"Aryan Gene" identified


The Force is Strong With This One
It's been known for some time, that a small number of people seem to have a natural immunity to AIDS. Their numbers aren't great, but the percentage is worth taking notice.
Specifically, there is a receptor on the surface of the T4 blood cell that is blocked from receiving the HIV virus. It's referred to as CCR5 Delta32, and the resistance appears mainly in Northern Europeans, at a rate of from 5-14% of the population.
It's rarely found anywhere else.
The rate of the gene's appearance is thought to have been driven by the plagues of the Middle Ages, although migration and emigration have spread it somewhat. Viking migrations to the Mediterranean, and modern emigration to, say, Brazil, mean the gene does appear outside Europe, but not as a naturally occurring one.
If you subscribe to the thesis (as I do) that AIDS was manufactured in the Bio-warfare laboratories, it would make sense that there is ALREADY an effective vaccine, if not a cure.
Not only AIDS is thought to be man-made; so also are Ebola, Lassa Fever, and Marburg.

Mainstream drug companies are working on a vaccine based on the role of the CCR5-delta 32 receptor, but results have been problematic.
There is one big problem with this thread and its title. Maybe such title would be appropriate for some tabloids but certainly not for this forum.

Aryan gene identified?!

What you call Aryan gene is just the mutation which could have occurred in any race and in this case it occurred in the people of Europe. In addition, the very term Aryan is quite problematic, originally it use to stand for all people of Indo-European origin but since Blawatsky , Thula Society and Nazi era it has been used mostly as a synonym for "Nordic-Atlantean" or “master race” – therefore Slavs (although in theory Aryans). – not included. So since then most of the scholars prefer to avoid this term or when they use it they are very specific.

The whole subject of racial HIV resistance is very interesting to say the least but it is not at all new. Different theories have been in circulation for many years now. Most commonly heard claim is that Russians and Poles show significant level of resistance to HIV infections. At one point there were also claims that Jews are resistant to HIV infection. But in case of Jews there were never any research data available and nowadays it is pretty clear those claims were disinformation.

Available scientific explanation of your “Aryan Gene” is that black death wasn't actually bubonic plague but viral hemorrhagic fever epidemic which was traveling towards North at its own pace from Nile Valley where it was first recorded in1500 BC.
Around 1900, historians spread the idea that the plagues of Europe were not a directly infectious disease but were outbreaks of bubonic plague, overturning an accepted belief that had stood for 550 years. Professor Duncan and Dr Scott illustrated in their book, Return of the Black Death (2004, Wiley), that this idea was incorrect and the plagues of Europe (1347-1660) were in fact a continuing series of epidemics of a lethal, viral, haemorrhagic fever that used the CCR5 as an entry port into the immune system.

Lethal, viral haemorrhagic fevers were recorded in the Nile valley from 1500 BC and were followed by the plagues of Mesopotamia (700-450BC), the plague of Athens (430BC), the plague of Justinian (AD541-700) and the plagues of the early Islamic empire (AD627-744). These continuing epidemics slowly raised the frequency from the original single mutation to about 1 in 20,000 in the 14th century simply by conferring protection from an otherwise certain death.

Professor Duncan added: “Haemorrhagic plague did not disappear after the Great Plague of London in 1665-66 but continued in Sweden, Copenhagen, Russia, Poland and Hungary until 1800. This maintenance of haemorrhagic plague provided continuing selection pressure on the CCR5-delta 32 mutation and explains why it occurs today at its highest frequency in Scandinavia and Russia.

As I said this subject is anything but new and it has been manipulated for decades now;
Here is one example from KKK, or The Knights Party USA official website (__http://www.kkk.bz/aids_plague_worse_than_bubonic_a.htm) :

LANCET is Britain’s leading medical journal and holds a high position of authority world wide. In March of 1987 it reported that a British AIDS research group had discovered that Caucasians have an immunity cell type unique to them. None of the other races have it. It is called the GC-2 Gene. The other races have what is called a GC-1 Fast Track Gene.
The Readers Digest commenting on this same subject stated that, "A team led by Anthony Pinching of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School in London looked at six combinations of an inherited protein found on some human and animal cell surfaces. The researcher concluded that one of the protein combinations makes the people who carry it highly resistant to AIDS, while another makes them highly vulnerable. The work may shed light on why the disease is spreading so rapidly among heterosexuals in Central Africa. Blacks from that region are nearly ten times likelier than Caucasians to carry the 'most susceptible.’ protein."

