Bad Moon rising: Americans bracing for September shocker


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I would like to add a quote from this article, the article has some interesting points to my opinion, but nothing new that Sott or here on the forum wasn't mentioned about the future economic collapse, though the author of the article mentions the October month as a critical month that something will happen, interestingly that the C's have mentioned also the October month that some kind of event will occur. Anyway here is the quote and the link will be added at the end of the quote:

Across the vast expanse of the internet, everyone from professional economists to armchair theorists are sounding the alarm that next month may hold some ugly surprises for the global economy.
Despite exorbitant executive salaries, record earnings on Wall Street and a surging dollar, an increasing number of forecasters are warning the feel-good data is severely skewered - a bit like a new coat of paint that used-car dealerships use to conceal the fact that a car's engine is shot. Indeed, many experts are giving the rickety US-made jalopy just months before the big collapse begins.

Gerald Celente, the founder of Trends Research, who predicted the “panic of 2008,” says the economic earthquake will send reverberations around the world.

“You’re going to see a global stock market crash,” Celente told King World News. “There’s going to be panic on the streets from Wall Street to Shanghai, to the UK down to Brazil.”

“You’re going to see one market after another begin to collapse.”

Doug Casey, a successful investor and the head of Casey Research, saw little to be upbeat about in the current economic climate.

"With these stupid governments printing trillions and trillions of new currency units," Casey, describing the US Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program, told Reason magazine in a recent interview, “it's building up to a catastrophe of historic proportions."
And he certainly does not advise keeping much money in any financial institution.

"Most of the banks in the world are bankrupt," he said.

In a recent conversation between senior analyst Larry Edelson and Mike Burnick, the Research Director for Weiss Research, Edelson made a stunning prediction, even providing an exact date for what he predicts will be a “rollercoaster ride through hell.”

“On October 7, 2015, the first economic super cycle since 1929 will trigger a global financial crisis of epic proportions. It will bring Europe, Japan and the United States to their knees, sending nearly one billion human beings on a roller-coaster ride through hell for the next five years. A ride like no generation has ever seen. I am 100 percent confident it will hit within the next few months.”

And there are dozens of other such apocalyptic predictions on the health of the global economy that it leaves one feeling dizzy and desperate - something like watching an approaching tidal wave in the full knowledge there is no hope of outrunning it.

Bad Moon Rising: Americans bracing for September SHOCKER
Yeah Im reading and hearing that too but who knows? All we can do is prepare and be ready as best we can IF and when it happens. Im taking note of what the C's said about October but that could mean an October and not this one!

Here's how my husband and I are preparing for any event:

3 months worth of food supplies
Water supplies and water purifying tablets
Keeping cash in the house
Bug out bag and supplies
Gas heater/cooker and plenty of gas cylinders in case power gets cut
Lots of warm clothing
First aid and medical supplies/vitamins etc (stocking up on regularly used medication)
Keeping ourselves as healthy as possible on all levels.

Others might want to add to this.
3 months worth of food supplies

If at all possible, I would try to stock up, can and dry Everything possible to reserve for 6 months to a year. Even things we don't normally eat would be good to barter.
Read this today as well. Seems like a lot of individuals who write about finance, economics, and precious metals in the alternative community (in addition to those mentioned in the article to name a few such as Michael Synder with his red alert, Bill Holter who writes on Jim Sinclair's website, Dave Kranzler from Investment Reseach Dynamics and Ron Kirby and John Embry who are both respected in the PM community) are lining up to say this fall is when it all goes down for the US economy. I've been reading most of this crowd or other individuals like them for a long time and there is a similar feeling to what happened and what was written leading up to 2008. Yet all of the above say when things crash again it will dwarf 2008 due to a number of reasons. Lots of smart people are giving warning.
Read this too yesterday, and had similar thoughts about the October 7th prediction in the article. I think the economic situation now is getting so blatantly obvious, that most MSM analysts can see that it is clearly not right, and a "correction" is real close...definitely best to be prepared as best as we can now...
Mr.Cyan said:
Read this too yesterday, and had similar thoughts about the October 7th prediction in the article. I think the economic situation now is getting so blatantly obvious, that most MSM analysts can see that it is clearly not right, and a "correction" is real close...definitely best to be prepared as best as we can now...

Saw the article as well. There have been so many warnings of coming economic collapse in the alternative media, and now some hints in the MSM as well. Still, a lot of the MSM is saying things like - yeah, the doomsayers have been forecasting a collapse for years, but the DOW is at an all time high, the economy is practically recovered, and the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since 2008, so keep investing in those stocks... blah, blah, blah.

Yet there seems to be so many signs, portents, warnings - whatever you want to call them, and along with the C's recent reference to October as a time to be watchful and alert... something is coming it seems, I can almost feel it on a gut level.
It's actually not just the 'alternative' sites, but the mainstream leaders in the system, from Jamie Dimon at GS to former Fed head Greenspan and others, who have said much the same in their own way, to some extent, though they aren't trying to spook the markets, but, as they usually do, send the message of a change of direction, and anyone that hasn't heard or read these 'memos' aren't paying attention in the least, but then that is always the case with the general public, who will get sheared and sacrificed as is the norm. As Laura mentioned in an article/book using that story of the turtle hatchings up on the beach being eaten up by the birds et al... same with the seedlings from most trees.... ever only a very small percentage are expected to survive and 'move on' within any given cycle.
Nancy2feathers said:
3 months worth of food supplies

If at all possible, I would try to stock up, can and dry Everything possible to reserve for 6 months to a year. Even things we don't normally eat would be good to barter.

