Baby delivery. Meeting with a Cass group. Sabotage.


Dagobah Resident
I don't know what's up with my dreams lately in similar direction, I think soon enough I can start writing scripts for movies :)

I hope it's okay to mention names of forum members.


Initially, I was having some sort of personal retreat on the shore of the ocean. No food. No people. However, there were apes that were interfering with a retreat. I found a way to distract them, so they won't interfere. I found out if I take money out of pockets and throw it around, it would keep them busy, since they were playing with it.

After some time, Laura came over and asked if I could help. There was a woman who was about to deliver a baby. I've said I do not possess any skill that I consider can be of assistance. Laura have said, it's okay, we'll figure something out, we just need to get all the help we can get. She brought me to a pier, there were 5 people present total: Laura, Anart, women that was about to deliver a baby, me & another male i do not know.

Laura has asked me and other male if we could help to comfort woman that was about to deliver. Laura task was to handle baby delivery, Anart was supposed to cut umbilical cord. So, eventually baby was successfully delivered. Right after the delivery people has started to show up all around for Cass group meeting. Laura was quite concerned that it's not cool to have such big crowed close to women that just delivered(since she needs rest), and walked everyone out to different building on the pier.

At Cass meeting we all were very happy to see each other, introducing to each other, chatting, hugging, having genuinely a good time. People were of different height and size, some were very tall giants, some were small.

There was a very small human from the group that has been stalking me and behaving like a child with a note of covert aggressiveness, where he would constantly try to violate my personal space by running into me with a head. He never disclosed his name.

Next, I've decided to go to a washroom, while there, group of 4 musicians entered and they were conspiring about having a sabotage at the group meeting, they have an inside agent who is very close to the group. They did not see me at first. Eventually they have discovered me, while concerned, they did not pay much attention to it, since I've made it seem I haven't heard a thing.

As I left the washroom, I got the feeling they were watching me to make sure I do not inform Laura, otherwise they would carry sabotage if they would see me approach. But I had to inform Laura. I did not know what to do. I was thinking about informing someone whom I can trust to ask Laura to meet me outside for a smoke break so I can explain what is going on.

I saw no familiar faces, and time of sabotage was approaching. I saw a blond woman, whom I felt can be trusted, she was entering washroom. I barely caught her attention before she entered washroom for girls. I've apologized for such rude interruption, introduced myself, and she introduced hersel, it was Hildegarda. Thanks God ! I've said. What a good coincidence. So, I've explained situation and she notified Laura.

The conspiring group have started to feel nervous for about being uncovered. The small human that was stalking me in the beginning was one of them. Apparently he sneaked grenade to blow inside group meeting, and since they were about to get uncovered, I saw him tossing grenade outside the premises to get rid of evidence.

Apparently, shortly after it was picked up by one of their associates, who was suppose to carry out backup plan. And he did. In hurry he recorded some statement blaming Cass Group about his death and informed his belonging to some group something to do with word "god", notified authorities, media & blew himself up. No one in Cass group got injured.

Shortly authorities arrived trying to blame Cass Group, but it did not quite fly.

Then I woke up.
Interesting dream, Agni.

A lot going on in there, it looks like. How do you interpret it?
Quite often, I think of what we're trying to do as a group in terms of giving birth. I'll have to think a little more about the other aspects of the dream though.
truth seeker said:
Quite often, I think of what we're trying to do as a group in terms of giving birth. I'll have to think a little more about the other aspects of the dream though.

I don't think it is so much as giving birth to a new thing, but more like lifting the corners of a lead blanket put onto everything down here, where some would shine if they just had enough space to do so.
Hi agni, quite a lot going on in your dream!

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

Here are some questions to ask your-self, they may help. Or not.

When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting (personal retreat, shore of ocean), what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

Who is ‘Laura’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know Laura), what is ‘Laura’ like? What kind of personality? What does ‘Laura’ mean to you? What kind of person might you consider ‘Laura’ to be like?

What is ‘Laura’ like in your dream? What is ‘Laura’ doing in your dream?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘Laura’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like Laura’?

