At least, get the kids out


FOTCM Member
I want to share with you last newsletter from Barry Chamish. Now, even if I think that in this specific letter he says lot of things that surprisingly "fits" the actual pathocratic agenda of Israel rulers, he is not a person I would suggest you to rely on. And this is only my opinion. He has the same "odor" of Kaminski (I met Chamish once in person). Too emotional (hysterical?), too open for manipulation. And even if he says lot of things that might be true, he has a somehow skewed perspective of the "problem" (for example he supports Jewish radical settlers).
So it's possible (and in my opinion - probable) that he is already very much manipulated.
This is his site: http://www(dot)

And this is the letter:


North Korea explodes a N-bomb. Well done chaps. And North Korea is
best buddies with Iran.
Very well done, this here nuke stuff.
The next war with Israel can now be nuclear.
And the deluded Jews of Israel can write completely wrong
political analyses till they are nuked for breakfast. They still don't
comprehend my message: THE RULERS OF ISRAEL HATE JEWS.
It appears that a country run by "men" who hate Jews and prefer
globalism far more is simply too much for the little minds of the Jews
to work out.
So before Israel goes for good...AT LEAST GET THE KIDS OUT.


The rulers that hate! In my last article, I more than merely
suggested that the Peres/Olmert death duo was behind the demise of Pres.

/( Once again, Vice Premier Shimon Peres has indicated he
may join the presidential race. Peres lost the last race to President
Moshe Katsav. /


/Note that this mess began in late August and has been filling the news
in Israel since then. Beginning in the first of October, editorials
began surfacing which demanded that President Katsav resign and naming
various other politicians who might fill the post. Quite a number of
names were publicized but suddenly, a prominent pro-Withdrawal name
popped up, and has stayed in the limelight -- Vice Premier Shimon Peres!/

/From the earliest days of the Oslo Peace Accord (1992-1993), Peres was
one of the most prominent voices calling for Unilateral Withdrawal.
Peres was on the bloody scene during the Rabin assassination, and Jewish
author, Barry Chamish makes a strong case that Rabin was not only
assassinated by his own bodyguards, but that Peres was the likely
culprit behind the assassination; if you have not yet read Chamish's
book, "Who Killed Yitzhak Rabin?", we encourage you to get a copy and
read it carefully. The facts that the Israeli government killed Rabin
are almost as strong as the facts that American operatives carried out
the attacks of 9/11 according to the Illuminati Plan.


*Ehud Olmert is in favor of the candidacy of Shimon Peres for president
of the state. At a press conference in Moscow, the Prime Minister said
that "there is only one person from the political echelons who is very
suitable for the presidency: Shimon Peres". On Tuesday evening Olmert
said that he would prefer a non-political candidate for the position.
Questioned by journalists on the candidacy of Elie Wiesel, he said that
the name of the Nobel Prize winner had been raised. *(Guysen.Isra0l.News)

/My apologies for my instincts. Now save the beautiful Israeli kids.


INCREDIBLY, the Israeli press is touting how easy Syria will be to
defeat next time. Don't you remember the 1982 war? This will be even
quicker. It's as if the last war didn't count. It's as if the lessons of
it are not being discussed in the war councils of Teheran and Damascus.
It's like big Scuds won't be used instead of baby Katyushas.
And best of all, 1,100 Russian troops are now in Beirut helping
And then there was Israel. It's planning a new air war. It will be
using an especially deadly American bomb called, you guessed it, the MOAB.
No, supposedly, not for Moabite, The MOAB is the Mother Of All Bombs.
And the brilliant Jews are promoting as much immigration of
religious Jews from Britain, France, Germany...wait not Germany. They've
already left.
And the religious Jews will come to a nation without work,
leadership or a future to die behind a security wall. They will die for
Olmert, Peres, Barak, Sharon, Netanyahu et al.


Remember the Samson Option? That no Israeli city could be attacked
by the air because WE had nuclear weapons.
So where was the option while Haifa was emptied last July?
Is it true Israel never had nuclear weapons, or is it true Israel's
leaders no longer protect their people? First thought counts.


Worse than the leaders are the political pundits. No one will tell
the truth.
It's up to us to remove our children from the killing fields. Israel
has no armed forces the people can trust. Its leadership killed Rabin
and Sharon to get ahead. Katsav is a pimple on its record. Everyone who
cares for the Jews must provide rooms for the children.
For G-d's sake, at least make provisions to save our children.


