Australia - Whats happening to my country! :(


The Force is Strong With This One

I am a 25 year old Australian, and i feel like my country is falling apart!

Why is our government pushing US policy like its gospel?


I feel helpless! And most of the population is so addicted to shopping and TV that they are to stupid to notice whats going on!

Please read a letter from a Western Australian writer Ghali Hassan, that was published today at:

Could Australia please get some attention on a future podcast? I would be happy to be a guest if we can work out the time difference etc.

I fear that right wing John Howard (hated by most of the people) will some how be re-elected! :(

I was once proud to call myself Aussie....... now I just feel that we are a sister state of the USA.

Please help!

timmale - Canberra, Australia.
timmale said:
I was once proud to call myself Aussie....... now I just feel that we are a sister state of the USA.
The same thing's happening in Australia as is happening in the rest of the world. The 'sickness' knows no international boundaries, nor is it effected by the passage of time, as we can see by cycles and the rise and fall of various civilisations. Many more than we are aware of, and this occurs on both a global and local scale.

Of course, the reason why this happens is because the 'evil' or 'sickness' is invisible to the majority of people. They simply don't see it and they don't want to. I'm afraid what you've described above was inevitable.

Just because the US (administration) and by virtue of that fact, their whole country, is currently 'running the show' doesn't mean that anybody (individuals or other countries) has any control over the situation. This is quite like the Roman Empire before it's decline. I'm sure the Roman Empire wasn't too popular in it's day, nor were the people who the Roman Empire installed (and manipulated) as puppet governers. Throughout history there's always some entity trying to do this whether its on a local or global scale.

You could try and look on the bright side. At least the US doesn't try to completely destroy the Australian ecconomy (like it does South American countries) or create Australia as an 'enemy' just for an excuse to invade for ecconomic or strategic reasons. There are countries around that are worse off.

What you are seeing is a country totally in the grip of entropy and its population in total denial. Such a thing eventually destroys itself, but not before it tries to drag as many others down with it as possible!

The reason you don't hear much about Australia is probably because the population is so small. I only wish more of them would wake up before its too late. But that's probably the same problem everywhere.
timmale i am from NSW (Australia) and i have notice this too and i have noticed that our young people (under 25yrs old) are starting to adopt more of an american attuide and culture and this concerns me greatly i just hope that our country realises where it is heading and remebers it our culture and it roots and become the great nation that we once were. a nation where even a complete stranger was treated like a life long friend.
immortalphoenix said:
i just hope that our country realises where it is heading and remebers it our culture and it roots and become the great nation that we once were. a nation where even a complete stranger was treated like a life long friend.
um... unless you were a part of the indigenous population, ie. an aborigine - then it's a different story.

probably best not to kid yourself about your country's marvelous history. it has pathocracy written all over it, just like the usa or the uk.

edit: thought I better qualify this - I'm talking about how the natives were treated by the immigrating population, not about how the natives originally conducted themselves before being 'invaded'.
Just let me suggest that you read this book:

and you may begin to understand what is going on.
i did not mention australian history i was talking about australian culture and ideals, a way of life not once did i mention history.
if you take a closer look at what i said you would see that

i just hope that our country realises where it is heading and remebers it our culture and it roots and become the great nation that we once were. a nation where even a complete stranger was treated like a life long friend.
immortalphoenix said:
i did not mention australian history i was talking about australian culture and ideals, a way of life not once did i mention history.
if you take a closer look at what i said you would see that

i just hope that our country realises where it is heading and remebers it our culture and it roots and become the great nation that we once were. a nation where even a complete stranger was treated like a life long friend.
surely you're just arguing over semantics. if a country's history has nothing to do with its roots or culture, then what on earth are you talking about?
It is a SHOCK to wake up and realise that one's own HOME country where one has grown up, and in which one truely believes, suddenly turns out to be built on a foundation that is rotten to the core. This is something that we all have to face, and it shouldn't be denied or turned away from.

I understand that this sort of isn't where you were going with your comments, but I wonder if you're maybe partly in denial about the actual nature of australia? I am bringing this up not as a criticism, but as maybe a necessary jolt for you to see things in a new light. It is always easy to see how other cultures and sets of ideas are rotten, but harder to examine closer to home.
immortalphoenix wrote:a nation where even a complete stranger was treated like a life long friend.
I know what you mean.I came to Oz over
20 years ago (with a bad case of noah-syndrome)as a illegal immigrant ,which I
didnt make a secret of,and most people
I met ,indigenous and "white",have treated
me "like a life long friend".
As to Johnny Howard like Stalin said:
It is not who votes that counts, its who
counts the votes! RRR
rrraven said:
As to Johnny Howard like Stalin said:
It is not who votes that counts, its who
counts the votes! RRR
Who counts the votes in Australia? Increasingly, Diebold.
paulnotbilly you still are talking about history not culture why do you not understand the diffrence between australian history and australian culture.
rrraven seems to get it what i am talking about at least to an extent
i would try and explain the diffrence between australian history and australian culture but i fear you might still not understand me maybe someone here could try to explain it to you in a way that you would understand.
it is true they relate abit to each other but there is a big diffrence between the two.