Ask similar questions about ‘apes, baby, Anart, woman who wants to deliver a baby, another male I do not know, crowd, people of different height, small human being, child, four musicians, inside agent, Cass group, blond woman, Hildegerda, one of their associates, and authorities.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.
Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

Turning now to things (§§§): no food, money, pocket, grenade, evidence.

What does the ‘§§§’ mean to you? How does it ‘work’? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

What is the ‘§§§’ like in your dream? How do you feel about it?

Does ‘§§§’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

The action, the major events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

I’ll leave you to decide which are the major events, the major action happening, in the dream.

Death usually implies part of self is losing influence in life/died, unconscious within.

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life. (Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)

This may help, or not.
truth seeker said:
Quite often, I think of what we're trying to do as a group in terms of giving birth. I'll have to think a little more about the other aspects of the dream though.

Hi Truth Seeker,
That is exactly my initial interpretation & association, as far as what we try to do as a group :)

By the way,
I've seen you in a dream too (while being acquainted to others), did not have a chance to talk to you there, as you were talking with other moderators of the forum, and stepped out to get some water to drink. I did not want to interrupt/hold you away from conversation, since it seemed important and it would be rude from my side. You've manifested in my dream as a tall, dark haired, serious looking, friendly, clear eyed, however male :) I've thought to myself, wow, there is a clear expression the person is a moderator.

Azur said:
truth seeker said:
Quite often, I think of what we're trying to do as a group in terms of giving birth. I'll have to think a little more about the other aspects of the dream though.

I don't think it is so much as giving birth to a new thing, but more like lifting the corners of a lead blanket put onto everything down here, where some would shine if they just had enough space to do so.

Or help creation to come out to light, be born & to grow :)

Thank You very much for giving excellent pointers.
It helps to put dream in more clear perspective and it's more then helpful

Thank You all for input. Allow me to reflect on it, I will shed some light on my situation and will provide with own interpretation.
I actually find the dream quite simple now, you guys gave me plenty good pointers to interprete it.

Pretty soon I have a choice to approach crossroad, that could potentially impact life in significant way. I want to weight all pros & cons of the choice, thus possibly it manifested as me reflecting on the shore of the ocean. From what I know, water might indicate consciousness in dreams. Apes, most likely is interference of animal like thoughts, or predator that tries to skew the reflection process. And being able to reflect in clear way, I have to pay out of my pocket so to speak, with something I have, to keep these beasts away at bay.

Work, and eventually ability to DO & to BE is everything to me. Since I consider being a part of the group as of an importance and since it's quite dear to me and means world, I am thinking along the lines that perhaps seeing a group in the dream is a manifistation of my own consciousness as a whole, along with people there that represent parts of my consciousness.

Baby in the dream I see as a potential outcome of "labor" associated with a situation I am faced with or with outcome of Work itself. Sabotage however, probably a warning about potential of self undermining, that if I am not careful enough, certain aspects of inner self or little i's has an ability to explode(sabotage) and deliver damage. Musicians in the dream serve more of an entertainers, rather than artists. Thus, I think it's a warning about little i's associated with own entertainment or ability to mask themselves as part of the group(a la part of own consciousness) might pose danger. Their unsuccess to carry mission to full extent, hopefully tells me, no matter of outcome it's still be dealable with, though with inconveniences along the way. But on my part, it won't hurt to be careful.

Surely certain members have degree of association in my mind. It comes at no surprise, that Anart for an example was the one to cut the umbilical cord, because that's what she does best so to speak and that's how I partially see her if I would speak in language of associations :) Similar way with Laura, Hildegerda, Truth Seeker, they all had their task. Personal associative qualities of these people can be seen as my own, though I am not quite conscious about that, seems my subconsciousness chose to highlight these qualities or brought it to surface, probably as a way of showing opportunities as to what qualities should(?) be considered to approach the situation I am faced with.

Jung'ish enough, eh ? :)

Anyhow, I hope it makes sense, it's not an easy task to explain associations without going in great lengths of detail. Hate to be rude, but I'll stop here, for the sake of your time, since there are more useful things to read on the forum ;D

Thank you all again !
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