Dagobah Resident
There is also talk about it in mainstream media, but just read this one:
Folkemødet på Bornholm bliver til fremstød for nazisme og højreekstremisme
Saw this picture on facebook, but have no idea where/when it is taken. (it would fit an article about it well, but maybe it's misguiding since the event haven't taken place yet)
But Ceeezz (the new Jeezzz) Europe is going Nazi, it is so depressing!
Folkemødet på Bornholm bliver til fremstød for nazisme og højreekstremisme
Saw this picture on facebook, but have no idea where/when it is taken. (it would fit an article about it well, but maybe it's misguiding since the event haven't taken place yet)
But Ceeezz (the new Jeezzz) Europe is going Nazi, it is so depressing!