Balance problems?


Dagobah Resident
Trying to dream lately. Didn't dream for a long time.
Having turmoil for an hour or two, then wake up shaken, sweaty, smoke, read some, try to get some rest.
In one dream i maybe pushed the ground too hard and got propelled 25 meters up, got scared, fell down hard sideways, tried unsuccessfully to hold onto the top of a circus tent that passed me.
Last night i was running home with some friends and my foot hurts, so i pushed off to float instead. i tried to balance horizontally and step to keep my speed up. My friend said "look he is airsurfing".
Both dreams are about imbalance or balancing. But there are two different treads. Maybe in one life i died falling off something very high, did that a lot in dreams. Maybe i was a cat that misjudged. And often i dreamed i went very fast when galloping, the last dream being a evolved way of that.
cope said:
Having turmoil for an hour or two, then wake up shaken, sweaty, smoke, read some, try to get some rest. In one dream i maybe pushed the ground too hard and got propelled 25 meters up, got scared, fell down hard sideways, tried unsuccessfully to hold onto the top of a circus tent that passed me.

Maybe the dream relates to balancing your biochemistry or blood sugar levels? If it dips below a certain level, you can get the shakes which causes your cortisol to spike, waking you up in the middle of the night, fwiw. Or it could also be reminiscent of some ups and downs going on in your life right now.
Thanks Turgon, i had not thought of that. I do take a big tea with sugar before sleeping, to fill up and avoid snacking.
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