Young people must be warned of the terrible consequences they may face as a result of socializing with non-whites. And interracial couples should be especially avoided. AIDS is a disease of non-whites. It originated from a mutated cancer almost exclusive to Jews and now spread throughout the races. Remember, the national media talks about the high rate of AIDS among heterosexuals in order scare white people into donating to homosexual and inner city programs. The increase in heterosexual population is among non-white heterosexuals NOT white heterosexuals. Even white homosexuals have a natural immunity to the disease simply because of their race. They contract it however, because they continually expose themselves to the virus via their filthy lifestyle and in addition often sleep with non-white homosexuals.
Latest research and clues given by CS suggest Ashkenazic Jews are anything but semitic and most probably Aryan. (Here is the relevant thread:
http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1481&p=1 )
In light of this new information what KKK has to say about the subject is especially ridiculous:

KKK said:
AIDS is the name coined for a strain of Kaposi Sarcoma, a type of cancer. In a book titled "AIDS, A Basic Guide for Clinicians it talks on page 123 about the term Aids being coined, but does not say why. It says there was an outbreak of it among homosexuals and Haitians. It states that during the past three decades prior to 1984 there is "an increased prevalence of Kaposi sarcoma in Equatorial Africa". It is mostly prevalent among Ashkenazic Jews as stated by Dr. Moritz Kaposi who the disease is named after. The KS virus is able to mutate into variants. AIDS is one of those variants.
Interesting eh !?
I feel wounded! It hadn't occurred to me that I'd need to defend my choice of putting this here... especially since nothing you mention really disagrees.
What I've posted (and posited) isn't new, as you said; it's drawn directly from internet resources, including the term "Aryan Gene". I don't make this stuff up!
I first heard the man-made hypothesis about AIDS twenty four years ago from a radio program by Dave Emory, who should be no stranger to students of political ponerology. His programs have aired the subject matter for over thirty years.
As soon as one examines the man-made hypothesis, it's immediately obvious who would create such a monster, simply by looking at its main victims: homosexuals; poor, mostly black Third World countries, and drug users. This is a weapon of eugenics and genocide, plus the fact that there's "collateral damage" in the form of victims outside those parameters makes it an excellent tool for pushing a fundamentalist religious agenda.
It's almost too perfect.
I'm glad you added the material you did, since I'm not computer-savvy about pulling articles entire and placing them here. I did want to keep my post brief, though, and leave it to the members to add more.
Thank you!
bluenorther said:
I feel wounded! It hadn't occurred to me that I'd need to defend my choice of putting this here... especially since nothing you mention really disagrees.
Don't feel wounded it is not an attack on you. I believe what Deckard is pointing out is be careful how you word the title of your post. The word Aryan is a charged word, meaning it has lost it's true identity due to the emotions that this word incites in people. So the title, "Aryan Gene" Identified, may lead people to believe that they have isolated a gene that identifies one as a supremacist. Furthermore, he is stating that what you have posted is something that is known or has been speculated upon so this is not necessarily something new. If you have further information

This is probably a case of the pot calling the kettle black because I have done the same thing.
bluenorther said:
I feel wounded! !
You shouldn't, instead you should focus on the way how you express yourself.

Look here is what you wrote in your intial post

bluenorther said:
Title - Aryan gene identified
This title suggests that genetic marker for Aryan race has been found.
But what you want to say is that there is a mutation in the genome of Northern European people - mostly Russians, Poles, Fins and Sweedes ( Slavs are normally not considered Aryans).
This mutation could have occurred in any race and has nothing to do with Aryan gene ( which brings us to another point )
if there would be such thing as Aryan gene in the first place. Maybe we can talk about Aryan gene pool but such thing as Aryan gene is non sense. Therefore I thought its very important to set the record str8 regarding the term Aryan especially in connection to this subject.

As for the rest you wrote the following

bluenorther said:
The rate of the gene's appearance is thought to have been driven by the plagues of the Middle Ages, although migration and emigration have spread it somewhat.
This really doesn't explain much and it definitely needs more detailed explanation of the connection between Black Death and resistance to HIV.
For most people Black Death or as you said plagues of Middle Age is Bubonic Plague caused by Yersinia Pestis, theory which has been imposed and accepted by certain scientists. In reality this has never been proved and most of the conclusive evidence points otherwise- i.e toward virus as primary causative agent. Yersinia is bacteria, and AIDS is caused by virus, therefore your sentence definitely needed detailed explanation and clarification for those who are not familiar with the subject.

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