Arizona Stands Up to Federal Government

It's encouraging to see the state of Arizona standing up to federal regulations related to commerce:

While I agree with this law and think all the states should take back their rightful powers from the FEDs, I see this as "throwing a bone" to the public. This sounds like a hard stand against the FEDs, but as with all laws, it's not what's on the books, but what/how they are enforced. While this is a felony charge, and one might assume that if an officer is convicted as a felon, it would automatically ban said officer, from law enforcement, for life. But this is not mentioned or implied, only assumed.

This is the same state that, just last year, passed the draconian "papers, please anti-brown man... err.. I mean suspected alien" law. And the same state, that according to 2010 Census figures, has a 43% ethnic minority population, with only 15% ethnic minority owned businesses. _

Another little hint that this is just tossing a bone to appease Joe Public.....

First DUI Offense

The new DUI penalties in Arizona mark a first offense DUI as a class 1 misdemeanor. This is a very serious charge. If you are convicted of a first offense DUI, you face a minimum mandatory jail sentence of one to ten days with a maximum term of six months. You also face a fines ranging from $250.00 to $2500.00 plus surcharges and you will be put on probation for up to five years. Your driver's license will be suspended or restricted. If your driver's license was suspended because of a breath test, your license will be suspended for ninety days. If you don't have any prior convictions, you may receive a restricted license after thirty days. However, a good lawyer can get the breath test thrown out of court, thus saving your license.
Ignition Interlock Device

The new DUI penalties in Arizona also require that every personal automobile that a sentenced DUI offender owns be fitted with a certified ignition interlock device, which tests the breath for alcohol. If the device determines you have alcohol in your system, the car will not start. This device is to remain on your car for a period of at least one year after your license is reinstated./
Note that the above mentioned ignition lock comes with a monitoring/maintenance fee also paid by the offender.

Keep in mind that a DUI is a misdemeanor traffic violation that is aimed at the individual, paid for by the individual, and has much steeper fines, mandatory jail times, 5 years probation (which also requires a monitoring fee) in addition to attorney fees.

Now compare that, to a FELONY charge for a "member of the biggest gang in the nation", whose attorney fees and fine would be paid by the agency of employment (billion $ budgets?), due to the fact that he would be acting on duty, under orders. Add to it, NO chance of jail and it seems to be just a PAPER TIGER. meow, phsst, phsst

I'm in NO way defending DUI, but simply trying to point out the extreme inequality between the penalties of what, even by law, is a misdemeanor for a citizen, compared to the penalties for a felony committed by "all the kings men". And this at a time when police abuse is in the news almost daily, while TSA sexually assaults or porno scans 1,971,228 public citizens (suspected of no crime) everyday. _

don't know why why the last part of the post that's not in quotes is still in blue :huh:

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