P.S- my comments on this form are not meant to seem hostile towards anyone i and am sorry if it seems that way, but writting things down tend to lack emotion and facial expression that i have and wish to convey.
immortalphoenix said:
paulnotbilly you still are talking about history not culture why do you not understand the diffrence between australian history and australian culture.
rrraven seems to get it what i am talking about at least to an extent
i would try and explain the diffrence between australian history and australian culture but i fear you might still not understand me maybe someone here could try to explain it to you in a way that you would understand.
it is true they relate abit to each other but there is a big diffrence between the two.

P.S- my comments on this form are not meant to seem hostile towards anyone i and am sorry if it seems that way, but writting things down tend to lack emotion and facial expression that i have and wish to convey.
I've deleted the post, mainly as from what rrraven has added, you're going on about how friendly the Aussies are (unless there's sport involved) to others. However I think you need to address what sleepyvinny is questioning you about. The general population may be good people, happy to help out others etc. I know a number of antipodeans, never met one who I didn't like. Unfortunately these people are only a footnote in history and although they may be nice people, those who write the history aren't.

There is a big influence of one on the other, history - culture. You have to remember that when people were sent to Botany Bay, some would've been psychopaths and sociopaths. Some of them would've found that the agenda of the UK authorities was in their interests and thus has Australia remained within the Commonwealth.

timmale said:
Why is our government pushing US policy like its gospel?

...most of the population is so addicted to shopping and TV that they are to stupid to notice whats going on!

I fear that right wing John Howard (hated by most of the people) will some how be re-elected!

I was once proud to call myself Aussie....... now I just feel that we are a sister state of the USA.
Within the PTB, at the highest levels - the goals seem to be the same wherever you are in the world. The use of television to dumb-down the masses has been ongoing for years within UK/US. It's more within the last few years that Australia has come to prominence with the 'War on Terror'.

Given the way that people are waking up in Aus. to what is going on in the world, (maybe someone can inform the rest of us if there was any such big interest in global affairs prior to 9/11), there's a need to put the population to sleep, they know it works elsewhere. Having been fine-tuned elsewhere in the world, the attack on the masses seems to be partially successful.
paulnotbilly said:
Given the way that people are waking up in Aus. to what is going on in the world, (maybe someone can inform the rest of us if there was any such big interest in global affairs prior to 9/11), there's a need to put the population to sleep, they know it works elsewhere. Having been fine-tuned elsewhere in the world, the attack on the masses seems to be partially successful.
Australian's are not waking up and there's no need to put them (back) to sleep, the Rugby and Aussie rules are doing their job just nicely.

It's good to see a 25 year old tuning into what Mr Magoo(Alias Little Johnny Howard) is up to, it gives me hope we have a chance!

And about Australian's and culture. What culture? I suppose you could call a fat couch potato eating meat pies, drinking VB and watching the footy/cricket, culture. Unfortunately, I don't see it as such!

Most Aussies I know, still think Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and that Muslims were put on this planet to piss-off the Jews! Sad but true :(

Now, there are some of us who have been awake since long before 911, so timmale! Hang in there dude and do what you can to wake up other Aussies, this whole shit bang is gunna take the lot of us together to stop it!
I am a 22 year old West Aussie who "woke up" after looking into the subject of "pods" on the planes that flew into the WTC -- that actually lead me to the Pentagon Strike - and then onto SoTT. I was a complete skeptic in these matters and was not into politics whatsoever. Well, it's years later and I'd never have thought I'd be aware of what I am aware of now.
I am Austrailan also.
Unfortunately, I to sense that little john could get back in, although the opposition here is falling into the same 2 party dynamic as the US. I find it strange that we have a Liberal federal gov, while all the states are labor.

ellie mae said:
Who counts the votes in Australia? Increasingly, Diebold.
I have oft wondered what companies are contracted. Where did you come by this information?

One tihng that I see in particular is the rise of christian fundamentalism in Oz politics, particularly the new Family First voting block, and the abortion and stemcell debates being echoed here.
The situation in Oz is dire, no doubt about it, but the country may not be quite as ponerised as the US is (yet). My currents thoughts are that Australia is acting as a sort of "bread basket" for the more developed countries (mostly the US) - essentially a mining and farming colony. Howard and his fellow Pathocrats have the responsibility of keeping the raw materials flowing to fuel industries elsewhere, while ensuring the "worker bees" are milked in other ways via inordinate amounts of tax and a credit expansion that rivals the one in the US.

Oz is also intended to play a psychological role in the great "War on Terror" mind-game by providing symbolic (although logistically insignificant) support to the Imperial forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. Howard and Downer no doubt also have their own little irons in the fire for ensuring organised corporate pillage and "spreading of freedom and democracy" on a more microcosmic/regional scale (East Timor, Solomon Islands ect), following in the footsteps of the US a la the Latin Americas.

And of course, let's not forget the valuable "lending" of land to the US military for bases and strategic communications infrastructure (Pine Gap ect).

Basically, we're not so different nowdays from when the country was first founded; a colonial outpost built with the blood and sweat of prison labour. Only the ownership has changed hands - from Britain to the US - and the prison is much more comfortable.

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