Since this year I have the feeling that something accelerates. More and more people are aware and angry about Bush and his cronies. More people than ever, but there is no change (yet).
There were discussions about the possibility of new terror attack that could be made up to lock-down America into a police state. Now I read many articles about the prevailing banking crisis. And there also are many that are flabbergasted what the FED under Bush is doing.
So today I read something that sounded almost like SOTT was saying it:
What if it is the destruction of the banking and finance of the world?
The next step will be probably to find a scapegoat and start a new war. But didn't China threaten Bush to dump all dollars they have in their caves, in case that the US will devaluate it to much? So if the dollar really starts falling, accuse the Chinese, even if it's not their fault. Wouldn't this be enough reason to attack them? You know like 'If we the US go down, we'll make sure, that there will be nobody around who can takeover our place?
Sounds crazy enough?
There were discussions about the possibility of new terror attack that could be made up to lock-down America into a police state. Now I read many articles about the prevailing banking crisis. And there also are many that are flabbergasted what the FED under Bush is doing.
So today I read something that sounded almost like SOTT was saying it:
What if the next attack on America (and the world) is already here?Elaine Meinel Supkis said:And there it is: over a century of litigation that always did the same thing: reduced public powers over the Federal Reserve and increasing private controls over the Federal Reserve. This insidious process is part of the whole Trojan Horse system. All they needed was to get this thing started and bit by bit, they took over the system and then isolated it from all government controls. The final steps are now in motion. Americans, frightened by the effects of the banking mess CREATED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE ITSELF are now going to be herded into supporting a TOTAL COUP by the same criminals who are doing this to us. The ancient story that is over 2,500 years old about the fox telling the birds to move into his cave so they can be safe, is exactly how things are today.
We are being told, if we move into the Cave of Death, the pirates, bankers, rich people who live in this cave on their beds of gold, will protect us, not eat us. Anyone who imagines they won't utterly enslave and cannibalize us is innocently walking into a trap. When the Trojan Horse was hauled into Troy, Cassandra tried to burn it down. She was stopped. The warriors inside emerged while everyone was asleep and slaughtered, raped and enslaved all the people. Sparing none.
What if it is the destruction of the banking and finance of the world?
The next step will be probably to find a scapegoat and start a new war. But didn't China threaten Bush to dump all dollars they have in their caves, in case that the US will devaluate it to much? So if the dollar really starts falling, accuse the Chinese, even if it's not their fault. Wouldn't this be enough reason to attack them? You know like 'If we the US go down, we'll make sure, that there will be nobody around who can takeover our place?
Sounds crazy enough?