Have been thinking of 6 - 12 months recently too N2F. I just dont have space in our flat!

Common salt and even the evil sugar would be good for trading. I also forgot to mention to stock up on tobacco for those who smoke it, would be excellent for trading too.
Mark said:
Mr.Cyan said:
Read this too yesterday, and had similar thoughts about the October 7th prediction in the article. I think the economic situation now is getting so blatantly obvious, that most MSM analysts can see that it is clearly not right, and a "correction" is real close...definitely best to be prepared as best as we can now...

Saw the article as well. There have been so many warnings of coming economic collapse in the alternative media, and now some hints in the MSM as well. Still, a lot of the MSM is saying things like - yeah, the doomsayers have been forecasting a collapse for years, but the DOW is at an all time high, the economy is practically recovered, and the unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since 2008, so keep investing in those stocks... blah, blah, blah.

Yet there seems to be so many signs, portents, warnings - whatever you want to call them, and along with the C's recent reference to October as a time to be watchful and alert... something is coming it seems, I can almost feel it on a gut level.

I keep wondering if the anticipation of so many keeps cancelling, or proonging the inevitable. Or pehaps it is only a reality for those not anticipating it?
davey72 said:
I keep wondering if the anticipation of so many keeps cancelling, or proonging the inevitable. Or pehaps it is only a reality for those not anticipating it?

Many say that a collapse of the economy, AKA "ponzi scheme" is a mathematical certainty, not if, but when. Perhaps the timetable of the collapse is partially scripted on some level. The psychopathic powers that be script reality, they have no interest in objectivity. Things would probably have gone south before now... but maybe they want to use the stored up negative energy of prolonging the inevitable.

Or maybe it's just normalcy bias and our hard-wired assumptions that are prolonging things. Those are the things that will create the most suffering in the face of change. The wave is here, no sense in anticipating it, best to light those candles and man the lighthouse.
Mark said:
davey72 said:
I keep wondering if the anticipation of so many keeps cancelling, or proonging the inevitable. Or pehaps it is only a reality for those not anticipating it?
Or maybe it's just normalcy bias and our hard-wired assumptions that are prolonging things. Those are the things that will create the most suffering in the face of change. The wave is here, no sense in anticipating it, best to light those candles and man the lighthouse.

I hate to say it but I've had for a long time a feeling of, "I'm not ready for this!", or "Oh please give me more time!". Normalcy bias has been very strong in me, but I'm starting to feel it viscerally. At work sometimes I feel the need to cry, wondering why am I even coming here? All I do here at this job will soon be meaningless. And so that unexpressed emotion builds up as I can maybe only release a few tears in the bathroom or stairway. But I had am emotional release before bed last night that was quite relieving.

And so I wonder too if my anticipation is holding off the collapse. And I think about splitting realities, timelines, and "Act as if the Universe depends on your choice." And sometimes I feel that, "What if I really am creating this reality?" That to an extent, my choices are affecting in some way these things. And I know you don't control reality from below, that it filters down. But I see in my life a kind of mirror of the things out there in the larger reality.

Lots of intense ups and downs for me. Must keep on shining the light. I know you guys will be out there too, that we are not really separated, no matter what comes in the future.
3D Student said:
I hate to say it but I've had for a long time a feeling of, "I'm not ready for this!", or "Oh please give me more time!". Normalcy bias has been very strong in me, but I'm starting to feel it viscerally. At work sometimes I feel the need to cry, wondering why am I even coming here? All I do here at this job will soon be meaningless. And so that unexpressed emotion builds up as I can maybe only release a few tears in the bathroom or stairway. But I had am emotional release before bed last night that was quite relieving.

You don't KNOW the outcome or what will or will not be "meaningless". None of us really does. That is why we try to keep all options open. We create a structure that can serve whichever way the wind blows, cookie crumbles, or mop flops. Living in two worlds is an art and it can be very exciting.
To me, this thread is an analogy of the way the PTB uses psychological manipulation to control the masses - from taking a person thru a matter-of-fact reporting of something down to feelings of helplessness and/or worthlessness. I'm not sure what angers me the most: that some major crash is coming or what I see as psychological manipulation and experimentation originating in the media and performed on normal people en masse. Thank you social media.

I would propose that a very important idea is to know people - lots of people - especially in our immediate environments. I and many others have reason to believe that if things get really bad, there will be people looking out for each other in ways you may have never seen before. There will be people making rounds, talking to those they know. You can find out what's going on, who needs what. You'll be asked if you want to help or if you'd like to accompany them on a trip two states over where something-or-other is being organized. They'll be folks who know where all the dumpsters are that have the best and freshest food thrown into them. There will be people bringing all kinds of found goodies back to folks in their neighborhood.

Depending on where you live, there will be other efforts and activities going on. Sometimes when constraints come off and people don't feel as bound by social conformity, their individuality comes out along with all the other qualities that make us go: "YEAH, People Power!" And yes, of course, there will also be crime.

The above is not just an expression of faith in humanity. It comes directly from the self-reported experiences of many who, at least temporarily during the height of the "occupy this and that" movement, lived life as a self-described anarchist. There's a lot more to this, good and bad, but I hope I've painted a picture that's more hopeful, realistic and based on actual previous experience of people in a no-economy situation.

Anyway, be that as it may, the main idea here is simply to avoid being a stranger to people - especially the ones around you. Be a part of a local network of people you think about and care about and that feel similarly about you. The feeling of 'family' can exist within any group of people and creative, helpful solutions to problems are often spontaneous.
Exactly, Buddy, thank you! External consideration and building a network and strategic enclosure is VERY important!!!
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