Guess who was refused entry into the US?. At Vancouver Airport, US
Customs denied my entrance. They invented a cock and bull story with
every detail wrong and threw me alone into the streets of
Vancouver. Write them or details. For 25 years I've been coming into
America, now you may never see me again.

BUT I do have an address: Barry Chamish, POB 81018, Burnaby, BC V5H 4KI,
CANADA. Donate to your favorite lost cause.

BIG special. I have my 2 hour speech from Denver last month for $10 each
with postage. And I'll add, while they last, my July Denver speech for
$5 more. Two speeches on audio CDs for $15.
Last month's speech is the only on Israel and 911 and the only since my
agonizing odyssey began. Next sendout we'll do Ontario and US Customs

But order the speech. It may be the last ever from America.

/Look /at the next web site. Much is VERY wrong, some right. But 6 of my
radio shows are included. Listen to them.
Hey Keit ;-)

Yeah, Chamish can be a bit of a loose cannon at times, but he does seem to know what he is talking about on certain subjects, and who can argue with him that the Zionists hate ordinary Jews? They have done so for a long time it seems:

From Douglas Reed's Controversy of Zion:

In England in 1915 the Anglo-Jewish Association, through its Conjoint Committee, declared that "the Zionists do not consider civil and political emancipation as a sufficiently important factor for victory over the persecution and oppression of Jews and think that such a victory can only be achieved by establishing a legally secured home for the Jewish people. The Conjoint Committee considers as dangerous and provoking anti-Semitism the 'national' postulate of the Zionists, as well as special privileges for Jews in Palestine. The Committee could not discuss the question of a British Protectorate with an international organization which included different, even enemy elements".

In any rational time the British and American governments would have spoken thus, and they would have been supported by Jewish citizens. In 1914, however, Dr. Weizmann had written that such Jews "have to be made to realize that we and not they are the masters of the situation". The Conjoint Committee represented the Jews long established in England, but the British Government accepted the claim of the revolutionaries from Russia to be "the masters" of Jewry.

In 1917, as the irrevocable moment approached, the Conjoint Committee again declared that the Jews were a religious community and nothing more, that they could not claim "a national home", and that Jews in Palestine needed nothing more than "the assurance of religious and civil liberty, reasonable facilities for immigration and the like".

By that time such statements infuriated the embattled Goyim around Dr. Weizmann from Russia. Mr. Wickham Steed of The Times expressed "downright annoyance" after discussing "for a good hour" (with Dr. Weizmann) "the kind of leader which was likely to make the best appeal to the British public", produced "a magnificent presentation of the Zionist case".

In America, Mr. Brandeis and Rabbi Stephen Wise were equally vigilant against the Jews there. The rabbi (from Hungary) asked President Wilson, "What will you do when their protests reach you?" For one moment only he was silent. Then he pointed to a large wastepaper basket at his desk. "Is not that basket capacious enough for all their protests?"

In England Dr. Weizmann was enraged by "outside interference, entirely from Jews". At this point he felt himself to be a member of the Government, or perhaps the member of the Government, and in the power he wielded apparently was that. He did not stop at dismissing the objections of British Jews as "outside interference"; he dictated what the Cabinet should discuss and demanded to sit in Cabinet meetings so that he might attack a Jewish minister! He required that Mr. Lloyd George put the question "on the agenda of the War Cabinet for October 4, 1917" and on October 3 he wrote to the British Foreign Office protesting against objections which he expected to be raised at that meeting "by a prominent Englishman of the Jewish faith".

Mr. Edwin Montagu was a cabinet minister and a Jew. Dr. Weizmann implicitly urged that he be not heard by his colleagues, or that if he were heard, Dr. Weizmann should be called in to reply! On the day of the meeting Dr. Weizmann appeared in the office of the prime minister's secretary, Mr. Philip Kerr (another "friend") and proposed that he remain there in case the Cabinet "decide to ask me some questions before they decide the matter". Mr. Kerr said, "Since the British Government has been a government, no private person has been admitted to one of its sessions", and Dr. Weizmann then went away.
All of which leaves one with the disturbing conundrum of how in yahweh's name can several million people give their allegience to a group of "leaders" who are on record as stating that they loathe their own (alleged) people?

Hang on, I think I already answered it: "In Yahweh's name"!


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