
Dagobah Resident
La práctica de la impecabilidad es una tarea que requiere de una buena preparación, sin duda alguna. Estar en todo momento consciente de las acciones que se practican a lo largo del día puede llegar a ser agotador. Y no agota por el hecho de andar por la vida con sumo cuidado de no errar, ya que esa actitud ya de por sí es errónea; recordemos que errar es crecer. Es agotador porque ser consciente de lo que se hace requiere de un conocimiento amplio en el campo de la polaridad. Un ser humano puede vivir en una polaridad u otra sin apenas percatarse. Los juicios de valor o las suposiciones son un claro ejemplo.

En el chamanismo inca, por ejemplo, dos de los preceptos básicos en la forma de vivir del chamán son el no hacer juicios ni suposiciones. El individuo que juzga se juzga a sí mismo, crea una escala de valores que puede diferir de las escalas de otros, y eso puede provocar confrontaciones y malos entendidos. Las suposiciones, por otro lado, hacen divagar a las personas en el mundo de la imaginación, ya que al ver un hecho se imagina porqué es, que motivaciones lo provocan, etc. Y eso nos aleja de la realidad.

He observado que la mayoría de personas que practican estos preceptos trabajan tan sólo la polaridad negativa. Por ejemplo, no juzgar sería no insultar, no decidir qué es bueno y malo, no opinar- aunque algunos quieran creer que opinar no es juzgar-, etc. Y yo me pregunto, ¿acaso no es juzgar el decir que algo es fantástico, bueno y mejor? También entra en una escala de valores el decidir que es bueno y fantástico.

Igual ocurre con las suposiciones; suponer que una comida es muy rica por su olor o su aspecto sigue siendo una suposición, aunque esta sea positiva. No suponer no consiste solo en no mal pensar. ¿ Quién no se ha creado expectativas positivas sobre algo o alguien y después se ha desilusionado? Es una suposición positiva, y también nos puede afectar negativamente.

Resumiendo, las acciones emprendidas tienen su polaridad, y es de suma importancia ser consciente de cuando se cae en una u en otra.

The practice of sinlessness is a task that requires good preparation, no doubt. Being constantly aware of the actions that are performed throughout the day can be exhausting. And not exhausted by the fact go through life with great care not to miss, because that attitude in itself is wrong, remember that to err is growing. It's exhausting because being aware of what is done requires a broad knowledge in the field of polarity. A human being can live in one polarity or another almost without notice. Value judgments or assumptions are a clear example.

In Inca shamanism, for example, two of the basic precepts in the way of life of the shaman are not making judgments or assumptions. The individual judges are judging yourself, create a scale of values that may differ from other scales, and that can lead to confrontations and misunderstandings. The assumptions, on the other hand, makes people wander in the world of the imagination, as a fact to see why it is imagined that motivations provoke it, and so on. And that leads us away from reality.

I noticed that most people who practice these precepts work only negative polarity. For example, no judge would not insult, not to decide what is good and bad, not say-although some want to believe that opinion is not to judge, etc.. And I wonder, does not try to say that something is great, good and better? It also comes on a scale of values to decide who is good and great.

So it is with the assumptions, assume that a meal is very rich because of its smell or appearance is still an assumption, although this is positive. It is not just assume not to think evil. Who has not been created positive expectations about something or someone and then been disappointed? It is a positive assumption, and also can affect us negatively.

In short, actions have their polarity, and is most important to be aware when you fall into one or another.

Eongar said:
The practice of sinlessness is a task that requires good preparation, no doubt. Being constantly aware of the actions that are performed throughout the day can be exhausting. And not exhausted by the fact go through life with great care not to miss, because that attitude in itself is wrong, remember that to err is growing. It's exhausting because being aware of what is done requires a broad knowledge in the field of polarity. A human being can live in one polarity or another almost without notice. Value judgments or assumptions are a clear example. <snip>

In short, actions have their polarity, and is most important to be aware when you fall into one or another.


I'm not sure if you are aware of the logical contradiction between your first paragraph/statement and your last sentence.

Being aware is NOT exhausting when the mind has been expanded. It's like learning to drive a car. In the beginning, handling all the pedals and levers and the wheel and watching the traffic, speed, position, seems an impossible task. But soon, all is mastered and one can drive while talking or eating and drinking, etc. So the issue is expanding the powers of the mind which is the point of learning/knowledge and WHY "Knowledge Protects."

Basically, it appears to me that if there is such a thing as "Inca shamanism" - based on your explication, it's not on the same page with the precepts of this forum.

Hopefully, one of the Spanish translators will render my response into Spanish.
Here is the translation / Aquí esta la traducción:

Laura said:
No estoy segura de que seas consciente de la contradicción lógica entre tu primera declaración/párrafo y tu última frase.

Ser consciente no es agotador cuando la mente se ha expandido. Es como aprender a conducir un coche. Al principio, manejar todos los pedales, palancas y ruedas y observar el tráfico, velocidad y posición parece una tarea imposible. Pero pronto, todo se domina y uno puede conducir al hablar o comer y beber, etc.
Así que, la cuestión es ampliar los poderes de la mente que es el punto de aprendizaje/conocimiento y el PORQUE "El conocimiento protege".

Básicamente, me parece a mi que si hay tal cosa como "el chamanismo inca" - basado en tu explicación, no está en la misma página con los preceptos de este foro.

Thanks for the answer in Spanish. I use a translation tool that appears to be reliable when translated from Spanish into English, which does not occur in reverse. I will go gradually learning English.

For the answer, I admit that I was not aware of the contradiction of my text. I should have reviewed more thoroughly
I have been subjective to talk about what they can wear to be aware. Now I'm learning, and one day already no exhausted and I know I drive the "car" without problem. The perfect example is so simple to understand.
About Inca shamanism, hang a post explaining that question, I'm rethinking a lot about this subject and I'd like to share and view it from different prisms.

Thank you very much Laura.

Gnosete Ipsum
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