Note that the above mentioned ignition lock comes with a monitoring/maintenance fee also paid by the offender.
Keep in mind that a DUI is a misdemeanor traffic violation that is aimed at the individual, paid for by the individual, and has much steeper fines, mandatory jail times, 5 years probation (which also requires a monitoring fee) in addition to attorney fees.
Now compare that, to a FELONY charge for a "member of the biggest gang in the nation", whose attorney fees and fine would be paid by the agency of employment (billion $ budgets?), due to the fact that he would be acting on duty, under orders. Add to it, NO chance of jail and it seems to be just a PAPER TIGER. meow, phsst, phsst
I'm in NO way defending DUI, but simply trying to point out the extreme inequality between the penalties of what, even by law, is a misdemeanor for a citizen, compared to the penalties for a felony committed by "all the kings men". And this at a time when police abuse is in the news almost daily, while TSA sexually assaults or porno scans 1,971,228 public citizens (suspected of no crime) everyday. _
don't know why why the last part of the post that's not in quotes is still in blue