch lunatic fringe money hungry psycho paths ..unfazed with the thought of running so my peoples live's into the ground financially.... but interesting is that people were taken by greed as the carrot , that promised big returns...... money for nothing and the masses took to it like white on rice . And again in the "sessions" it was quoted as starting" that i feels to good to be true, than it's not" "awareness" to the "promise" so easily said but seldom delivered ..............check main stream papers when these elements are posed for pictures ......there not smiling........ it looks more like there smirking gut feeling is that there ( owg ) movement is to debit or visa as stated in a number of the "sessions" .........i feel like iam running out of time and ideas... it will take some very deep and critical thinking as to avoid the coming financial collateral damage ........this is a good time as always to keep an open mind and to think out side the box so to speak .... i have sott and the qfg as well the talents of Laura and Ark and the group, as well as these truly educated people in this form to " Thank" and hope to all..the best of it will be an education , a "lesson" for sure ......!
Yes, it's pretty much a Ponzi scheme because the world practices fractional reserve banking -- that is, the banks loan out WAY more than they ever have, and then charge interest and fees, so they actually create vast sums of money that is all owed to them, of course. It doesn't exist -- most of it is "in circulation." When you can't pay back one of their fraudulent loans, they take your collateral, which is real wealth (land, buildings, etc.). This is how the banks gradually come to own everything. This is why they're so terrified of a run on banks. If everyone withdraws at the same time, the money isn't there, the Ponzi scheme is revealed.
webglider said:
It seems to me that he's got it right although I hope he's wrong.
He presents his ideas well. It is the first time I've heard of the idea of a special gold that the FED could use as backing for a new currency. Although from recent G20 News it could be the IMF's SDR's that form the new tender. It does make a great deal of sense for the PTB. It would prevent the unpopular move to confiscate gold and would render the gold bugs unable to profit substantially from the collapsing fiat currencies.
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